Souen no historia
Episode 101 Bachelor of Fats
A carriage carrying Soji, Yoyo and Feniche Shiny headed for the city of [Aquapos].
In the carriage, you can also discover the appearance of Trunte. I'm on my way to deliver Lord Narios to [Aquapos], where he lives.
Thanks to Yoyo's "Rhythm" magic, physical fatigue is fully recovered. Yoyo suggested to him that he still seemed to be mentally damaged, cared for him who had not yet been born to open the shop, and that he should be cured in the Mansion for a while.
He wants to reopen the shop opened thanks to Lord Narios if he can, but in his current state of mind, I think it would be rude to the customers, so I decided to accept Yoyo's advice.
When they arrived at the Mansion, they welcomed him and his family came out of the Mansion. Because I contacted you beforehand. Sir Narios' wife, Arlette, is gently holding Trunte back in her arms.
It seems that Trante's father and mother live in a different city, but Soji was relieved to see him soon.
If he had such a warm family at his side, it would have been a matter of time before he had fully recovered.
"I'm really sorry about everything."
Everyone in the Mansion lowers their heads uniformly, not just Trente.
No, we just did what we had to do.
"Exactly. So, Mr. Trante, I was wondering if you should do the same."
"Yoyo... Saudi-kun..."
"Please let me know when you reopen the store. I will definitely ask."
"Saudi-kun... yeah, okay. I'm looking forward to it."
His face was a little rough, but somehow refreshed. Perhaps I was able to spit out all the thoughts I had on my chest.
I wanted him to reopen the shop for Lord Narios. I was sure that Ser Narios would come to me... and I thought so, Saudi.
Return to the carriage and return to Crowtail's Mansion. Trunte and his family were watching until the carriage disappeared.
Upon returning to the Mansion, Jiangsu was wearing arms at the garden tip and playing royalty. His eyes are filled with fierce light, as if it were a prey.
"Looks like you're not gonna be able to avoid it, Soji."
Yoyo, who walks next door, looks at his attitude and shrugs his shoulders.
"I see. I don't want any trouble if I can."
"That's impossible. I made a promise."
Yes, he promised that he would work together once all the problems he now had (regarding Trunte) had been solved.
And today, seeing the solution, he must have been looking forward to working with Sage. If you look at that face, you can clearly see how it's flirting.
(This is why fighters are in trouble.)
For Sage, who doesn't want to fight honestly, it makes him feel careless if something happens. This is no match for a chopped incident.
Ah, seemingly, Blade Enlightenment seems to be able to grasp the priority of things, so I think if something with that high priority happens... but if it happens, it happens and it's troublesome, so either way, there seems to be no escape.
When I began to get angry because I had no choice, a carriage entered the grounds of the Mansion. Attention is paid to all those who were there, regardless of who they were.
Then, looking at the person who came out from inside, he said, "Ah!" he cried. Saudi and Yoyo apparently observe the person he seems to know.
A middle-aged man with a stomach that you can't call Dandy. Is it hot? I sweat from my forehead even though the sun is not strong.
But what bothered me more than that was the clothes he was wearing. A robe-shaped garment based on blue and white. And a crest resembling a book and a pen on the back.
"Miss Yoyo, that dress is definitely..."
"Yes, a Bachelor's uniform from the Royal Ham School."
[Southern and Dadaneo continents]. A continent divided into two regions. One of them, the Phillips Region, is home to the world's most prestigious school.
That is the "Royal Ham School of General Studies" - commonly known as "Ham Science".
Simply put, it is the best study hall and a repository of knowledge that many excellent bachelors attend.
"Temee! Why is Temee here?!
Blade enlightens men faster than anyone else. But I quickly became happy and glanced at the man uncomfortably.
"Temee... you didn't follow me?
I didn't know what the hell was going on, and Sawge thought about watching the conversation for now. It seems that Yoyo intends to do the same.
"Thank you for your trouble. I heard your conversation and quickly followed it, but it took me a long time to catch up because it was pretty fast."
