Souen no historia
Episode 7 Growing Sausage
A few months after True Snow was summoned to [Orb], they were called Eijie, and now they were stepping into [Zouan Continent] at the behest of the summoned [Kingdom of Lastia].
And when I found out who was leading the demon clan, finally found its root castle, and arrived at a place called [Magic Cave (Maso Kutsu)] in order not to crush it, a stunning sight was spreading in front of the true snows.
It is the end of the demons lurking there. It was scattered in large quantities. True snow, Seira, and Japanese-style Dou were suddenly ready to be attacked, but they were stunned by too much.
The three of us went further while considering what had happened. There were no shards of life there, just death spreading. There were also bodies that looked like they had been bitten by something or burned in black.
True snow has also experienced killing demons in the past few months. I'm not used to it, but I've been patient and strong enough to live and return to the original world.
However, this situation is unexpected enough to inadvertently cover your mouth with your hands. Then the sound of something being destroyed comes from behind.
When there was someone, the three moved forward with a slow pace while strengthening their vigilance. And as they went out to the open place, they were all watching.
I understood the appearance of the Demon leader here from the information. So one of them turned out to be the leader. The problem is....
The leader was strangled and hanging like an orange smoke. Your hands and feet are tied to the same smoke and you can't move. The expression is distorted in despair. And the man who would be manipulating the smoke looked up at the leader standing still.
According to the information, the strength of the leader was comparable to that of the hero. That's why they decided to train well, improve teamwork, and fight together.
But now the leader is the red-haired man in front of him. I can only see the back, but I understand that the presence of a full-body black man is about to kill me now.
At that moment, a white smoke appeared from the red-haired person's hand, converging directly above the leader. And when the smoke spread as if to open my mouth, I wrapped it up to eat the leader. Though painful screams echo from the smoke, the voice gradually decreases and stops. The true snows could only stare at the sight.
After a while, the smoke spreads. The leader disappeared like a magic trick. I don't know what it is, but the only thing I felt in common with the three of us was that the leader was dead. Don't be shy.
Then the red-haired person tries to pay his shoulders with pride.
"Ah, my clothes are dirty. I'll get scolded again by the lady."
The voice of a boy who is a little low but still young. But it was true that true snow heard the voice and felt like an electric shock ran in the sky.
(... shh)
Red hair slowly turns around and wonders if you noticed our presence. When True Snow had forgotten the blink of an eye to see his face,
Suddenly Misanga, who was holding her right arm, cut and fell to the ground. "Eh?" she reflexively turned down and went to Missanga. Seyla also saw her redhead for a moment, but when she heard the sound of true snow, she turned her eyes only towards the true snow and cut her gaze from her redhead.
"Hmm? Oops, you can't do this. Please forget about me."
When the redhead murmured so much, he jumped out of there and left the hole in the ceiling. It was a tremendous leap.
"Ah, wait!
True snow screams aggressively, but it is already too late. His presence had already disappeared. True snow quickly picks up Misanga and hurries back the way it came.
"Ah, Mayuki!
"Hey, Amagawa-san!
Saira and Wado shouted, but kept running ignoring the true snow. You can go out and gaze around, but you can't find what you're looking for.
"... shh... shh..."
The eyes of true snow begin to moisturize. Hold Misanga's right hand tightly and shake his body little by little. My friends came after me from behind.
Well, what's wrong, Mayuki-san!
"Yes, what the hell is going on?
The last question from Japanese-style Dou was the same as the previous person, but it must be about the sight of this demonic extermination scene.
True snow did not answer the two questions, but stared at the sky. With distant eyes looking for someone far beyond the sky...
Twelve years have passed since I first used magic. Saudi Alkasa was also seventeen years old, and when taken together from her previous life, she was thirty-one years old. It is already an essay.
There have been many changes in the past twelve years. Firstly, when Saudi was eight years old, Justin, the father of Yoyo Yatsuji and Crowtail, whom Saudi served, went to his mother's homeland, [Hinokuni], alone.
And when he was little, as Jojo said, the house became Jojo's, and she reigned. It is the main birth of just nine years old.
Justin taught everything so that Yoyo could take his place by then, and Yoyo also desperately absorbed and grew up brilliantly. Regardless of appearance, the contents were equipped with vessels of such an unbelievable age of nine. Knowledge, experience, speech and standing behavior were all very different from children's.
And Saudi himself was officially appointed Deacon of Yoyo, and the Deacon, Balmunk, beat up Deacon Iroja in earnest. Even though he was appointed, he is still an apprentice butler.
I was once taken by Yoyo to a party of nobles, but Soji was only confused by the party that he had attended for the first time, but Yoyo kept telling me that he wanted to show this kind of world to Soji. On the other hand, I felt sorry for Yoyo's embarrassment. Then I studied behavior in such places.
Soji was also originally highly skilled in housework, so the absorption rate was high, and he showed no less than other butlers and maids. By the time he was ten, he had only housework, but he had reached a high enough level to tell Balmunk that he had nothing to teach him anymore.
However, I still had a lot to remember, such as my attitude as a butler, my attention as a butler, and my behavior as a butler.
