Souen no historia
Episode 60 Demonic Spirit Clan
At that time, the true snow and Seira were also steadily approaching [Shinju Spiritual Mountain]. On their way to [Shinju Spiritual Mountain], they were getting on a carriage, and their cheeks were loosening because they were about to arrive sooner than expected.
You can already see the mountains colored with autumn leaves in the distance. From the conversation among the people in the carriage, it seemed that they were on their way for sightseeing purposes.
Those here may be heading for autumn leaves and specialties, but the true snow is for a different reason. It is to acquire the "Chess Momo", which is the nut of the [Shinju Spiritual Mountain].
We must get the fruit and return to Mill as soon as possible. Simply taking two days back and forth, there is only one day of respite. If not, Mill's mother could die of illness.
According to the information, even after three days, several hours do not die, but it is only a personal difference, and there are cases where he died as early as three days later.
That's why they want to get to the carriage as soon as possible. The sooner you get there, the more time you have to find Chess Momo, the sooner you find it, the sooner you can go home, and the better chance Mill's mother's life will be saved.
Um, Mayuki...
"What, Seyla?
"What should I do first when I arrive at [Shinju Reiyama]?
"Nh ~ Do you know where the" Chess Momo "tree grows?
"No, that's it."
"That's right. So let's gather some information first. I wish there was someone familiar with the mountains, but I heard there were a lot of tourists, and I'm sure someone would know."
Pretty optimistic true snow, but certainly it would be right to gather information first. It is a waste of time to go into the dark clouds and try to find a completely different place.
If we don't search somewhat narrowly, we'll soon run out of time.
"I think there's a shop, and I'm sure you'll find it."
I felt like I was telling the truth about the snow itself. I don't want to think I won't find it. True snow told Mill to wait. Beyond what I promised once, it is always true snow policy to protect.
And Seyla wants to support such true snow.
The carriage did not stop, but ran straight ahead as if their thoughts were being conveyed.
Soji, who entered the mountain, walked behind Fem and Testarossa, the conductors. As you walk along the path where the fallen leaves spread out, you can feel the calm as you look at the autumn leaves.
Usually I'm chased by work and I'm in a hustle and bustle, but I'm starting to think it's not bad to climb a mountain at ease.
(Well, I'd be happier if this mountain were safe.)
As you walk, you encounter a road divided into two parts. The right is like going down, the left is going up. The choice is, of course, to go up.
"By the way, Mr. Fem."
"Hmm? What?
"Mr. Fem is the eldest daughter of Lord Dress Auger, the aristocrat of the Holy Land of Lavach, right?
"Heh, you know very well. What's wrong with that?
"I hear House Dress Auger is famous as a puppeteer. Something like a private school to train puppeteers."
"... you really know me, Soji."
No, I think it's perfectly natural to investigate the attacker in detail, but I didn't say it. Fem laughed at Sauji to see if he knew himself and made him feel better.
"Well, even if it's a private school, it's like a kind of dojo. We were originally a family of plasticians, producing Automata, but the number of doll masters dropped, so we decided to train doll masters. You know Soji, but to become a puppeteer, you need Magic Nucleus."
"Yes, we're going to synchronize the magic of the Lord with the magic circuit of the doll."
"Yes, but not all of those who have the Magic Nucleus can do it, and without the qualities, we can't. That's why we find and train people who are going to be better magicians."
Really? So can I also sign up for Automata?
"Huh? What? Are you interested?
When Fem stopped her legs, she snapped back into the sausage.
"Ah, no... I'm just kind of a magician, so I was just curious."
"Hmm ~ It's boring. If you wanted to, I would have trained you as an apprentice right away."
"Ahahah, Mr. Fem looks like Sparta."
"Of course not! I won't wear it if I teach you how to take care of things gently. It's because I feel so hard and desperate that I become flesh and blood."
I was honestly moved by her words. Because that's what Balmunk used to say before. What you actually wear with physical pain and just a gentle lesson from a person, the former is much faster to wear.
"Besides, even if it looks like this, I had a lot of trouble signing with this kid."
"Really? Fem looks like a genius, so I thought it had nothing to do with that kind of struggle...."
"You know, Soji, no matter how talented you are, it's not usually a deal with a doll. If it doesn't match the magic circuit, then there are times when not only the doll, but also the person, is sorry."
I have certainly heard such stories before. Some of them said that the doll began to run wild and killed the contractor in front of them.
"So no matter how talented you are, the contract with the doll is fatal. Well, some monster puppeteers have multiple contracts."
"Is there anyone like that?
Then I saw the shadow on Fem's face for the first time and said just one word. Though I was a little curious, it was a topic that I shouldn't have heard, so Soji decided to change the story.
"Speaking of which, how long have you been with Testarossa?
"... I guess it's been about seven years..."
Fem leaks words with an emotional feeling. But...
"... eight years?
I felt that the air had hardened a little, but, well, I wondered if the error of about a year would be good, and Soji didn't stick in, and the fem turned bright red.
"Shishishishishishi, I knew it! Oh, there it is! I was just trying to remember the tester!
That was a terrible excuse. In the first place, it's impossible for her, a doll, to make mistakes unless she breaks down. But the doll is very pure.
"... a test. Is the fem strong?"
You don't seem to suspect Fem at all. On the contrary, Testarossa seems to be beginning to be alert to when Fem will come up with problems and trials.
And the fem couldn't pull back after that, so it raises various issues such as past events. And Testarossa, who speaks the right answer without a minute of madness.
Fem twitches her cheeks and says, "That's a testarossa! I kept asking questions with the momentum to deceive myself into being pursued.
(Even a nobleman is a normal girl.)
Yoyo, too, usually behaves elegantly and grows up, but when there are ordinary moments and carefree companions, I do the trick of being appropriate for my age.
Looking ahead, Pita and Testarossa stopped their feet and stood in front of the fem.
Soji also knew why she did such a thing.
(Ah ~ ah, you're here after all....)
Then, when I gazed into the shade of the tree, an object floating in the universe appeared from there. The size... is the animal rat itself from the appearance.
But if I mention something different, it is somehow semi-transparent - it is as big as a human.
Please, both of you, step back.
Soji comes out in front of two people and faces the translucent mouse.
"Well, if you say so, they'll come out...."
"Yes, Mr. Testarossa, protect Mr. Fem."
"... I understand"
With the approval of Testarossa, Sausage squeezes his right hand against a translucent mouse.
"The inhabitants here... the demon spirits, the so-called ghosts and monsters. They are also familiar with the fact that magic only works. So... eat it all up, white flame"
Sausage creates a white flame from the right hand. The flame spreads wide, as if a large creature were opening its mouth.
And he swallowed the squishy, semi-transparent mouse.
(Normally, I can be relieved with this....)
Suddenly, several translucent animals appeared from the ground.
(This is the trouble.)
This demonic spirit clan is a species that lives in this [Shinju Spirit Mountain] and is completely ghosted.
They can't beat people or use magic on their own, but instead they have special abilities.
"Ah, don't come here! Tester, I'm doing it with a magic gun... and I'm behind you too!?
A cat-shaped demonic spirit clan that was already behind the fem. Testarossa panicked to shelter the fem, but suddenly there was another demonic spirit clan that came out of her feet.
And each demonic spirit clan touches their bodies. And at that moment, Soji had a feeling in her heart ~.
Their abilities, the ones they touch...
"Nh, it's mine!
A fem that suddenly changed to look like a three-haired cat.
Yes, when they touch you, you become a touched animal. Moreover, the clothes worn without magic have quickly changed to the animal specifications.