Souen no historia
Episode 33: Asking for Information
Yu, who stopped crying, explained to me with a following word. First of all, she is definitely a Stars and Moons. And he lived with his family off the coast.
And now Yu is seven years old, and his family is only his mother. But the clan lived together about a dozen people.
I lived in peace, but about six months ago, Yu's body began to be modulated. Suddenly, she fell with a mysterious heat, and not only Yu's mother, but the whole family was worried and running to cure Yu.
But one day, the family sees a strange sight. It was fossilized around sleeping Yu. Centering on Yu, it spread to follow the day.
Everyone in the Hoshikaido clan wondered if this was also due to the illness that was attacking Yu, and was gathering information about what other species did not know. But what came back was "I don't know."
And as her mother approached Yu to eat, a discharge occurred from Yu's body, which suddenly began to cry, and the mother who touched it petrified it in an instant.
Those of the family who saw it were stunned, but I don't think it should stay like this. I tried to get closer to Yu's body, but there was a discharge phenomenon again, and all those involved in it petrified like their mothers.
But from this point on, Yu's condition gradually began to calm down. The fever also seems to have decreased, and the red face has also returned to normal. And waiting for her to open her eyes after a while was a petrified mother.
Yu asked the head of the clan what had happened. Because of the illness that Yu suffered, everyone was told that this was what happened, and Yu became stupid and complacent.
The chief told me it wasn't my fault because I was sick, but for Yu, I lost my mother because I got sick... that's all I could think of.
The chief also told the family that this was like an accident, and ordered them never to blame Yu.
And if anyone is satisfied, others are not satisfied. One day, as Yu was sleeping with a petrified mother with tearful eyes, children of the same family as Yu came to Yu with tearful faces.
"You killed my father!
Yes, yes! You bitch!
"I hated you!
They were petrified adult children. With the sadness of the sudden loss of the parents and their anger for Yu, the children all began to denounce Yu. And it became harsh, throwing stones and hitting him directly, and Yu was being harsh.
Originally of a gentle and calm character, Yu was smart enough not to hate or be angry with his children. The kids are angry because it's their fault.
At last, however, the child's hand turned towards the petrified mother. The stone thrown by the child hit her right arm and cracked it.
Seeing it, Yu turned white in front of him and screamed. And I realized that all the children around me were petrified.
And the people of the clan who came to hear the noise,
Did you do it...? Wasn't he sick?
And he cut out the word, and saw darkness in the eyes of the families.
You heretic!
It's all your fault! Get out of here now!
The words of such a clan were thrown, and the chief stopped them, but Yu was afraid to see himself as an adult, and screamed again. Then, a discharge phenomenon erupts from Yu's body, and seaweed and fish that touch it instantly petrify.
"Fuck! I can't live like this! Get out of here!
Well, wait!
The captain stopped, but the family man clasped his hands toward Yu, releasing something like a chunk of air. It hits you directly. Makes your body lean down into great pain.
A man tries to attack you to chase you further, but when the chief stands in front of you to protect you, he says to you with his back.
Run quickly. What a situation! "
But my mother....
I'll leave my mother to her. Rather than being killed here, you have to run and survive. "
Hurry up!
Under the threat of the captain, Yu left on the spot to escape.
After that, I started living alone for a while. I kept swimming in search of some habitable waters.
However, while wandering the sea, various fish and other aquatic communities approached, and each time I felt afraid, a discharge phenomenon occurred from the body. And all those caught in the discharge were petrified.
Yu, who recognized that petrification was his fault and not his disease, lived in a deep sea where no one could ever come after.
However, even in the deep sea, it does not fit into its own peculiarity. And then I reached out to the light on the surface of the water that would have healed the body on land.
Sauji and Yoyo, who had heard from Yu, were staring at Yu who was tired of talking or asleep on the sofa. Soji gently sprays a towel on it to avoid catching a cold.
"I cried a lot and you told me. Rest slowly."
And Yoyo put in his mouth a cup of sausage of tea,
"It's almost as if something had happened to this kid."
"Yeah, it's probably some kind of runaway from magic. When magic originally occurs, most things are done consciously. But in this case, it must have triggered the illness."
"I see. Probably just got sick at first. But at that time, the timing of the magic appearance coincided, and the magic could not be controlled and ran away..."
There is no direct connection between Yu's illness and magic expression. It was only a coincidence that I fell ill. But just as she was feeling ill, the timing of her magic appearance overlapped.
The high fever was also caused by the active movement of the Magic Nucleus in her chest. That's why once the magic appeared, the fever soon dropped. The illness itself is not serious and may have healed immediately.
"Yes, it was an unfortunate accident. But for those of the Stars and Moons who don't know about it, this child's magic seemed to be a threat."
"Well, it's scary because it petrifies people in an instant."
Looking at Yu sleeping with a slightly fallen possession, I don't think he is a child who is experiencing such a sad past.
"But it happened. It is also true that there is a problem with that at sea now. It's one thing to keep watching as you go through without being involved with yourself... but what do you do?
"Fufu, Soji, is that provocation?
Yoyo stares at her eyes with a beautiful smile.
"No, no disillusionment."
"You know best what I'm going to do, don't you?
"Fufu, well, let's start with getting more information on the current state of the sea. Soji, get ready."
"I'm afraid, Miss Yoyo."
Soji bowed his head respectfully.
"... uhh..."
"Oh, you're awake?
Yu woke up from sleep about two hours after he started sleeping. Soji put her to bed after that. And Yoyo, who thought that Yu was anxious when he woke up alone, ordered Kaina to be by his side.
"... where are we?
"It's Soji's room. I haven't prepared your room yet, but I think I'll be ready in the evening."
"... oniichan's... oh heh?
"That's right. But thank you for telling me so much. Good luck, Yu."
That's how Kaina gently strokes her head. She was surprised, but she closed her eyes to feel good.
"Ah, um... where are you guys?
Hmm ~ I think I'm going out for a while.
"Going out?
"Where are you?
"We're going to a lot of places for you."
"... for you?
"So don't worry, get some rest."
"But because of you, everyone in Ume!
Moving away from the futon, Yu tries to get up. But when Kaina touched her forehead, she smiled nicely.
"It's okay, my Yoyo and Sauji will do it!
I didn't know what Kaina was talking about, and it was Yu who always looked Kyotong.