Balmunk beat himself all into a sorge and desperately learned that he wanted to be a butler as soon as possible.
Particularly intense was combat training. Sometimes she vomited blood. I have tasted the idea of dying several times. Once on a journey with Balmunk, he gave up his life ten meters tall when surrounded by a ferocious creature. But Balmung said, "Yahahaha!" As he instantly killed her with a smile on his face, he remembered that his jaw was about to come off. No, it may have come off already.
I experienced an adventure that was never possible when I was in Japan like this, and that made me physically and mentally tough. I've been with thieves before, and I've been on a spy mission. I walked in the scorching desert without sleeping for three days. Balmung, who can't see any fatigue or sweat, says, "Yahaha! It's cool today," she said, keeping in mind that the important part of the man shrunk due to fear.
And when Soji turned fifteen, he was formally appointed by Justin, who came back once. It was the appointment of the butler of this mansion.
I thought there might be Balmunk, but he said that he would act with Justin in the future and leave the Mansion. From the beginning, Balmunk trained me to make the sawdust my own.
To be honest, I thought the back of the monster was heavy, but since there was also a recommendation from the current lord Yoyo, I took care not to stain her face. By the way, Kaina, her mother, was delighted to cry at the birth of her son.
Since then, the house's chores and household chores have all been Soji's responsibility, and I have been working without any hassle. Of course, I trained in magic. The butler was taught by Balmunk that when his husband was in danger, he had to keep his body up and protect it, and that he had to be strong, and that he had to train his body desperately. Rather, the next time I saw him, Balmunk said with a sneer that if he was weakened, he would go to the desert again, so I trained him to die.
Thanks to this, Yoyo has been targeted several times before like Justin, but Soji has stood up and protected himself. It was easier to tear than to train with Balmunk.
I was happy that my magic of "wound flame" was still user-friendly and versatile as usual, even though I had improved physical abilities.
Yoyo gave me an order to work as the butler I wanted to be.
Destroy the leader of the demons.
I doubted my ear for a moment, but I did not say it twice, so I agreed in two replies. Because Yoyo is a doctrine that doesn't do anything meaningless, I judged it to be meaningful.
In the past, he said, "Why? I was entrusted with the task of thinking, but there was always a reason for all of it. Well, I need to find out for myself why...
Even if you ask me, I'm just asking you to understand. If you are told that information gathering ability is also necessary for the butler, you have to move as a servant.
And after a lot of research, it turns out that the leaders of the demons are killing the powerful one after the other. And there was also the possibility that Yoyo would reach out soon, so Yoyo took the lead and ordered Sage to destroy the demon clan.
The first time I took someone's life was when I was thirteen. When Yoyo was kidnapped, she was hurt and cut off and took her opponent's life. Though there was no blame on conscience because he was a thief who was killing people many times for private reasons, the weight of murder was still considerable mentally.
I fell asleep a long time after the shock, but Yoyo looked after me at that time. And then...
"We're gonna be strong together, Sage."
He told me. Then, I decided to let Balmunk help me with the dark work sometimes because I didn't want to show you anything different.
This world is not an ideal place. There are many inconvenient things and places full of deception. And sometimes he defiles his hands for the Lord.
I stepped into such a dark part, and at first there was intense mental contamination, but now I'm used to it. I felt painfully familiar with the existence of a creature.
Still, I don't want to kill people in the dark. Soji became stronger both physically and mentally.
And I wanted to finish this leader killing as soon as possible before someone found me. Because it's too conspicuous to put Yoyo in danger.
So I moved alone, crushed the demons, and finally instantly killed the leader with the white flame of "Eat". Clearly, it was weak. Rather, the magic of the sawdust was too irregular, and the opponent was almost half crying.
There was only one problem after the leader was defeated. I didn't mean to be seen by anyone, but when I realized it, I was seen by three human beings.
One was a boy and two were like girls. One of the girls couldn't see her face because she was lying face down, but at least she wouldn't know her face. I didn't know a black-haired girl would come this far.
The boy looked as if he had seen it somewhere before, but he whispered to himself that he was somewhere in the world, so he immediately postponed the scene.
On the way, I felt like I had heard a voice before, but I thought it was my fault and went back to Yoyo.
And when I came back to report, from Yoyo,
Well done. That's my butler. Thank you very much. "
And I got a smile. When I talked about the three people who were seen by Yoyo, they were apparently strangers who were summoned to this world in the [Spiritual Instrument Summon].
I thought there was such a light novel, but I remembered and laughed at what was happening to me.
Maybe I shouldn't have bothered to go out.
It's okay. Here's another thing that proves your strength. "
and said with pleasure. When I felt itchy and tried to leave the scene, Yoyo noticed that my clothes were dirty.
I still can't get my clothes dirty. Bal will destroy the opponent with a nose song and come home intact. "
That's what I was told, so I said I was intact. But...
Oh? Didn't you teach me that tuxedo is the butler's body?
That said, there was no room for objection. Soggy and depressing,
Fufu, go ahead, Soji.
She raised her eyes with pleasure. When you look like this, it's time for Yoyo to make fun of people. Soji apologized and went back to work.