Then the charity that stood silently next to him put his pom and hand on the shoulder of enlightenment and said, calm down with his eyes. And when you step out one step ago,
"Hey, Mr. Albis? I'm sure I've seen a little of you. I can't believe they were listening to the conversation back then. And I wonder if they're pretty stuck chasing us?
"Of course! If you'd done your job properly, you wouldn't have bothered to stretch your legs to a city like this!
A man called Albis said it was such a city, so there was something I felt a little sawdusty about.
"Heh! It's Temee's! You came looking for Feniche's eggs!
"That's right."
The conversation somehow swallowed up the situation.
(The disciples of Fire Origin do play Explorer . In other words, the man asked the Blade Gods to look for Feniche's eggs, and he blew it, so he followed the Blade Gods here.)
Soji exhales gently. It seems that the trouble I was hoping for just now has arrived.
Albis' gaze turned toward the Saudis. But I cut my eyes off immediately, and now I'm heading to the Mansion. And Joyo stood before him, and opened his mouth.
"I understand the connection, but isn't it a little rude?
"Hmm? Who are you?
"I'm sorry about this. My name is Yoyo Yatsuji Crowtail and I am the owner of the Mansion."
"Huh, this is unusual again. It's a big deal even though you're still young. My name is Albis United. As you can see, I am a worthy bachelor's degree."
"So, what can I do for you? Do you want to come by carriage all of a sudden and talk in the garden without even talking?
Yoyo seemed a little angry at Albis's lack of gratitude.
"It would be quick to talk if you were the main player. Please give me Phoenicia!
Yoyo didn't seem surprised to have anticipated what he wanted. But Shiny, who was at the foot of the saw, stuck to the saw in a frightened manner.
"What is giving up...?
"That's right! You must know that the eggs are brought here. I'm not sure if it was born or not, but there should still be egg shells and contents. I want you to give it away."
"I see. You're going to take that Feniche egg home and use it as a research ingredient?
"That's what bachelors are for."
Then Yoyo burst into a smile. The glossy expression was well prepared to attract everyone. And Albis also broke his face with joy thinking he had the approval with that smile.
But the expression was soon broken.
"I refuse."
"... what?
"There is no such thing in this mansion."
"Ha!? No, that's not true! We were eavesdropping on them! And their presence here is the best proof!
Albis pointed to the Blade Gospels, and the Blade Gospels looked bad. Maybe they're sorry for the inconvenience.
"Even if it is, there is not a single piece of dust to give you. Take the money."
Your face is twitching and gradually becoming bright red. At a glance, Yoyo turned his heel and headed towards the Mansion.
"But... but... because of a child who doesn't learn..."
Albis' body trembled little by little, clanging his teeth.
"Whoa, whoa, what do you know about me!
Suddenly he starts yelling at his fingers.
"Ke, thanks to Ke Ke Ke research, the world has developed... but without learning, you can live a rich life!
Yoyo, who stopped his feet, turned to him again.
"If so, will you be allowed to do anything to learn?
"Well, of course! That's it, and that's Phoenicia! Ah, if there was one, it would be my research expense...."
"I see. You're trying to steal someone dear from me because of your desire for research funding?
"Hmm, what are you...?
Saudge, get him out of here.
"I'm afraid, Miss Yoyo."
Saudge told Shiny to stand alone in front of Albis.
"Hmm, what are you!?
"Again. Take the money."
"So, give me Feniche's eggs and I'll be home!
Really? Unfortunately... we will eliminate dangerous people. "
Albis would have seen the sawdust disappear. But Sawge only crushed the distance so fast that he couldn't consciously. And --------------pahhhn!
I slapped Alvis' cheek with a slap. Just a fat, middle-aged, incompetent Albis receives his vinta and blows it off in a massive way, rolling over the ground.
And as he stared at him completely white-eyed, blowing bubbles and fainting, Soji turned to enlightenment and charity.
"Well, can I talk to you both a little?
Seeing the smelly face of Soji, the blade enlightened his cheeks.