Souen no historia
Chapter 95 The Kingdom of Flowers
Saudi Alkasa - ten years old.
In order to be Yoyo's butler, you cannot remain immature in body or mind. Soji went on a training journey with Balmunk as soon as he was ten years old to train himself.
It also led to spreading the word around the world, and when the experience definitely improved my character as a butler, everyone sent me out feeling lonely.
For Sawge, why are you studying? I didn't think so, but she's often kidnapped or caught in the crossfire. Because it was fate, I had no choice but to watch Yoyo.
But Sawyer also knew that protecting her like that required strength. If this training journey would make me stronger and better for Yoyo, I would run to gain the strength to protect Yoyo and my family.
Though I was told to go around the world for at least three years, I thought I would be stunned, but the Mansion didn't have to worry because it seemed that Balmunk had prepared a trusted person, so I was a little worried, but I believed Balmunk's words and Soji went on a journey with him.
To be perfectly clear, torture in the name of his education had deviated from the beginning. Be sure to read one book every day. This is still good. It is easy to read over time.
But I was told to read the book as quickly as possible. I was told to be able to grasp the extent to which any book is sufficient.... I thought it was useless.
Why would Balmunk give you a book, huh? It was just a book that was thick enough to think it was a dictionary! Besides, there are only specialized books, and the contents are quite difficult.
I couldn't read it in one day or another at first. In addition, the body was always equipped with Balmunk's special growing weight. The wristband was wrapped around both hands and feet, and the bowl was wrapped around the belly.
It seemed to be a magic item that increased in weight as the sawdust grew, and it was an invariant torture tool that no matter how much it was trained, the weight felt remained unchanged and the spiciness remained unchanged.
Besides, it was so vicious that it made me think which army training would encourage me to walk a long way with it on, and be forced to wake up with water on my face if I fell down.
This is still the beginning, and I was constantly able to use magic to improve my magic control and quality. Specifically, he was made to play the role of a boy who always wore orange hair, covering his hair with orange flame. They used Spartan means to deplete both health and magic.
In addition, in the early morning and evening, you can wear rags with practitioners from Balmunk. It was dense enough to be ridiculous compared to the training I had received at the Mansion until then. It wouldn't be impossible to break my heart in the first three days.
But every time something happens, Balmunk brings up Yoyo and shakes his emotions. Even if he remained weak, he soon became a butler, and Yoyo was grabbed by a thief and died. When Yoyo relied on him for lack of knowledge, he could not answer anything, failed in an important negotiation, and Yoyo's trust collapsed.
Besides, Balmunk gave me the reward I deserved if I worked hard. To put it simply, listen to Sage's wishes. He asked me anything but what was not in line with the purpose of the trip, such as making my studies easier.
If you want to go to that city, if you see something like this, or if you want to eat something delicious, you swing your head vertically in a flash. One day, when I joked that I wanted to be comforted by a beautiful woman, I really prepared a woman from somewhere, so his universal spec didn't block his open mouth. Besides, it was really a sausage-friendly Nice Buddy, so it was only then that I worshipped Balmunk as a god.
After traveling for a while, Balmunk said he was going to the Kingdom of Shunich. Everything [Schnitch Kingdom] is the kingdom that governs the "Anjax region" of [Dorkia Continent], and it seems to be a country where beautiful flowers bloom all year round, so called the "Kingdom of Flowers".
I was looking forward to seeing the country, so I understood without complaining.
When I entered the country, I was first surprised by the style and beauty. The smell of very pleasant flowers comes from everywhere. Whether you look to the left or to the right, you will always see flowers in your sight.
It was a very beautiful place with colorful flowers blooming and lots of cherry tree-like trees planted in Japan.
Rather, the elegance of the people was felt, and the impression was that it was a fashionable country. Enjoying tea time outside in the beautiful sun accelerated the feeling even more.
"Is this the Kingdom of Flowers... amazing!
"Isn't that right? The first king who once founded this country was also called the Kao, and he loved flowers more than anyone else."
"Hee ~ But it's hard to grow or keep flowers like this?
"Of course, it's not easy. But people love flowers all the time. As a condition of living here, first of all, whether you can love flowers."
"I see. You're all holding hands and growing flowers."
"That's right. The flowers made here are also known as the Emperor's Imperial Seal, which the Emperor also appreciates."
"One of them is that big flower!
Soji is a square in the center of the country. Then point to the flower bed in the center of the square. There were huge flowers pointing towards the sun as if they were representative of the country.
A giant flower that emits its presence in the center surrounded by a variety of beautiful flowers. Is there more than one pink petal per adult? When I counted the petals, there were ten.
" Moonflower Beauty (Rocky Beauty) .It is a national flower that emits a clear pale light when exposed to the moon light.
"You're going to want to see something."
"Well, actually, I think so."
The two were having such a conversation as they walked into the square. And when Balmunk stops,
Then I'll keep the inn. As I mentioned yesterday, I'm staying here for a while, so I'm going to spread the word. "
"Yes, Mr. Bal has business in this country, right?
Yes, it's a personal matter.
"Ok! It's also about learning to interact with people!
Ho, I'll see you at the inn at night.
Balmunk nodded with a smile and left somewhere. Soji, who was alone, sweats his forehead and looks around the country, feeling the weight on his body.
"There are flowers everywhere. You really like flowers in this country."
Then a large castle appears in front of you.
"Schnitch Castle, I knew it was a real castle!
A vast chalk castle. They are decorated with flowers everywhere. It's as if the castle itself was wearing flowers.
"I'd love to see inside the castle anyway... but you can't go in on your own..."
There were soldiers standing at the gates of the castle, and I didn't think a 10-year-old could fit in normally. When I thought I had to give up, I saw something move at the edge of my vision.
"Nh... that's..."
There was someone on the wall. There are also flowers on the wall, so we find a girl looking around to hide in it. And then the girl came down from the wall with a crow.
It was a picture of a prisoner escaping from prison.
"Whoever it is... that"
He was wearing a light blue dress, so I assumed that he was quite a high-profile person in the sausage. Brilliantly, she escaped without being noticed by the gatekeeper, and left again looking around.
Soji was attracted to something and decided to follow her. Then, step by step, you're heading out of the country.
"Where are you going?
She seemed unaware of the tail, but she continued to move closer to the country's exit. And to my surprise, he went outside.
Security is better around here than elsewhere, but there may still be thieves outside, and dangerous creatures may emerge.
Nh ~ I don't think that's a good idea.
Soji felt dangerous to leave behind and followed her out of the country in the same way.