Souen no historia
Chapter 144 Reunion with True Snow
"... eh? Ah, yoyo!
When I suddenly came to [Saphir Country], I heard that [Spiritual Instruments], and I thought that Yoyo was the true snow, but it was the true snow of the Amagawa summoned by [Rustya Kingdom] from other worlds.
True snow initially filled his eyes with surprise, but soon he rushed gladly to take Yoyo's hand. Yoyo was also relieved to see her look as she smiled and looked alive in true snow.
"I'm surprised, Mayuki. I can't believe you're here."
"That's Koch's line! Why is Yoyo here?
"At work. Besides, you're here... about the coup?
Then, instead of the true snow, the confa who had previously come to the Mansion to pick up the true snow sharpened his eyes.
"Knowing about the coup... does Lord Crowtail have anything to do with it?
"Yes, but I've already finished my work and I was just about to go home. When I heard that Mayuki might be there, I wanted to see her face."
But Yoyo moves his face and looks for someone with a frown, but he frowns without seeing it.
"... what happened to Seyla? You're not coming with me?
Asking the true snow breaks her smile. I think something happened, and Yoyo also makes a serious look.
"... what happened, Mayuki?
"... actually."
From the true snow, ask why there is no Seyla here.
"... yes, she's wondering if she's going back to her old world."
"Surely that's not a good question to say. I think of Seyla as a family, but her parents and brothers are in a different world."
That's an irreplaceable problem. Choosing one inevitably discards the other. The ultimate choice. Seyla wants to be in this world, but she won't be able to abandon her parents easily. Now Seyla is probably suffering from the biggest choice of her life.
But it's something that Seyla herself must regret if she doesn't give an answer. That's why you won't be able to speak poorly.
"But are you okay, Mayuki?
"Yeah, I want to be by Yoyo's side. I can't apologize to my moms anymore, but I'll choose this world."
"... okay. Prepare yourself, and I will carry it as a family."
Thank you, Yoyo.
Nowem comes there and coughs up one.
It's about time, Yoyo?
"Oh, I'm sorry, King Nowem."
Yoyo apologizes to Nowem for leaving her behind. Looking at her, the comforters knelt down and thanked her.
"Okay, okay, you don't have to be afraid."
But Confa and Nanahus were kneeling, and Wado was pocahong.
"A little girl... I can't believe King Lori actually existed...! The other world is amazing after all."
With such rudeness, Lori, the demon king has certainly arrived in Norwegian ears, and her forehead is blue-lined.
"Whoa, oh, what did the Lord just say?
Behind Gogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogo
"Eh!? Ah, well...."
"Who said... she's not a little girl? And Lori the Demon King? How can you insult me?
Then the hurried confa penetrated the dove tail of Japanese-style Dou with his right fist.
Then I grabbed his head and shoved it on the floor, forcing him to apologize.
"I am truly sorry, King Norwegian! This man is neglectful of common sense, and this is by no means the intention of the [Kingdom of Lastia]!
"Ugh... I'm hungry..."
"But if you don't like it, give me this man's neck! I want you to do it with your heart!
"Hey... that's not going to be cool..."
Wado makes a voice squeezing out his face while distorting his abdominal pain. Confa seemed to think it would be desirable if she could get rid of Japanese-style Dou here, but did Norwegian feel sincere about the behavior or did Norwegian anger subside?
"No, I didn't grow up. That's enough."
"No! This is an insult! Please penetrate this man with a guilty plea blade!
"Eh... ah... no, that's enough?
Nowem was also under pressure on the sword screen of Confa.
Nanahus managed to forgive the conflagration, and the skin of the neck of Japanese-style Dou was connected, but when the conflagration saw Japanese-style Dou and slapped his tongue, the conflagration ordered him not to speak anymore, and he stepped out one step ago.
"Thank you for setting up a viewing area this time."
"Good. I know why. Is this about the coup?
"Ha! It's up to us to stop this coup."
"Hmm, that'll help. I've never done much fighting. Besides, there is no reason to refuse because there is a [spirit vessel] in it."
"Well then....."
"Hmm, it will take three days to take down [Ruvino Country]. Until then, you can relax in this castle."
"Thank you. Thank you very much."
Nanahus lowered his head after confronting him.
And when the sight was finished, Joyo was again pointing his face against the snow. And next to that, there was Norwegian. It seems that she was also interested in his acquaintance.
"Wow, I'm surprised that Yoyo's acquaintance was one of the [Spiritual Devices]."
King Norwegian, I don't know you. I know you.
"Oh, sorry. Sorry. That's right."
"But Yoyo, Yoyo, why are you here?
"Well, I was hired by the Norwegian king here."
When Yoyo told True Snow about his work, he listened with a hammer.
"Wow, that's what Yoyo was doing. Besides, you defeated the coup people."
"Hmm! Sausage is amazing! Thanks to him, we can win this war!
Norwem laughs with a thin chest as if she were proud.
"But I wonder if it's okay to speak freely to the king of one country...."
"Good, the rest is certainly not kings, but it's not just in public. You can treat me like I'm just one of the demons now."
"Ha, ha."
"I can't just think, Mayuki. King Norwegian doesn't care about such small pieces. Well, the jumbo next door will hurt your stomach again."
It is obvious that the kings of this attitude make it difficult for them to get close to each other. But the kings of Norway are greatly admired by the people and the castles. It will depend, for example, on her personality, but Yoyo also thinks that she should act freely and weigh herself a little.
But you're in trouble.
"Hmm? What's wrong, Yoyo?
"No, Mayuki can't wait for us, family members, to suck our fingers to stop the coup..."
"It's okay, yo! This is the last favor from the King, and when this is over, I'll be back in the Mansion again, so I took it!
"Do you understand the fear of war?
"Eh... that's..."
"I don't know what war is going to be. Even with the incredible power of the [Artifact of the Spirit], you are still developing. If you get hurt in battle, you can lose your life.
Yoyo was above all worried about it. It is fine if it only injures the body. With that, the sausage can heal, and even Yoyo can help. But there's nothing you can do if you lose your life. I just want to avoid whatever happens.
"If it's true, I don't want you to join the war, but this is your decision. Sometimes he carries a country. That's why I can't tell you to stop. But when it comes to watching it in silence, it's never gonna happen."
"Because you're my family. That's what Soji would say."
"... yeah, thank you."
True snow is a relief to Yoyo's heart. After thinking for a while, Yoyo looks up at Nowem.
"King Norwegian, can I call Soji on this occasion?
"Hmm? That's good. Then use it....."
"No, you don't have to."
Leaving Yoyo's stunned voice behind, Yoyo takes out his necklace and gently closes his eyes with both hands. The necklace is from a sausage and depicts a yellow flame engraved pattern.
(Soji... come here)
Remember strongly in your heart. The other two watched Yoyo's manners silently, and all of a sudden, Yoyo's necklace emitted a pale light. And a surprising sight appeared in front of Yoyo.
There must have been nothing there. But for a moment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Hello, Miss Yoyo."
The red-haired butler, Saudi Alcasa, appeared.