Souen no historia
Episode 32 What you have
Soji, who had returned to the Mansion, had just passed on to Yoyo the information he had received from the Vortex man. She was listening to Soji while working in her room on paperwork, but suddenly stopped her hand and frowned slightly.
"... I see. Which means that Yu is definitely involved in one of them."
"That's right. Given Yu's attitude that she is a species called Hoshikaido, there is no doubt that she is involved first. Rather, she is at the centre of the problem."
Yoyo seems to have closed his eyes and put his hand on his jaw and entered reflection mode for a while. In the future, however, you may have to be cautious.
(The young lady will never throw out anyone who has welcomed you to the Mansion once... but I can't be optimistic that nothing will happen by letting you live in the Mansion like this.)
Even if you really petrified the sea creatures, you might do something like that to the people in the Mansion because you don't know what happened and did it.
Of course, Soji will know that she is not the kind of person to do such a thing, even if we haven't met yet.
Still, I wanted information that I could be sure what caused you to come here. Now it's just Soji's guess.
(After all, it's best to ask Yu... maybe the young lady is thinking the same thing as me now...)
However, it was Yo himself who said that he would not choose to listen to her forcibly, and not her who easily overturned it.
"... hey Soji"
"What is it?
"If someone petrifies it, can you cure it?
"... if it's a type of abnormal condition, it's possible. But it's impossible if you die at the moment of petrification. Isn't that the same with your daughter?
"... I see..."
The magic of Yoyo's "rhythm", known to Soji, has the effect of touching the object and freely adjusting its state. Simply put, the poison in your body can be transformed into harmless protein, or it can be cured immediately by maximizing your healing abilities, such as cuts.
But even with Yoyo's magic, it's impossible to bring the dead back to life. At least Saudi speculates.
If you can cure Petrify, even if Yu petrifies the Mansion's people, Soji will cure it. But if petrification = death, this cannot be abandoned.
Maybe the blade will reach Yoyo. Not only that, but Yoyo, who cares about the people in the Mansion, can't keep it that way.
"Saudge, can you get Yu here?
Yes, that would be the best answer. I will look at Yoyo's thoughts as if he had bitten a bitter bug, but optimistic thinking is too dangerous. Her judgment as principal is correct.
You will bend your words and listen to Yu, but I still believe that Yu will be a little more open if we deal with him personally.
I was afraid.
Yu asked Ninte to show him around the house and now he's cooking with Kaina in the kitchen.
Soji went early, and there were three men in the kitchen, as Yoyo had asked.
"Ah, Saudi-sama!
"Huh? Sausage?
Ninte noticed first, then Kaina turned to her face in a hurry.
"Mom, you finally showed up in hiding and watching."
"Hey, how dare you! I'm teaching you two how to cook, so I'm doing it for the Mansion!"
Kaina inflates her cheeks and pumps, but I have a son who is almost 20 years old, so I want you to stop doing that. Also, since she has a childish face, there is no discomfort in her appearance, but it is discomfort for Sage.
Soji sat on his chair and stared at Yu, who was peeling vegetables. I am completely unaware of the appearance of Soji. Looks like you're concentrating on one thing.
Walking near her, she finally looks up and leaks a little "ah...".
"Hey, Yu, how's the mansion? Did you like it?
Ah, yeah.
"What are you doing?
"Um, is this peeling? It's a stew today."
She is looking forward to stew and her cheeks are loose.
"Really? Well, it looks fun, and most importantly..."
"Where did Sawyer go?
Ninte turns to his pure eyes.
"I've done what my daughter asked me to do."
Kaina's eyebrows glittered at the words. Soji nods slightly when she sees her eyes. She is also shrugging her shoulders as if she had perceived the situation. Perhaps Yoyo told me about Yu, and he was beside me, including surveillance.
Well, there seems to be a reason why half of them are cute looking at both Yu and Ninte.
"Yu, you can come with me to your daughter's place after that.
Hee? Yeah, it's fine.
When you move your little head,
Well, then, I'll send it right away.
Yu moves the river stripper to peel the vegetables.
"What are you talking about?
Ninte seems to be attracted to me.
"Yeah, you know you're going to be in charge of accounting, right?
Ah, yes.
"But it's difficult to learn the job at once, so Yoyo wants to tell you what to do as a guide in the future."
"Hohhh ~ It seems a little annoying ~"
Though it wasn't a complete lie, I thought it might lead to you grieving, and Sawge felt a tingling pain in his heart.
