Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 265

"Uncle, look--"


The legendary look of unangered self-prestige appeared!

Qianyi's smile was full of sweat, and it was a bit funny...?

Although he doesn't know why, he seems to be very hostile to him. Seeing Shiba and Aunt Natsaki's somewhat dumbfounded reaction, it seems that the atmosphere is not so stiff when they eat together. It must be because of his arrival. Incentives.

Dinner time really made Qian feel like every second is like a year. After finally finishing the dinner, I wanted to take the opportunity to help Aunt Natsaki tidy up the table. Although Shiyu's family is rich, they are not used to hiring a long-term servant at home. Because it’s very rare for a family to be neat and tidy, so occasionally eating together like now, cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks is done by yourself.

It’s just that the overly enthusiastic Qianichi was pushed away by the smiling Aunt Natsusaki, and Shiba took his hand and walked to the study room on the second floor. As for her father, he had already stepped up and glanced at the poem before he left. Yu and Qianichi then turned their heads angrily and went upstairs.

Yes, angrily, his eyes are obviously the kind that I often see in Yinglili, and Yinglili often means at this time-"If you know, come up quickly, if you don't come up, I will ignore you again. Humph!'.

Qianichi admired his brain-replenishing ability like never before. The most frightening thing is that the young girl's tone of voice is not strong against the middle-aged uncle...

Shaking his head, quickly put away this terrible thought.

There is a tea table in the study room with a set of tea utensils on it. Shi Yu was awkwardly playing with her unsightly tea ceremony level. She was a little nervous when she saw her appearance, her face changed because she kept smiling. Some rigid muscles all eased, and she couldn't help showing a smile from the heart. No matter how bad she is, she still looks like this in front of her relatives.

"Qianyi, if you say you are nervous, I can understand, but if you continue to keep the smirk from the beginning of the meal to the present for a full hour, I think not only my dad, but even I will think you have a problem. "


Sitting on the opposite side of the face, Xianyi leaned against the sofa with his hands casually placed on the armrests. His unsmiling facial features exuded the majesty of a superior, but his act of agreeing with his daughter seemed too casual.

"Obviously you taught me to smile when you don't know what to say! Wait, does Mr. Xian Il think I have a problem?!"

"It's so pitiful," Shiyu glanced sympathetically at Qianyi with wide-eyed eyes, then turned her head and sighed at her father, "Dad, look, he actually believed what I said, I told you before. Is it right that he has a problem in his head."


What else can you do besides nodding!

Qian Yiqiang resisted the desire to spit out, what about his majestic opinion?!

"Mr. Kenichi, I believe there is some misunderstanding between us," I must be patient here, "Shiyu, you hurry up and go downstairs to help Aunt Xia Saki tidy up."



"Because I will break the bowl so I won't go."

"Then you are so complacent!?"

"Dad told me not to go~"


"The father is majestic!"

Qianichi couldn't help it anymore, especially for such a nonsense reason, how could he be so lazy.


Like a sleeping lion waking up, Xian Yi, who was sitting opposite to him casually, sat upright, raised his thick eyebrows, his eyes half-squinted, and Qian Yi's eyes were full of aggression.

This is the representative who put him in the same position... This kid is the one who snatched his daughter!

Shi Yu, who was sitting on her knees and washing the tea set, panicked because of this appearance, really!This fool--


Originally not good at it, Shi Yu, who was distracted, accidentally scalded her finger with hot water, and subconsciously shouted.


Xianyi is full of strength, and subconsciously wants to pounce in front of her daughter to check the situation, but one person moves faster than him. Qianichi is already holding Shiyu's red and swollen fingers and blowing air. She was sitting close to Qianyi. The torso leaned directly on his shoulder, as if leaning intimately in her arms, her eyes became moist--

'My husband will definitely be better than you, father!'

'Ha, ha ha, dad doesn’t want your husband to be better than dad, dad only needs your husband to hurt you better than dad.'

I don't know why, Xianyi suddenly remembered the dialogue between Shi Yu and herself when a little girl of the same age would say,'I will marry my father when I grow up.

"Why are you so stupid, you can't make tea but you have to come."

"If it's not for someone who is nervous like a schoolboy, do I need to do this to please my dad?"

"Okay, okay, blame me, do you still hurt?"


"Then I come, I come, you go sit, go and go."

"A bag of potato chips."

"Half a bag!"

"Most of it!"

"Good, good."

It was as if the two people were suddenly broken by this sudden accident and their tension suddenly became only her in his eyes. Under such circumstances, he would only pay attention to her alone, so naturally he would not be nervous, without any pretentiousness. Mark of.

Hyun-il saw that his daughter secretly winked at herself, this girl must have been deliberate...


I didn't want to stay in the female college, originally I wanted to help check it, but after I got here, I didn't have to worry about anything.

"You two, get engaged this month."

"Huh?! It hurts! So hot, so hot!"

To Qianyi was scalded by water.


Chapter 34 Opportunity

As if hearing incredible words like this book would choose to open the harem without brains, Qian Yi's whole body was petrified.

"En? What's the matter? Do you have an opinion?"

He has no anger and prestige, and a middle-aged man with a career like Xian Yi generally doesn’t pay much attention to exercise and maintaining his figure. Frequent socializing and handling work have already made him feel good, and his leadership momentum has been added. One pick, his tone no longer concealed his dissatisfaction.