Souen no historia
Episode 65: Innocence
"Hehe, don't lick the birds. I'm Fujido, the Blade of Fire Raw Stream!
His partner, Charity Ao Feng, appears there.
"Ma ~ I don't want to do this. It's a place of cultural value, isn't it?
"Hmm! You know what? They attacked us. They're bad! I defended myself."
"I hope they don't say over-defense... oh?
"Hmm? What's wrong?
Since charity was staring behind Enlightenment as if he had noticed something, Enlightenment looked at him in the same way, and there was a girl coming towards Enlightenment.
"Who is it?
"I don't know, what are you doing here?
"I don't know.
They tilted their necks at the same time, convinced that the girl was still heading towards the Blade Enlightenment, and waited for the moment without moving.
Then the girl stopped her feet in front of the enlightened blade. For some reason her body was trembling, but the reason is not clear to the enlightenment. Then all of a sudden, the girl lifts her face up. And when he saw the anger that arose in his eyes, the enlightenment of the blade was thrown into falsehood. And then...
Patchy, patchy, patchy, patchy!
The sound of dryness rang from the cheeks of Enlightenment. Suddenly and with considerable power, Enlightenment put his ass on the ground.
Blade Gospel rubs her bright red right cheek, lifting her eyes and standing up.
"Te, Te Mee! What did you suddenly do?
Then the girl pointed to the sharp enlightenment and replied.
"It's your fault!
The girl's words hardened her enlightenment without meaning.
True snow couldn't contain my anger. Of course, the other boy doesn't know that the true snows want Chestnut Mo. He may not even know that what he chose to escape and ended up crushing was the Chess Momo tree.
However, because of him, the chestnut tree was destroyed, and the snow accidentally hit him with anger.
Naturally, the boy is angry that he was struck in the cheek and his eyes are hanging. But despite the true snow, the boy shouldn't actually do it just by screaming.
"What's my fault?! Who the hell are you, Kola?
The true snow that makes you feel like returning to me to the framed boy who spits out his dick words, pulls in the knocked hand and makes you face down.
"... I'm sorry..."
"Say your name... to...?
A boy who suddenly lost consciousness of true snow apologizing.
"But... I mean... uu..."
He knows nothing. But I couldn't forgive you. Still, the thought that it might have been too much to beat up caused confusion as it ran through the true snow brain.
When I think about it, the true snow that I thought I had done quite unreasonably apologizes again for dyeing my cheeks from embarrassment and murmuring while looking at the boy with flickering eyes.
However, the boy with the expression of lightning falling from the sky in the true snow, he also lightly dyed his cheeks and stared at the true snow.
"Ka... cute..."
It seems that the boy said something, but he couldn't hear it and stared into his eyes. Then, the boy turned his back to the real snow with great momentum as he exhaled hot air from his face.
Seyla rushes in beside the real snow. And the boy, too, was approached by a big man.
The calm, true snow told them why they had slapped the boy. The boy listened behind his back, and a big man was mainly listening.
"Hmm ~. Sure, it looks like it was a dense area of Chess Momo around here... but it collapsed beautifully."
In the words of a big man, the boy who heard the situation of the true snows realized that what he had done was quite important, and he had a bad look on his face.
"I can't help it. You didn't know that, and I slapped you with momentum... ah, are you still in pain or something?
True snow approached the boy and glanced at him, and the boy distanced himself in quite a hurry.
"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay! Oh, oh, oh, you think I can do that with an attack like that!
"Attack... what are you talking about?
The big man sighs with astonishment.
"Oh, yeah. This is my lucky day, so I'll introduce myself."
So I was told about the Black-haired Boy's Blade Enlightenment by a big man, Charity. And the true snows also heard that they were from a country where they used the kanji for their names, and the true snows taught themselves in kanji.
"Hee, it's called True Snow/Amagawa. Does that mean you're from [Hinokuni]?
If he is reluctant to say, charity replies with a loosening of his cheeks.
Fine. Apparently, it seems like it's awkward, and I don't want to force you to listen. But I wish people with the same kanji could get along with each other. "
Yeah, that's right.
True snow leans towards charity.
(Why is it that a man speaks a woman's language...? Oh, is that Okuma?
