Souen no historia
Chapter 134 Assassin
In Crowtail's mansion, Soji watered the flowers with three young girls, Ninte, Yu, and Shiny. Recently, Shiny has also been actively helping me with Soji's work and getting along with Nintes.
Three days passed for Joyo to go to the [Zouan continent]. After that, a letter from Yoyo came to the Mansion, saying that [Saphire Country] and [Topajo Country] had formed an alliance.
Looks like things are going well on Yoyo's street of operations. Saudi also sent a status report to Yoyo in a letter to inform him that he had defeated Yesin.
The postal situation in this world is called Swan Delivery, a system where swans deliver letters. A swan is a type of bird that understands human language and is a very clever genius swan.
They fly fast, they can cross the continent in two days, and that's how they deliver their letters. The city is equipped with an orange box like a mail post, and if you leave a letter there, it will arrive in Swan Mail.
Of course, you have to buy a postal sticker that you sell in the store and put it on the mail, not free of charge. It looks like a stamp and there are various types.
Daddy ~ Check it out ~
Shiny put his hands together to hide it. I wonder if I caught something.
"What's wrong?
"What is it?
He opened his hand and showed me what he had caught. There was a small butterfly on Shiny's hand.
Oh, it's a butterfly.
Yeah, I'll say chow chow too.
"Choo-choo... choo-choo!
You liked the butterfly? I thought I'd show it to Nintes while chattering "Choo-choo-choo!", but the wild butterflies aren't sweet enough to grow up.
The butterfly flew from above Shiny's hand to the sky because it wasn't covered with hands.
"Ahh!? Uh-oh, wait a minute."
I'm desperately trying to chase the butterfly, but I don't know if the butterfly will catch me, so I head to the sky that Shiny can't reach.
"Well, what's the matter, Shiny?
"Uh-huh, Ninte Oniichan, she's gone..."
Really? That's a shame. "
Ninte strokes Shiny's head, comforting her as if her sister were dealing with her. But Yu approached Shiny with both hands together.
"Shiny, what are you gonna do?"
"Hmm? What's wrong, Yu Oni-chan?
Shiny leaned her neck and wondered, but with both hands out, Yu gently touched her hand and slowly opened her hand. A few butterflies were on her palm.
Wow ~
Looks like Yu caught a butterfly for Shiny.
Shiny smiles like a flower blooming happily. The other two are smiling at her happy appearance.
(Ha, looks like a real sister.)
No matter what a smiling sight it is, Soji senses a tingling hostility when he feels comfortable. Then aggressively creates an orange flame from the right hand, enveloping the three and ensuring safety.
"Thor, Saugh!?
Ninte shouted something, but Soji quickly turned to the front door and opened the door, moving the orange flame wrapped around them, moving them straight to the Mansion.
Then, after removing the orange flame and taking care not to leave the Mansion for a while with a serious expression on the three of them, they seemed confused, but the three of them acknowledged.
Soji then went out and looked in the direction of hostility that he had felt earlier. They were impatient to see Saudi's attitude and heard footsteps running away.
Soji tracked him from the sky on an orange flame and found someone hiding under his eyes in a robe. Apparently, he didn't notice Soji, and he was fleeing desperately as he looked back.
The sausage jumps off the orange flame and stands in the person's present position.
When Loeb's character stops in a hurry, he starts to look around.
"Let me ask you something. Who is it?
Ok then, I'll leave it as it is.
As soon as the white flame came out of his right hand, the man in the robe took off the robe and threw it at the saw. Sausage turned to the left and the person's arm in front of her stretched.
A little surprised, but avoided the arm with sufficient reaction speed. Then he grabbed his arm and hit the ground with a single shoulder.
Observe the fallen opponent and determine that the opponent is a Demon. Moreover, the skin is red and stained. It was the hallmark of a demonic tribe.
"I see. Was it" The Red Skin Clan "? I'm sure King Gananju's palm..."
As soon as the man slapped his tongue on Sage's words, he quickly got up and held the two knives on his hips in both hands, and now he reached out and attacked. Moreover, since it becomes like a muzzle, it is expected to have considerable destructive power.
"But that's not enough."
When the sawdust jumps up to avoid, open your right hand and stop it in front of your chest. The enormous magic of the sawdust is overflowing, condensing and forming itself on the palm of your right hand.
"I'll show you a new way to use the red flame."
Magic is concentrated, and several small red sparkling spheres like fireworks appear. They play the sphere one by one from the sky towards the man on the ground, using the decoupling procedure.
The bounced sphere then penetrated the man's left arm with a red line like a laser.
Play the spheres one after the other and steal the movement of the opponent. Attack your right arm, legs, and feet to make them completely immobile. A man who can't react to the speed of the laser penetrates his body without a trick.
And the man who fell down on the ground screamed and squeezed out the sausage.
"Ba... a monster... you..."
"I don't care about that. Now, are you going to tell me your purpose?
"Haha, fuck you!
"... I see, then I'll force you to peek into your memory."
"... what?
"Before you do that, you're depressed. Please sleep."
Soji strikes him and takes consciousness away.
"Record, Blue Flame."
A clear blue flame emerges from the right hand of the saw, wrapping the body of the man. And even now in Soji, it creates a square blue like a TV screen. Men's memories are reflected there.
It was the man and the minister of [Ruvino Country] - the Doc.
And the flow of their conversation revealed that they were searching for Sawge to investigate who killed Yessin. And as soon as the investigation was finished, it seemed like they were doing the math of drawing people in if necessary.
I also heard that if the negotiation didn't work out, I'd kill him. It seemed unexpected to the opponent that Yesin had been killed, and the person who made it was trying to add it to his hand if it was a man of gold or honor.
(You're underestimated.)
It was an unpleasant behavior for Sage, who never moved or moved with money or honor. Well, shortly after the negotiation, he defeated the assassin, so he agreed that he inevitably showed a completely hostile position.
I can't shake my tail at Yoyo's enemies in the first place. When Saudi removed the blue flame, he created a white flame and handled the man coldly.
(Well, you can come if you want. I'll take it all back.)