Souen no historia
Episode 31 Unexpected Conditions
Saudi Alcasa is now at the shore of the Mansion. On the beach you can see people glittering. It's not yet a seasonal bathing season, so you probably take a walk.
The reason I'm here is to investigate the identity of the new American maid, Yu, who was eager to serve the Mansion. She doesn't try to say anything, but it's not a good thing to leave her alone, so Yoyo's orders say that the stars, the sea and the moon, belong to the species of you. I came here....
"It's just that the calm waters are spreading."
Yes, there was only a pleasant sound of waves coming from the beautiful, lush sea right in front of Sausage. With Yu out of the sea, I had hope that his family and acquaintances might be taking some action, but I couldn't find any movement.
I think I'll go offshore.
Soji wanted to take a look at the sea from above to see if there were any anomalies around here for now.
"Imagine, Orange Flame"
An orange flame with yo-yo on it before creates a vehicle unlike that time. When I got on top of it, I kept moving the orange flame. I feel like I'm in a muscle cloud.
Those on the beach were surprised by the appearance of the sorghum, but the sorghum ignored it and went through the sky.
I tried to come offshore to some extent, but it was still quiet and nothing was found.
"Hmm, do I have to go inside?
I brought my swimsuit, but I don't want to go inside if I can. On the surface, even the calm waters are home to fierce creatures and militant aquatic communities.
If you're in a fight, you can't use the magic that Sage is good at in the water. After all, it is a flame, so it is still vulnerable to water.
In order to be able to fight even in the water, Balmunk, the former butler, has taught me a lesson that can be called hell, but it is still troublesome to lose the magical advantage.
"Um! Do you know an aquatic family named Yu?!"
Of course, I'm not expecting a response, but for the time being, if someone hears it, I'll scream and think it's a word. I've been screaming over the sky a few times.
The bubbles were just coming out of the part I was looking at in the sausage. And after a while, you see a shadow under the bubble.
Someone like the so-called Fishman appeared inside, who anthropomorphized the fish.
(This is certainly a vortex scales.) And a man?)
The swirl-scale tribe is characterized by a fish man whose body is covered in swirl-like scales, as its name suggests. This is an aquatic species that lives off the coast and has a fairly temperamental temperament, so I am only alert to sudden attacks.
"Oh, you! Let's cum just now!
He still seems angry, and chooses a word to speak so as not to irritate him any more.
"I'm sorry, but I'd really like to ask you something. Could you spare me a moment?
With a low attitude in the sausage, the Mermaid man murmured with frustration.
"... are you magical?
"Yes, that's right."
"Shit, now we're having trouble with that magical problem."
"Huh? What does that mean?
"... it has nothing to do with humans."
"... I'm sorry if I made you sick. But I would also like to ask you a few questions, may I?
"... tell me..."
"Thank you."
Soji bows his head with honest thanks.
"So, do you know a girl named Yu?
"Ah, Yu? I don't know."
I'm a child of the Hoshikaido clan.
"What about you? What did you just say?
"Huh? That's why the stars, the sea and the moon..."
"You! You know what they did in this ocean, Korah!
I've come to check it out, but apparently something rather troubling is happening in this ocean. His unusual indignation leaves him unexpectedly behind.
"What did you do?
"They petrified the people who live here!
"Let me petrify...?
"That's right! Some of my guys got hit! And the other creatures! I didn't do anything! And yet they've ruined this ocean!
"... but when I saw it, it was calm, and I didn't see any signs of struggle?
Soji's eyes are as peaceful as ever.
"Keh, now. But the chiefs are gathering to discuss it. I can't let them like it anymore. At least we've decided to get rid of them."
"Oh, throw me out...?
"Ah, when you rebel there, it's a war."
This seems to be more important than I thought. And the presence of you who will probably be involved. I don't know why she came up to land, and I'm trying to escape.
"War is not peace. What does the Hoshikaido say?
"Ah? They're saying it's okay because the threat's gone. But can you believe it? In the ocean, they're already overflowing with petrified ones! Even if the other party tells me that the threat is gone, I'm not convinced!
His words led to an approximate conjecture. Assuming that Yu was responsible for the petrification, perhaps her people had initially shielded Yu.
But it finally became too much, and Yu was driven out of his family. And while wandering the ocean by herself, she may have petrified many creatures.
So she thought that there was no place in the sea and came up to land. If it were her, it would certainly protect the peace of the sea.
But, as the man says, it's a one-sided argument on the other side, and punishment for what you've done is always necessary. And the chiefs decided to banish the family of stars, sea and moon from the sea.
"... can't we just talk about this?
"I don't know! It's the other way around!
"But they're from the same aquatic community."
"Heh! The ocean has its rules! Shut up, you land bastards! So why are you sticking your neck in this?... and you're their spinner? They're going to use the land to stay in the ocean!
"Chi, no!
Suddenly, the man sucked the water into his mouth and threw it in the direction of a water cannon.
"Please calm down! I'm just talking!
"Ugh! The Land Man is coming out!
A man who fires water bullets like a machine gun.
Let's get out of here!
It was judged that this was not a good time for discussion, and he went back to shore on the spot. Behind my back, I said, "Fuck you! I heard a cry and sighed.
(Lady, apparently you've brought in an unbelievable child)
Soji decided to move the orange flame back to the Mansion with the information he had received from the man.