Souen no historia
Chapter 63 The Unavoidable Struggle
Two people appeared in front of Soji. One is a big man and the other is a dark-haired boy who is smaller than a sausage but has sharp eyes.
"Can I help you?
A sausage that strives to cope calmly. I somehow know the situation from the atmosphere of the other person, but I will listen to the story for now.
"Ah, that egg, that's Phoenician's egg, right?
"No, this is the Grand Eagle egg that lives here. Look, it looks different from Feniche's eggs."
"Oh, good... goodness!
A big man who suddenly began to twist his body. And for some reason, I dyed my cheeks and felt something dangerous in my gaze as I looked at the sawdust, and my back tingled.
"Anyway, aren't Pheniche's eggs here? Surely Feniche lives in some volcano?
Sausage tells me to deceive you, but the black boy's eyesight gets worse.
"Huh! You tricked me! You know what I mean? Phoenician eggs have the ability to assimilate with the landscape there."
Sausage whispers in her heart.
"I suppose you faked the Gran Eagle eggs that were mostly there. And unfortunately, the fact that he's a Feniche egg doesn't tell us who the monster is."
"No more monsters! Ah, but when you tell me that, it's kind of twitching inside my body! I'm about to wake up."
"Don't make me wake up like that! Look at them! You think I'm more than your friend? You're looking at me like that! Chi, it's different! Me and this guy are business partners, and I'm totally out of my mind!
Boys who are desperate to make excuses to Sage staring half-eyed.
"Ah, no, it's... okay. I know that there is a world like that, and I think you understand it."
Saudi told the boy to comfort himself, and the boy held his head.
"Chigaaaaaaa! I'm really normal! The dream of the future is to be surrounded by lovely wives and lots of children and be a good dad!
Yeah, I'll do my best.
Soji drops his shoulders to see how to deal with a sudden comic strike. It's quite an interesting exchange, and it's like a sausage set fire to it, but we can't waste time here forever.
"Ohh! So you're saying this is Feniche's egg, right?
The boy also coughed up one and then pointed at the egg.
"Ah, the eggs smell like feniche."
"... is that you?
Encourage the big man to look.
"Oh, he has a canine smell. What do you think?
"Oh no! I can't believe it feels disgusting... Ah, but I'm going to get addicted to that curse."
"Um... I understand you two are getting along, but let's continue..."
"So, who's getting along! Stop, stop, stop! My body is itchy!
"Oh no! Then I'll give you a lift! Now, take off your clothes as soon as you can!
"Don't touch me, pervert!
When the boy punched the man in the cheek with a fist, the man's face bounced to the side with grin, but when he put it back with great momentum, he tried to squeeze the boy again with his nose bleeding.
"Oh, hey! Come closer! Somebody help me!
I really wanted to ask if I could go home.
I was shown a lot of maniacs, and Fem hit both of them with words that included frustration instead of sawdust.
"Whoa!" What the hell are you guys doing?! "
Suddenly the cat spoke, and the two men watched in surprise, but immediately pulled their jaws as if they understood the situation.
"What, are you with me, redhead? From what I've seen, the demonic spirits have done it. How dare you bring me such a handbag."
Did the black-haired boy say something clingy? Fem yells with a fuchsia feeling.
"Nh, that's it!" Ah, I guess I'm wearing my feet! "
"Hmph! I'm sure I only have the strength to get hit by demonic spirits!
"Nhhhhhh!" Soji, I hate him! "
Even though I was told I hated it, I almost put it in, but when I put it in, I kept silent because the point of anger was likely to come towards me.
"Well, Blade, please be quiet. Uh, the redhead over there? Nothing. If you could just give it to me, I could get you some money.
The big man is showing a compromise.
"That's right. What happens if I refuse?
"Oh, hey ~, then you'll get in trouble. Mostly... you."
At that moment, hostility broke out from a boy called Blade Gospel, instantly crushing his distance from Sage.
-Speed!? And how's your leg carrying!?
The movement was like the wind, and the fallen leaves that fell on the side of the road were dancing to the sky with the impact of his movement. Unexpectedly, the sausage moved forward with an orange Feniche egg floating in the air as its own shield.
Then, the filled blade enlightenment opened his eyes as if in astonishment, and put strength into his feet as if in a hurry. And when you brake with your feet, now you step back to take a step.
Then he turned his gaze toward the sawdust.
"Hey, Temee, isn't that egg important to Temee? Is it normal to use it as a shield?
I'm sure he's right. I bet you didn't think the sausage would protect you with eggs.
"Yes, it's important. I came here to get the eggs. But it's the same for you, isn't it?
"What about it?"
"I didn't want to hurt that egg, so I used it as a shield."
"What if I didn't stop attacking?
"No, I didn't think so."
"... what do you mean?
"The unique atmosphere that comes from you. That is the proof that he is the mighty. I've traveled a lot in this way, and I've nurtured that kind of observation. And if you don't attack the egg by mistake, I've decided that you can hold back the fist that you put out."
"... you realize that I can't attack the eggs, or that I have the strength to stop the momentum attack?
"Yeah, and you're the user of Fire Nohara Stream, right?
The surprise was not only enlightened, but also large men.
"... you know what?
"Yes, because I know someone who uses it."
"... I see. But how did you know?
"Because I saw you carry your feet earlier. Sure, it was Hikiyaku ...... right?
Then the eyes of the big man were narrowed instead of the enlightened blade.
"Blade Goku, apparently he's not a single rope. I need your help....."
When I almost said that, the blade enlightened me and stopped the words. Looking at it, the ferocity seeped out in the eyes of the blade enlightenment, and the mouth was distorted happily. The big man who saw it is shrugging his shoulders.
"Ahhh, you're out. The Battle Soul....."
"Battle soul?
When Soji answers, the man answers.
"Well, to put it simply, it means Battle Junky."
"Ah... that's another troublesome race."
"Fuck off! Hey, Temee, what's your name?
"... if you ask me my name, it would be polite for me to name you first.
"Hmm? Really? Then I'll tell you."
I was quite an honest fighter.
"I am Edo Todo! I'm from Japan!
Black hair and black eyes are also characteristic of people from [Hinokuni]. It is a country whose culture is very similar to that of Japan, where Soji's predecessors existed. The name is also written in kanji, and unlike in Japan, the name is called first and the last name comes later.
Well then, let me introduce you to Atashi too. Atashi is charity, Aomo. Nice to meet you! "
If possible, I don't want to be nice to people of the sotch system.
"Look, I named it! Name Temeye!
"I don't like it. You're not obliged to name me because the other person named you.
"Nugu! Te, temee..."
True as it is, enlightenment and charity make Sage convulse his cheeks with words that mean denial in the current way.
"Ahahah, I'm kidding. My name is Saudi Alkasa."
"Atashi is Fem D. Dress Augenya!
"I didn't ask Temee, Cat!
"Hmm!? Soji! I hate him after all!
Saudi grabbed the head of the cat fem with her forgiveness, and she narrowed her eyes as she said, "Fuyah ~". And when Fem and Testarossa sit gently on the eggs that are floating, they say, "Please wait there."
They also move their heads and affirm it.
And when Saudi meets Dagger,
"I think it would be best if we talked about this.
"I often say that. I don't think Temee's going to give it to you."
Well, yeah.
"Besides, try fighting Temeye."