Souen no historia
Episode 151: The Connection between Demons and Spiritual Instruments
An island in the north of the [Zouan continent] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It is an island covered in ice all year round and does not give any signs of life. There is a large iceberg in the center of the island, which is a symbol. In addition, the environment is harsh, and in temperatures of minus 50 degrees centigrade, humans cannot carry their feet and investigate.
The investigation team has been on board many times, but it was only discontinued when it could hardly be investigated. In the last few hundred years, it will be as much as a fact-finding mission organized by Ganange of [Ruvino Country].
They were only able to stay for a few days, but they were nevertheless able to find the mummy of an iced child in some coincidence cave.
It was also a coincidence, and it was in the back of the cave where the scaffold suddenly collapsed and happened to be found. And Gananju took the mummy home, and tried to find out more about the island, but no more caves were found, as if they were hidden by someone else.
But the cave did exist. It's an underground cave. In the ground of the island, a hole was dug like an ant's nest, creating a settlement.
And one of those holes. A boy sits on a throne made of earth and rock. The boy was revived by the Demon King Ganange of [Ruvino Country]. And a staircase stretches from the throne, and there are nine pedestals at the end of the stretch, and nine objects stand on top of it.
Some of them are stone statues with letters written on the pedestal. Inside stands a living figure, not a stone statue.
The pedestal says "Rift", and a person wearing a tiger robe is kneeling. The man was the man who came to pick up the boy in [Ruvino Country].
A beautiful man with gray hair with a large horn above his head and a fine face.
"Have you remembered?
The person asks the boy politely. However, the boy looks around and leans his neck.
"Apparently the prince will take a while."
It is the person who stands quietly on the pedestal that says, "Everyone." A high voice sounds as you grip your hands at your lower abdomen.
The hair of the sea is tied in three behind it. The face that closes its eyes has a calm feminine look that looks like the late twenties. Except there's a horn growing on her head.
"Hey Ami Night, Temeye left them to revive the prince, right? How am I supposed to be responsible if the prince doesn't come back, huh?
Speaking angrily toward Ami Night, a gray-haired man, is a man with three corners with short dark blue hair upside down. The wrinkles on the old face between the eyebrows have further increased.
"Fufu, did you help revive the mummified prince?
When a woman with sea-colored hair holds the shoulders of Ami Night, a man called the Immovable Self slaps his tongue and pursues it even further.
"What are you going to do now, Aidan? Do you have any ideas about defending Ami Night?
It turned out that the woman's name was contaminated with AIDS. The infection turns its gaze on the other pedestal.
"Let's wait for the resurrection of the others."
Ki, you're so generous.
Then Ami stood up quietly at night and turned his body towards both of them.
"Our request has just begun. Soon the prince will remember himself. By then, we will have fully revived our" Kuki Sojo. "
"It takes a lot of souls. I helped them with their coup d 'état."
"Oh, what's going on?
"I knew that Ganange in [Ruvino Country] was a very ambitious person. That's why I planned to use him to gather a lot of talent. By entrusting them with the Prince Mummy, he will be delighted to have gained the power of The Chaos Clan. And at the dawn of resurrection, I will defeat the emperor and reign over the world myself."
Everyone on the spot listens to the story of the night of Amy.
"And he will try to gather more rebels against the Emperor. As planned, he collected garbage called Golden Bandits. Still breathing like a garrison somewhere on each continent. I've already checked the place out."
"... Temee, so far it's all in Temee's hands?
"My plan is perfect. All we have to do is gather more souls from the garbage. The prince will still need it."
Ami sits on the throne at night and looks at the boy who is sleeping at some point.
"So, we're going to get their souls?
"That's right. I have things to do here with Aidan. You and... go get the multifaceted kid."
"Damn, that's an order...."
I speak in an uncomfortable manner, but Ami turns his gaze to the pedestal written "Soldier" without worrying about it. There is a person sitting cross-legged with both hands together without moving at all.
"Are you okay with that, multifaceted boy?
"... I understand the details"
The multifaceted child accepted in a pale tone. A horn grows on his head, and a white stone fits on his forehead. Keep your eyes closed and pray for something.
"All right, I'll take care of the collection. Hurry up for the resurrection of the Prince and The Nine Ghosts."
After receiving the words of the night of Ami, the immobile and the multifaceted child disappeared as if they had been transferred from the scene. And Ami turns to the boy with his body again at night.
"Finally, here we are. Our" Chaos Family "will always remind you of the resentment of that time in order to take charge of the world again --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Thousand Handed Kid?
Among the ten GLOWS '"Ghosts" appearing in the story, Curie repeatedly tilted her neck when she mentioned the name of the one who was called a prince very strongly.
Thorge knew his name because he had read the story before, but Curie apparently had no experience of reading it.
"Yes. Well, I don't know if the name 'Ghost' in the story still exists, but the Thousand Handed Kid has great power. Even the Knight King, which was a trump card for people, could only be defeated almost in competition."
Soji raised his hand because he was concerned about one thing there.
"One question, may I ask?
"Yeah, that's good, Soji."
Saudge lowers his head slightly before asking for permission to speak.
"Suppose the Chaos Clan really exists, what about the ten people who were against it?
"Hmm? Soji, do you know?
"Yes? What?
"Aren't you here? He who inherited the power of existence that fought with the Knight King."
For a moment, I couldn't understand what Nowem was saying, but I glanced at the true face of snow.
"No way...!
"That's right. The ten heroes who destroyed the Chaos Clan. It's not what they now call the" Spirits. "
To be honest, I was surprised. But there is something that does fit. [Spiritual vessel] There are ten people in total. And before becoming [Heroic Spirit], they were called heroes and heroes in this world.
Thorzie, who was not very interested in what he did, would have honored himself as a hero of peace if he had defeated the existence that would plunge the world into chaos.
"The true snow succeeds them....."
"Huh? Oh, really?
The snow seemed incredible and my eyes were twitching and confused. It won't be impossible. True snow is not smart enough to hear such a story all of a sudden and swallow everything.
"Now, if this demon is about to break out of the world..."
"Hmm, I'm sure the Emperor's orders will call you the Spiritual Device."
Soji has an unexpected head. I certainly wish the world would be wrapped in darkness, but I didn't think that true snow had to fly in the vortex. Honestly, I don't want my precious childhood friend to do that.
(It's getting really troublesome.....)