Souen no historia
Chapter 129: Ask for an Answer
Originally, the room that was given true snow was a room for two people who were using it with Seyla. Now, the real snow is sitting on her bedroom bed, and the other bed is sailor's bed.
The answer to the true snow has already been given. It's to go back to Sawge. However, you must not think about the original world separately. True snow has a family.
If you live with Soji, you will inevitably abandon the original world. I certainly want to see my family. But true snow hurts more than not seeing your family again.
If you have to choose between, the answer is already in the true snow. But I don't know Seyla's answer.
Of course, true snow doesn't want to leave Seyla. I became a friend, a best friend, and was summoned by the world for some cause and effect, and traveled together. The connection is strong.
That's why I want to return to Sage with Seyla as a true snow hope, but it is a problem that cannot be compelled. Seyla has a family waiting for her.
Raki said that repatriation magic is not all-purpose, but it also specifies when it can be exercised. Therefore, if you miss the next opportunity, it will take a long time to be able to return.
If you can easily get back and forth with the original world, you don't have to worry about true snow. You'll feel like you're back in the world.
But that's not how it works. Once you return with repatriation magic, you don't know if you will be summoned next time. Not so convenient a situation will happen.
If you go back there, you'd better think that you'll never come back to this other world [orb] again. That's why Seyla is worried. You want to stay with the real snow, and you want to go back to Sage. But if you miss the repatriation magic, you don't know when you'll be able to return next.
"Seyla... can I tell you what I think?
"Eh... ah, yes"
I decided to think about the real snow together because I couldn't help but keep feeling a little bit longer.
"I told the king, but I'm going back to you."
"Yes, but what about the family?
"Hmm, I wonder if I can't send you a letter... or at least let you know that I'm okay."
"That's right. I'm sure you're worried."
"Yeah, I'm sure he's doing a really good job.... but I want to be by your side."
"... you're strong, Mr. Mayuki."
"Ahahah, I just didn't think about anything, just decided with momentum. But... I don't want to be sad anymore."
When I was told that Kanji was dead and had to face reality, I thought my heart would be torn apart. There were no laughing days, crying over and over again.
Seyla made me laugh a little bit, but I still don't remember laughing heartily. Think twice never disappeared from my brain.
If you think that your heart will break, the true snow will run straight into your thoughts. Of course, I understand that I am doing terrible things to my family. It will hurt you so much that you won't even say a word.
But I still chose true snow. To stay in this world.
"What about Seyla...?
He leaned on his face as if he didn't have an easy answer.
"Ah, what about senpai? Senpai, it feels like you're dyed to death in this world, and maybe you won't go home."
True snow speaks as if he were talking to himself.
At that time, the sound of knocking on the door is heard, and the true snow corresponds.
"What? That's Raki. What's the matter with you?
It was a glare that was beyond the door.
"I'm sorry for the sudden. I was hoping to explain the magic of repatriation."
"Oh, yeah. Come in. Come in."
"Ah, yes. Excuse me."
True snow pushes Raki into the room, recommending him a chair.
"Quickly, but I haven't talked about repatriation magic yet, so let me explain a bit."
"Yes, please."
Each of the two responded to Raki, and Raki slightly pulled his chin and opened his mouth.
"Actually, the time is approaching for repatriation magic. Perhaps the eclipse will happen soon. It will be an opportunity for repatriation."
"I see... hey, do you know the exact day of the eclipse?
"Yes, I checked with the astrologer who can cast the stars. It's about noon in 18 days."
"... what if I miss that time?
"Yes... the eclipse is not so unusual, but the last eclipse was about seven years ago."
True snow was suddenly about to burst into it, but I endured it. When she heard the story again, Seyla blushed her face.
Assuming that the next eclipse is seven years away, if we escape this time, the next time we can go home is when Seyla turns 24. Better than never going home, but still time has passed. Seyla's family may have given up her survival by now.
"It's just about the last eclipse. It was open for about thirteen years."
Even more cruel realities are pointing at Seyla. If we miss this one, we could be sorry about seven years if we succeed.
"Mayuki-san... what should I do... huh?"
Raki must have had a complicated feeling about summoning them. He was also the one who separated himself from his family. As a lucky man, you must be determined to do everything you can.
"Seyla... this is not something I should say."
"Because it's a problem with Seyla's life. That's why Seyla has to answer it herself, and I'm going to regret it."
"... that's right."
"There are still 18 days left. I think we should think about it until then. But...."
True snow gently wraps around Seyla's hands. Then he smiled at Nickoli and stared straight into Seyla's eyes.
"Even if we leave, Seyla and I are best friends. If I tell you the truth... I want to be with you forever... but I want to be with you... because I support Seyla's answer!
"Mr. Mayuki... yes, thank you."
Seyla also loosened her cheeks slightly. It feels easier to hold on a little.
"You two are very close. I envy you, trusting each other."
"What are you talking about, Mr. Raki? Raki is our friend too!
"Ah, thank you."
With a smile on the face of true snow, Raki's ears are red and illuminated.
Then Raki left the room saying that he would also go to see Wado.
"That snowman... Seyla... I'll give you an answer."
"Yeah! Don't regret it!
Then Saira shakes her head slowly to the side.
"No, no matter what answer you give, you will regret it."
Sure she's right. Even if you choose to stay here, you still regret abandoning your family. I also regret the reality that even if I return to the original world, I will be separated from true snow and sawdust.
"So, Seyla decides which regrets to choose..."
"... yeah, I got it."
Seyla still had lost her eyes, but she was relieved that she had a positive attitude. And I wanted to support her.
Then came the soldiers, saying that there had been a call from the king. As she was in a hurry, she thought something was going on, and the true snow looked at Seyla, but as she was told, she went to the king.
So a word of astonishment was cast from the king.
"I had to have my lords crush the rebels."