Souen no historia
Chapter 153 The Sorrow of the Emperor
"And that's all I got in [Zouan Continent]."
Grouse G. Saussman, who knelt down and spoke about the collapse of the [Luvino Nation] in [Zouan Continent], remained silent waiting for a reply from the opponent ahead.
Now, in the majestic "Imperial Palace", where the surroundings called the "Golden Room" were decorated with gold and jewelry, Grouse saw him as the Emperor.
"I understand the story. You will bring your troops to Onimurajima to investigate."
"Do whatever it takes to stop the resurrection of The Nine Ghosts."
"... may I ask you one question?
What is it?
"Did the Emperor foresee this situation...?
"... it's not so predictable."
"You know that. My dream."
"In other words, the Emperor saw the resurrection of the Ghost in his dreams. That's why you sent the newly summoned one without moving the other [Spiritual Instrument] in the previous crusade against Jesine, right?
"I didn't see it that hard. I just... I..."
"... Emperor?
Grouse raised his face with suspicion that the Emperor's words had stopped along the way.
All right, back off.
"... your pleasure"
The Emperor's words are absolute. Even if you have doubts, once you are told to back off, you have no choice but to forbid pursuit. Glows left the scene with great impatience.
A deep sigh leaks from the emperor in "The Golden Room", where silence came alone. And the emperor looked up at the skylight with grief on his face.
The sun has set and the stars are twinkling in the sky.
"I wish the stars hadn't fallen..."
At that time, the Emperor closed his eyes with a headache. Then something is projected behind the closed eyelids.
It was the Emperor himself. And I'm running. Someone is pulling the hand, not just running.
And it was a sight I saw in my dreams many times.
Who the hell is this guy?
Afterwards, the person lifts her up and embraces a princess, which is commonly called a princess.
(Ugh... yes, it's always a shame in your dreams.)
And the person gently smiles and speaks to the emperor. I can't hear you. However, I could tell by looking at the mouth what the person was saying.
I will definitely help you. You're still alive. "
The expression is very calm, and I feel that just watching it enriches my mind and calms me down.
(Why is this person's smile so warm...)
The video then switches to the next vision. There you can see the ghost as opposed to the person who was holding you. There was a fierce presence that embodied the vice that wrapped around the tiger's clothes.
The Emperor also realizes that the aim of the Ghost is himself. But the person who stands to protect herself says with a gentle smile.
Please run away. I'll stop it here. "
I shout, "I can't run away without you." But for sure, he... yes, he is a man, he says.
See you again...... Litty
And he drops his knife on his neck and loses consciousness. I've never seen the continuation before.
After the headache was healed, the emperor slowly opened his eyelids and looked up at the skylight again. A sparkling shooting star falls.
The expression distorted by anxiety. In this world, shooting stars are considered a bad omen. The fall of the stars is said to augur well for things to happen, and the Emperor also believes.
Only other parents called me that. And the parents taught me to only let someone I truly trust call me that.
In other words, the person in your dreams is the person you trust the most. But he's not in this Imperial Palace right now. I know that.
If this dream is a predictive dream, the person will eventually appear in front of you. Yes, I dreamed of the resurrection of the Ghost, just like when it actually became reality...
That's why I couldn't prove it, but I tried to enrich my combat power by summoning Spiritual Instrument like in the past. However, there is still one [spirit] left.
(The other one is special... someone will take over... maybe...)
Swallow into your chest what you want to say. In words, I felt a glimmer of anxiety that it might pop like a bubble and disappear.
Gripping his fist in front of his chest, Emperor Nephritis Chartier Auro-Sfera closed his eyes to pray quietly.
Two weeks after the collapse of the [Ruvino Country], major incidents had broken out everywhere. Even if it is a major incident, it is also a case that should be referred to as a tragedy for people living in peace on a daily basis.
Information spread throughout the continent that someone was destroying the Golden Bandit on each continent. The attacked Golden Bandits were all killed, and the ones who were killed were united and strange.
One continent had a terrible way of dying as if it had been left to its own might, but one continent had been discovered with only its neck cut off brilliantly.
Saudi and Yoyo imagined why this information was so different on the continent. One thing I can tell you is that this business is not at least alone.
It's obvious that at least two of them did it. And one gets the impression of being pretty violent and messy, while the other wants to be smart at work. It was only when I assumed that there were two other people.
"But I'm sure this is a good reputation for ordinary people."
"Well, the annoying ones are disappearing one after the other."
Indeed, as Yoyo said, it is a heroic job for ordinary people to hunt down groups that attack cities and rob people in the same way.
"But it doesn't feel like a messenger of justice."
"I see. I'm talking about people who beg for their lives."
"What is the purpose?
"... I don't know..."
Though I will consider their purpose as well, I cannot judge because of the small amount of information. I'm just worried about the anomaly that's going on.
Even though it has not been so long since the collapse of the [Ruvino Country], it is now time to destroy the Golden Bandit.
(Maybe there's a connection...)
I just don't know what it is.
"We'll have to exchange information with the Kings of Norway for a while."
"That's right. Moreover, the Emperor should not leave the matter of the Ghost behind, and we will approach [Oni Lantern Island] soon."
For now, let's see what happens.
"Well, there's a way to ask Mr. Nobil how things are going...."
"I see. But I'll wait a little longer. If we wait a little longer, Nobil will be able to get more information."
Well, I'll gather as much information as I can.
"Please. Tomorrow, I'm going to Saphire."
I was afraid.
Anyway, now Soji wanted to focus on the rest of the Golden Bandit's movements and get information.