Small farmers dominate the deserted island

Chapter 4724 Marketing and Promotion

Their two people have already propagated, and they suddenly appear at this time.

In this way, there is an effect of having a proceeding before and after, allowing this matter more attention, and further red fire.

A thorough detonation network for a time, there are more people noticed Chen Xiaoyu at this time, and there is a special chip in his hand.

These marketing planning has just touched the hearts of your youth, and I really found that these things are very different.

This status is really so much, it is definitely not the same.

Every time, Chen Xiaoyu basically can be sought after. At present, this season's new film is just a sought after a period of time, so that more people pay attention to this.

Many people have supported this time, and they really find that the situation is very different. These are really too much to feel like, and even a little love.

This phone quickly started to sell, Chen Xiaoyu droves all mobile phones from the water army.

It is really getting more and more popular, and people supported at this time are quite a lot. Everything is in a better direction, which has never been imagined before.

Salescent line up this data makes them very unexpected. I didn't think of it all before, there will be such a big sales.

"Sales can be so big, I really didn't expect this! I really made me too unexpectedly, I can have such a big sales, I have never encountered it!"

Water Army is not tired because of this matter, they are dealing with all kinds of things almost every day, and the current order is really too high.

"I didn't expect that there is such a high order quantity, Chen Xiaoyu is really too powerful, I have never thought of it!"

Chen Xiaoyu is really surprised by them. If anyone thinks there is this state, all this is more powerful than everyone's imagination.

Shuijun is not very happy because this thing is happy. If the company doesn't know how much money will earn.

This year, the company's achievements will be better, and they have never thought of such good results.

"I didn't think of this state at all, I really don't know what. So much money is a bit too suitable, really feel very different!"

Chen Xiaoyu directly dropped into a group of old customers through such methods. Those old customers like it at this time, really discovering that these things are different.

Everything is in a better direction, I believe that there will be so many headaches in it. In the later, all this will definitely have a better answer.

At the beginning, they rushed to buy, that time did not think of this chip is so bad.

However, they found that these things were different. When they really got their hands, I learned how powerful this chip.

In the past, they can know that this is really a very good phone, there is almost no such a good phone.

Chen Xiaoyu is still so pursuit. If this is really a walk, then it will never recommend it to everyone, it must be good, so it will recommend it to everyone.

In this way, you can let you know, how powerful this thing is absolutely not disappointing.

"You will definitely let you see how this thing is, this must not be a bad state. It is definitely getting better and better, everything will be so difficult! Let you know that I will give you Affirmation is not bad! "

Chen Xiaoyu is attracting a lot of people in the network. Everyone feels different at this time, I really discovered that these things are particularly different.

Those who personally get a mobile phone really feel different, I feel very powerful in an instant.

So they became a tap water online, and they have started Amway mobile phones. They are really experienced this phone is good.

"I really feel that this phone is good, I have never encountered such a smooth mobile phone! I don't need to let me worry about the problem, almost one can run very well!"

This feeling is really somewhat, and the mood is not happy at this time.

With more Amway, there will be more people like more and more like this time, and more people can attract more people to buy this phone.

However, one of them is particularly sad, that is, relatively high prices, this is no way to avoid.

After all, it is in the early days. If it is relatively expensive, it is more expensive. After all, the cost of research and development, and even the terrible level, eventually there will be such a grade.

Chen Xiaoyu understood this matter very well in front of the media. The purpose is to let everyone collect a conscience. If it is not because this thing is high, it will not charge so much money.

Such character is really very reclusive. At present, it can only be more and better, this state has never been thought before.

Chen Xiaoyu really watched more and more mobile phones sold, this is never thought of.

It seems that he still has a lot of selling capacity. If it is another person, it is estimated that it will not be the extent.

Those fans can also play a good effect at this time, everything is definitely worse, I believe these things will definitely get better and better.

Chen Xiaoyu will let everyone see their gender, how is it? Let you know these things in this way.

"This state is actually quite good. I didn't think of this state before. This time I was really surprised. I believe that the results will never be so bad, in my propaganda, these things must have Better play! "

More Amway makes this thing is getting higher and higher. The current achievement of the current achievements, and even have become an existence like myth.

Chen Xiaoyu is estimated to spend more money in the future, so that everyone can experience more suitable, and you can get certain business returns from it.

Netizens are really happy after receiving such a good mobile phone. I really like this mobile phone. I have never encountered such a good phone.

When playing the game, there is a lot of happily than before, and it can have a better gaming experience.