That's why I don't intend to reject it or discriminate. Instead, I was interested in seeing Okuma for the first time.
"But I'm sorry. I didn't know that it was such a situation, and the blade enlightened me."
"Ah, no, that's enough. Besides, I don't think we can do anything about it."
"Heh! That bastard had to give me eggs first!
As Dagger remembered, he stepped on the ground.
"Ah, um..."
"Hmm? What's wrong?
"That bastard... was there anyone else?
"Yeah, a while ago. I came here to work, but the kid got ahead of me."
"Ahh, even if I remember now, I'm angry! The next time I see you, I'll blow your brains out!
Blade enlightened his fist high and proclaimed it softly. The true snow somehow disturbed the enlightenment. Because the blade enlightenment was enough to be taken by the hand, it was thought to be quite strong.
Ask him what kind of person he is for charity.
I see. You've been a good man. "
Hee, hee
True snow that twitched my cheeks to charity that created a dangerous atmosphere that sparkled my eyes.
"Besides, maybe he's some kind of servant. Hey, Blade Eyes?
"Oh? I don't know. We've never been to this continent before. I'm not bright with these rich people."
"That's right. I wonder who that red-haired boy is."
True snow fell upon the words of charity, and turned his face toward charity. "What? The feeling was that charity opened its eyes, but not only true snow, but even Seyla had a stunned expression, so the charity once again said," What's wrong? "I hear.
"Yes, that red-haired guy... was the butler?
"Heh? Ah, I don't know. Sure enough, the tuxedo came."
Charity speaks with its head tilted to recall. True snow feels a high heart. I was told in my heart that "not yet" and "not sure yet", but I already had something that I was sure of in my senses.
"Do you know his... name...?
Does charity feel like you can't tell a lie with your serious eyes pointed at you? Slowly move your mouth as you squeal your throat at at its power.
"Soh, you said Saudi Alcasa.
Connected --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
And as soon as she turned to Seyla, she nodded loudly, moisturizing her eyes.
Yes, we're here, we're close. Someone I was looking for. Besides, it hasn't been that long since Blade Enlightenment and Philanthropy met Sage.
If we go down now, maybe we can meet. But we can't behave like emotions here.
Because the true snows have a promise with Mill to find "Chess Momo". But I can't seem to get it where I relied on it. I had to find another way, but I wanted to see Sage, and I found Chess Momo, and the real snow was confusing.
At that time, the blade enlightenment said, "... ah" and gave out a small voice,
"I don't know what" Chess Momo "looks like, and I don't know where it's sold or what else it's made of, but I heard there was a strong business intelligence store at the foot of the mountain. Hey, charity?
"Huh? Oh, no, I heard that when I asked. Seems like a pretty girl who can do anything. I was wondering if you could swap bodies with clams."
The last murmur of charity made me unexpectedly want to penetrate, but I was more worried about the words of enlightenment than that, and when I saw his face, he spoke to me with his cheeks twitched and his face turned.
"No, maybe not, but if you're a strong business informant, I just thought you might know about that" Chess Momo "..."
"Blade Go-san!
True snow shrouds his hands with his own. Blade enlightenment opened his mouth with great astonishment.
"Ah, thank you! Meet that person and ask for information now! Thank you so much!
The true snow floating with a full smile glitters and moves only the eyes, and the blade enlightenment stares.
"No, no, no, no, no. If I don't crush this tree, maybe I'll get it easily, and apologize for that."
"No! I'm really glad! Thank you!
True snow folds his hips and lowers his head. When she scratches Polypoly and her cheeks in a shy manner, she coughs up one thing on her cheek.
Oh, I'll see you later.
"Well... I don't have any respect. [M] I'm getting older."
"... yeah, I got it! From now on, I'll call you Blade Gokun!
Suddenly, the sword squatted against my chest, and the true snow worried me and shouted, but raised my trembling hand and said, "Nothing...". When I saw the charity, I raised my shoulders and said, "It's really okay," so I didn't mind.
And True Snow and Seira decided to go down the mountain as soon as possible to find the informant at the foot of the mountain. Once again, wave to the enlightened blades.
"I'll see you again, Blade Goku! Charity!
And Seira bowed again, and the two of them departed from there at the same time.