Sorry, I’ve Been Invincible for a Billion Years
Chapter 155 Earth Indigenous Unqualion
Yang Yu is shocked, standing in the same place, Mu Shen for a long time, reacted, and quickly embarrassed, bending his waist, you:
"The old man, the sun, Yang Wei, met the predecessors, thank you for the rescue."
The rest of the few people are busy, thank you.
They are six people, although they are distinguished, or they are the descendants of a star, or they are from the star family, but in the face of this powerful peers, or the heart is full of money, willing to take the body, not the late ceremony, The other party also saved their life.
What is the star?
The owner who took a cultivation of the planet, the whole planet said that he said, you can imagine the identity of six people, in this whole fairyier thirty-two stars, why noble.
But even if it is like this.
They still saw such young people in the first time, almost almost the age of almost, seemed to be smaller than them, but they have climbed the fairy road, they are them, they are unimaginable, how is the other party? of.
This is throughout the fairyland.
Million people.
It seems that this older person, simply flexible, that is, there will be a chance to become a starry arrogant from the seven gods.
Chu Lingzhen is light, just nodded slightly.
Six people face, not for a glimpse, all reveal a doubt. Just Yang Hao has already said his own identity, but the opponent's face has no change, which has made them more unexpected.
Wang Xue face has changed, and he also embedded before, bending his wife.
"The old man, Tian Fengxing, the woman, Wang Xue, thank you for saving. I don't know why the seniors are, I have been with us, I came to this dragon beast forest."
Wang Xue is in this helper.
One of the oldest people, the human life, talking, it has completed, thank you for the rescue of Chu Lingqi, and he does not leave traces, listening to Chubo's identity.
Can keep this demeanor.
Such young, the realm of this starry sky is reached - the realm of the world - human space.
It is necessary to be extraordinary.
However, when Chu Lingxiao told someone, when he was only a finish, a few faces were obvious, Yang Wei, Wang Xue also politely nodded, and the rest of the three women were just warm and worship. God, gradually become a bit cold.
For those who come from the Star Main family, their identity is really low.
In the big fairy field.
Of course, there is a scatter to reach the human immortality, which can only stop life, very few people can continue to come back, and they will be up with them compared to them.
Follow it.
Such a young scatter.
I have already asked the people in the world, it is too thin, and even the people who have helped the Star owner have to pay attention to.
The whole fairy is too big.
Once only the Galaxy is like a dragonfly, drinking the desert.
Since the seventh ancient immortality, I came here, attracting many foreign truffs to report, and set a lot of cultivation of civilization, one of two thousand years ago, one of them is more holy, and the purple gas spreads the whole fairy. Domain, becoming the hegemony of the Xianchao, the Milky Way.
But the ghost knows, the seven major protect the ancient fairy did not come.
It is really in the inheritance of the ancient immortality, and it is really not good to be taken by one or two travels. The in front of it should have been inherited an ancient immortal, otherwise such a young scatter, there is no difference, how can it be so fast?
If you can recruit a family, you can't taste it.
Yang Wei does not move, slightly bent over, lonely is a courtesy:
"Seniors, this planet is Tiangusi, if you don't give up, it is better to stay in our family a few days, but let me repay the predecessor's life-saving."
Chu Lingqi did not open.
Just nodded.
Yang Wei and others, helping the Linyi in the coma, walking towards the dragon beast forest.
I don't know if it is unintentional.
Still deliberate
After knowing that Chu Lingxia is just a scatter, the Lin Jia Miss Lin Yizi, with the rest of the two girls, all the way to talk, it seems to be deliberately in front of Chu Ling, showing off himself star The main descendant identity.
Wang Xue, Yang Wei, two in the road, but see Chu Lingqi does not talk, you will not say anything more.
However, in the hearts of the two, or think.
"Satismark, or less, let alone this young taper, it seems still not to understand the star family, what is it."
They can also understand.
The big fairy is ancient, the ancient belongs, got a countertop family, countless, that is not countless, dreaming, but nowhere to find.
For 8,000 years, only more than ten thousand people have been selected, which is relatively poor in the number of thousands of people in Tianyou Star.
Always go to the field.
In order to highlight the world, the fairy sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred. Wan Decoction, otherwise it will be in the truth.
But it is really visible to the hierarchical level of this star family, almost no.
See Chu Lingqi has never spoken.
"Do you know that Tian Longxing's Lin is? That is my family."
That Miss Lin Yin Zi, the look is like a princess, when talking, the tone is full of pride, seeing to Chu Lingqi, suddenly asking:
"Seniors, we still don't know where you are from."
Everyone couldn't help but
I remembered this.
They still don't know which planet from the Milky Way.
He was heard in Chu Ling, a faint back to two words - Earth, a few people suddenly, and the face was instantly pulled.
The two names called Xiaof, Xia Tu, suddenly flashed a touch of disdain.
Jerey purple.
Just still standing around Chu Ling, but he heard the two words of the earth, his face was aveted, and it was directly to open the distance. It seems that Chu Lingyi is not equipped with her.
Yang Wei, Wang Xue, just laughed.
Didn't say anything.
But in the smile, it took a shares to a lot of meaning, and there was a little more than a slight high.
There is a lot of ignore.
The tone is also no previous respect, directly with you.
An indigenous scales will live!
Where is he come from!
It seems that the previous judgment is full, the other party is a starry sky worthy of them to recruit, it is just a few years of unknown to cultivate, and reaches the indigenous of the people!
No wonder.
Such indifference.
It seems that the first time came to the depths of the stars, but also thought that the fairy is nothing to look at it.
Monk from the earth.
Repairing the people, I am afraid there is a thousand years old!
Can you have anything you can't help?
"One such old guy is already qualified, and I stayed at the main family of I."
Yang Wei did not shake his head in his dark.
"It is really much what you think, how can you touch a star empty arrogance in the dragon beast forest?"