Souen no historia
Chapter 94 Reunion with the Past
Now there are a lot of people sitting at the long table facing each other. Yoyo is sitting on the upper seat, looking out at everyone, and Sauji and Balmunk are sitting nearest.
The table is furnished with herbal tea prepared by the maid. It's still midnight, so I told my maids to go to bed.
Kaina and Shee stayed here because they wanted to talk, but the other maids went back to their rooms.
And after a breath, Yoyo opened his mouth.
Well, I have a lot to ask you, but let's start with Bal.
"I was afraid, Yoyo. But first of all, we need to introduce them."
Then Balmunk turned to a woman with light peach hair sitting opposite the true snow and Seyla, and a girl with yellow hair twin tail.
When Balmunk tried to introduce her, a light peach woman raised her hand softly.
"Lord Balmunk, it would be wise for me to name myself here directly."
Hmm, I'll take care of it.
For some reason, she glances at Saudi and immediately turns a blind eye.
(... what?
I feel like I've said something, but I don't know who she is yet, and I haven't actually felt the fact that I've met her before.
And she stood up with a rattle and a chair, and she put her hand on the van and her chest.
"My name is Koran Heiot Schnitch! The reason I came here was to meet someone, and Lord Balmunk showed me around!
True snow and Seyla only smiled as if they knew her, but Saudi and Yoyo were surprised when they opened their eyes.
"Eh... ah, are you the third princess of the [Shunich Kingdom]?
And when Joyo heard back that he was still unbelievable, the Koran lifted up his sword to show them.
"Look at this! Violet the Sword of Japan!
Indeed, the sword was engraved with a crest that mimics the shape of a flower, the national crest of the [Shunich Kingdom].
"Lady, it certainly looks like the national emblem of [Schnitch Kingdom]."
"Yeah, I guess so. And because Bal brought him here... it's real, right?
When Yoyo turned his gaze to Balmunk, he drew his chin small with a gentle smile.
"Hmm! I'm so glad to be recognized! Now let me introduce Orr, my Servant!
Then Orr, sitting next to her, stood up quietly and lowered his head.
"We apologize for visiting you at such a time. This is Orl Chain, who has just been introduced. Please, call me Oru."
The big, crisp eyes that fit in the small face and the blurriness that you can see on your cheeks are impressive and cute. It's a dress with a big ribbon on the chest, but it looks great on her.
Now let me introduce myself.
Yoyo stands up and introduces each one. And when the rest of them left Sauji and Yoyo's introduction, then Sauji decided to introduce herself.
"I've been taking care of you in this mansion since I was born. I am also the son of Kaina Alkasa, whom I introduced earlier. My name is Saudi Alkasa, and I'm here to serve Miss Yoyo."
Verify that the eyes of the Koran are shining in the eyes of the sawdust. I feel touched by the light in her eyes, but I still remember seeing Sauji somewhere.
But it's hard to remember.
"Finally, the owner of this Crowtail Mansion. I am Yoyo Yatsuki Cloutail. Best regards,"
However, the Koran is staring at Sauji to introduce Yoyo. Yoyo also noticed the gaze, glancing at her and turning to Sauji before staring at Balmunk.
"Looks like the person they're looking for... sounds like a sawdust.
That's the observation, Soji wraps his tongue around. Well, if you consider the Koran's words and deeds, you'll see.
"Hoho, that's Yoyo. Your eyes are as bright as ever. That's right, they came here looking for Lord Saudi."
"Of course. May I ask why?
Yoyo asks the Koran, but he stares at Sage all the time because the words have not arrived, so Orr hurries out to help him.
"Hi, princess!
"Ah!? Yeah, that's right! Yeah, that's good! My favorite type....."
"Hey, princess! Nobody talks like that!
"What!? Soji doesn't want to hear my type!
"Eh... it's me?
Sausage that doesn't hide confusion over sudden questions. I don't know why I was suddenly struck by an incredible bombardment, but I feel like I'm drowning.
Because the gaze from everybody is really stung... if the gaze is an object, there's no doubt that Soji will be bleeding by now.
"Hi, princess! Anyway, I'll talk to you, so please be quiet!
"But Orr! I've been here to see him!
"I understand that many times! However, when the princess speaks out, the story is derailed. That's why it's Sharp!
"But Orr...."
"Be quiet!
"Uhh... oru..."
Looking at the Koran, which became a shun with tearful eyes, Saudi somehow understood the power relationship.
(I see, she seems to have more say)
I thought the Koran was a princess who tended to run wild. And it is Orr who holds the rope firmly. When I saw the true snows, they smiled as if they were stunned, so I thought they must also know the relationship between the Korans.
"Er... on behalf of my princess, this shameless Orl Chain will explain."
When Orr sighed at the depressed Koran, he turned his face toward Sauji and Yoyo.
"The purpose of our journey. As you pointed out earlier, Crowtail was looking for Saudi Alcasa there."
"... may I ask why?
I would definitely like to know the reason even if it is a sawdust. Now you'll know who you're feeling right now.
"Of course. But first, I'd like to ask Saudi-sama something."
"What is it?
"Around seven years ago, didn't Sawji stay in the Kingdom of Shunich?
"Seven years ago?... if you say so, then..."
Sausage looks at Balmunk sitting face to face. As he agrees, Soji turns to Orr again.
"Certainly, I was on a training trip around the world at that time, so I should have gone to [Schnitz Kingdom]."
Seven years ago, Saudge was ten years old. At that time, I was still looking around this [continent of Dorkia]. Some of them stayed in the [Shunich Kingdom] for a while.
"Back then, I had just begun my studies, and I rented an inn in the Kingdom of Schneech for about a week because Mr. Bal had arranged a trip and said he had work to do with an informant."
I heard Soji say, "Again! The Koran shouted, but Orr's glances made him grow up again.
"I asked Mr Balmunk, is it true that Mr Sawge was lying about you at that time?
"Huh? Ah... I see, that was definitely a lie."
"I don't know what you're talking about, Soge.
"Yes, what do you mean, false? Besides, are you sure the man you're looking for, Mr. Koran?
Yoyo and True Snow are listening quickly.
"Um, well... I mean..."
Sausage creates an orange flame from his right hand. All of a sudden, everybody looks happily at what they do, but Soji covers his hair with that flame.
And when he saw it, the Koran stood up and broke his face with joy. And to express the joy of finally meeting you,
"It was you after all... orange hair boy!
Looking at her smile so loud, Saudge's thin memory of sleeping at the bottom of her memory comes back to life.