Souen no historia
Episode 80 The Birth of Phoenicia
Today's work is also finished, and when a few hours have elapsed since the sawdust was on the floor, the room becomes bright as if the lights were lit.
"Ugh... what?
Soji's face was easily discovered by searching for the light. It comes from a simple bed with Feniche eggs built next to the sleeping bed.
Moreover, it is the egg itself that emits light, and it is not the egg itself that emits light, but something inside seems to emit strong light.
"What is this...!?
The sausage stood up and approached the egg. Then, touch the egg.
When you feel the warmth of life from the egg and breathe softly, the moment...
The egg is cracked. But suddenly the luminescence begins to weaken, and no more cracks are produced. Soji felt a sudden loss of vitality from the eggs, reminiscent of death. Wrap the eggs in green flame that has a healing effect.
"Don't give up... Feniche... your world is coming!
I threw words and continued to use magic, but the emission gradually decreased to the center of the egg, and silence reigned as if it were dripping with water.
Soji felt despair. I wonder if it was impossible to hatch Feniche's eggs... sadly staring at the eggs that have gotten cold.
"No, there's still something I can do!
The sawdust pours green flames from the cracked area. Certainly, I don't feel the strong raw power I felt earlier from the eggs anymore. But it wasn't decided that Feniche, who was still inside, was dead.
"Come on... come on... and show me how you were born!
Sausage embodies a large amount of green flame from both hands and literally warmly envelops all the eggs.
------------- Po.
At that moment, I felt a tiny light in the center of the egg. Then, a luminescent phenomenon occurs that covers the eyes.
"Chui ~ ~ ~ ~!
The egg shell was torn apart and a bird with red feathers about the size of a basketball appeared from the inside. It is in a very lovely shape with a round figure, and the eyes are sparkling without any clouds, and it gives comfort just by looking at it. It's a healing charming animal.
"Ohh... ooh... ooh!?
Unexpectedly, Saudge hugged Feniche, who was born trembling with joy.
Chuichui ~!
Phoenicia also seemed somewhat happy and was delighted with her yellow mouth (beak). At that time, I hear a knock on the door.
Sausage, what's wrong?
It was Yoyo's voice. Yoyo's bedroom is next to each other, so I think I woke her up because of the loud voice of Sausage.
But Soji wanted to share his emotions with Yoyo and the Mansion as soon as possible.
"Come in, young lady! Feniche! Feniche!
The door opens.
"Something's wrong with Feniche..."
Yoyo also noticed Phoenicia in Saudi's arm, and it solidified. And there came true snow.
"Ah, everyone, let me introduce you! This time, it's Phoenicia!
"...... Chui"
Phoenicia squeals insensitively to answer Soji's introduction. Maybe a lot of people are afraid. When Soji rubbed his body, he cried "Chui ~" to make it feel good.
"Soh, Soh? So you're sure?
"Yes, ma'am, I was just born. It's a new family!
"Yes, that's good. But you're shouting too much."
"Ah... I'm sorry"
I completely forgot it was late at night, Soji.
Wow ~ cute! Little bird. Little bird! It's like a stuffed toy ~ "
True snow is approaching with a sobering voice. And as she tries to stroke it like a sausage, Feniche moves her wings in a snowy motion.
Yeah ~ And you hate me too ~
Apparently Phoenicia has just been born, so she doesn't like being touched by people other than Saudi.
"Fufufu, I'll leave this to you, Mayuki!
Kaina, the mother of Saudi, reached out to me with her face. But the back of my hand was stung with my mouth.
"Hmmm! My soft skin!
Apparently my mother couldn't do it.
"Looks like you're only open to Sage. I wonder if that's what they call imprinting."
Yoyo looks at Feniche with his arms tied together and explains.
When Kaina asked with tears,
"Printing is the act of recognizing the existence of a newborn chick as a parent for the first time."
"Heh? I mean, did Soji become her dad?
"That's how it is. And since Phoenicia is originally a suspicious creature, she's just born and doesn't forgive others."
"Uh-oh, I wanted to be naughty ~"
"Give it up, Mayuki... even my mother couldn't do it to me... oh, my hand hurts"
I'm shocked and depressed that Kaina was rejected. Then Feniche started moving her mouth towards the sawdust.
"Are you hungry, too?
Kokukoku and Feniche agree.
"Er... it's definitely Feniche's staple food..."
Yoyo added to Saudi's words. Yoyo keeps talking.
"Of course I eat insects and fish, but their favorite is fire."
"Well, how about this?
Sausage creates the flame of Guren from his right hand. Phoenicia then breathes the flame into her mouth to make her eyes shine and jump.
The sight of being sucked in was overwhelming. Everyone is paranoid about how much flame they eat in that tiny body.
In addition, the fur gradually fades and starts to shine like a ruby. Then, after a while, he had a small gep to satisfy himself and fell asleep in the arms of Patrick and Sausage.
"Fufu, I feel like I've fallen asleep hungry. But that's Phoenicia. It's only called the Feng of the Fire.
"Ah, that thought, can I touch it now?
"Ah, it's not good, Mayuki! I'm the one who touches Soji's kid first! Because she's my mother!
My mother pushed me... and I was amazed at Kaina's sausage. I knew not only true snow, but also the sailor behind it. But Yoyo told everyone with a sigh.
"That's all right, we're going to dissolve today. You can't force yourself to touch someone you don't like."
Eh ~
True snow and Kaina get along and voice dissatisfaction.
"You guys... let's lower your salary.
"Well, I'm the maid chief. I will fulfill my Lord's life as a maid! Whoa, whoa!
"Huh? Ah, it's a little kaina!
"Come on, Mayuki, let's go to bed early in the morning!
Again, yoyo. He seems to be familiar with Kaina.
"I'm sorry, Miss Yoyo, I made a scene."
"Fufu, that's fine. I'm glad my family was born. Take care of him, Soji."
Bye, good night.
"Good night."
Yoyo quietly closed the door and went back to his room.
Sausage feels comfortable in the warmth of his arms. Phoenician eggs are very unlikely to hatch. And I'm really grateful that you were born like this.
That's why Soji wanted to see this kid grow up and someday see the sky blow up.
Soji lay down on the bed, beside which Feniche lay down. I feel my cheeks relax even though I think it may be difficult to take care of it from tomorrow. And he traveled into his dreams with Feniche.
The next morning, Soji awakened to the light from the window. But my body is kind of heavy. I thought I might have caught a cold and tried to wake up slowly, but I didn't think it was a shocking sight coming in front of me.
I shouted like a roar throughout the Mansion.
That won't be impossible. Because there was something on the saw. Moreover, one of them rubs his eyes as if he were asleep, and smiles happily when he sees Saudge in his sight.
And hugging me....... naked.
And then I smiled with words.
Good morning, Dad.
... what happened!?