Ninte, my hands are stopping ~
"Oh, I'm sorry!
Ninte was also skinning, but Kaina cautioned and started moving her hands. And when Kaina came closer, she whispered in her ear.
"After all, nothing happened. Good boy, Yu."
"Yeah, I know."
"But there's something... right?
"...... yes"
I heard a small sigh from Kaina, but soon I went back to where I was and started working on it. Soji also helped them and stayed with them until Yu was finished.
(Ah, yes. I think I'll make some tea.)
I thought Yu's story might be longer, so Soji decided to make something that could be easily mouthed.
After the work had finished, Yu and Sauji headed to Yoyo's room. Knock on the concierge and get permission to enter the room.
"I'm sorry, Yu. Call me."
Yeah, it's fine.
Yoyo's room had two sofas, and Yoyo and the table surrounded each other and Yu sat down. Soji placed the tea and confectionery that he had brought when he came in front of each other.
Yoyo moisturizes her throat with a sip of tea and exhales slowly with warm breath.
"Nh, it's delicious, Saugh."
"Thank you very much. Yu, please, I have some sweets."
Hmm, yeah.
"Oh, it's delicious. This cookie has just the right sweetness."
Polypoly and Yoyo also carry them to their mouths satisfactorily. Sausage makes crisp cookies that contain so-called chocolate chips. It is a tea confectionery that matches the tea prepared by Soji.
Yu apparently liked it quite a bit and was desperately moving his little mouth without shaking his side. It looks adorable as if a small animal is eating food.
As he took a breath, Yoyo started talking quietly.
"Hey, Yu, how about this mansion? You think we can do this?
"... we're all good people."
"Yes, I'm glad to hear that. Did you hear about the job?
"It's a little..."
"I hope you're relieved that Soji is there to teach me a real accounting job."
Soji smiles gently and Yu leans down a little embarrassed.
"Oh, did Sawge already captivate such a lovely girl?
Yoyo suddenly made a slightly lower voice and said something terrible. With Yu's current attitude, Sage has no idea how to captivate her.
However, Soji, who definitely remembered the feeling that the indoor temperature had cooled down, thought that if he made an excuse for a long time, he would become a snake. He would just say "joke" briefly and listen to the tea change so as to change the story.
"... hah, as usual, the sawdust. But I don't mind if I have a refill."
"I was afraid. What about you?
Oh, I want it.
They added tea to the cup, and Soji stroked his chest down to change the subject.
"Well, Yu, actually, I'm here because I want to ask you something."
"... what?
"... you're a family of stars, sea and moon, right?
You suddenly open your eyes wide. And he's obviously upset, swimming his eyes.
"Ah, uhh, that's..."
"Okay, don't hide it. I don't care if you're a family of stars, sea or moon."
"... oh, you're not coming?
Uncomfortably, Yu speaks.
"Oh, there's no reason to be angry. Why? Or did you do something that made you angry?
Yu, your body trembles and your face leans down. Seeing that attitude, there is no doubt that something is difficult to say.
"... Actually, Yu, I had Sage there go to the sea where the Stars and Moons live."
"!... Huh?
When Yu raised his face and looked at Yoyo, he moved his face and gazed at Soji.
"I thought it was bad for you, but we needed to check your identity before we could serve you in the Mansion."
"The truth is, I wasn't going to ask you this, but I was going to wait until you told me, but it's obviously not going to work."
"... what do you mean?
"Now at sea....."
Yoyo then explains the story he heard from Sauji to Yu, but as he explains, Yu's face gradually turns pale. And when he stood up,
"No, I have to...!
I stood in front of Yu trying to leave the scene and saw Sauji go through.
"Oniichan, get out of the way!
Calm down, Yu.
"Because... because of you... that's why you have to go..."
When Yu grabbed his maid's clothes, he drooped his head sadly. Sausage folds her knees and stares at Yu's face from the front. And he smiled at her.
"Tell me what happened. I might be able to help you."
"... oh... Niichan... why?
"Why... are you being so kind to me?
"Of course. The young lady said that. Yu is already a family."
"............ uu"
"If your family is in trouble, we'll do everything we can to help."
"Uhh, high... high... uhh... uhh..."
"Maybe I'm afraid to tell you what you're holding. But I will never abandon you. That's right, miss."
"Yes, as master, all I want is the happiness of the Mansion."
Yu began to cry with his hand around Sage's head as it stood. Take the sausage gently and slap your back like a pom pom.
"It's okay. So please tell me. Everything you have."