Souen no historia
Episode 155 Failure of Sage
Even if they jumped into the sky, the aftershocks of the blast were intense, and if they hadn't aggressively defended their bodies with orange flames, they would have taken some damage.
When the blast subsided, Soji floated the orange flame in the sky and looked down while riding on it. And breathed into the sight that appeared in my eyes.
There must have been a small mountain standing there called [Mount Zimba]. But now, the shadow was gone, creating a tragic situation as if you had cut off the mountain with a large spoon.
"Nah, what a cod..."
And at the center of it stood the immobile self, the person who made it, and the gyms that were supposed to be around it could not see the mercenaries. No, I don't know where the herd of bodies that were there before that went.
(Did you erase them all...?
It was incredible, but it was thought to be so destructive. Or maybe it was blown away by an explosion... Still, there are no traces of it around, so similar attacks to the explosion earlier may have turned everyone into body dust.
If I'd been running a little late, I'd have been sorry about the sawdust. Then you see the person in Saudi's eyes. It lies flat on the edge of a giant crater.
It was a gym. However, the clothes bounced and flew, and the skin inside the body became bright red as if it had melted, and the limbs were blown away brilliantly. It was a bug breath.
I noticed his presence and approached him.
"Well, it was pretty tough not to die even now. Ten o'clock. Let's do it."
"Ah... but..."
"Oh, I don't know what you're talking about. Talk to me, Korah!
I pierced him with that stiff arm as if I were stabbing him with a stick. Of course, he was crushed by his whole body, and now he is doomed.
"Ah, I killed him."
Soji felt terrible at the immobile self who vomited words with the feeling that she was playing with insects and killing them.
"Besides, which one of them killed them? Well, I guess I'll just have to keep it for myself."
Then remove the leopard from the pocket again and remove the stopper. Also, a white object came up from the gym and was sucked into the leopard.
"Guhaha, you've gathered a lot. Perhaps the prince will be resurrected!
It sounded like a sawdust in the sky, thanks to my immobile self, who spoke to himself loudly.
This will bring the prince back to life?... I see, Mr. Grouse certainly said that the boy was inhaling something like a soul. Is that what I'm inhaling?
His words and deeds show that the boy is not yet in good shape. The boy - probably a thousand-handed child, but in Glows' story, I heard it was like a beast who had just been born and did not feel good or evil.
(If Thousand Handed Kids are incomplete and need something like that soul to regain their power, their actions will all be explained)
In other words, the top priority for them now is for a thousand-handed child to regain power. You'll need a lot of souls for that. That's why we decided to kill them and rob them of our souls, looking at the Golden Bandits acting in groups.
Suddenly a voice was heard from behind Saudi, and he thought he was an enemy, but seeing his presence, he exhaled a relieved breath.
"No, what is it... don't surprise me... Mr. Punimal"
"Huh? It's the puni I've been here for a while."
"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't notice that. By the way, are you also collecting information?
"Nobil-chan is such a rough puppy."
The strange creature with wings in it is called Punimal, a magical creature created by the magic of the informant Nobil, and it is the same as Mofske and Fuwakichi.
Appraiser Mohske, storekeeper Fuwakichi, collector Punimal. They are enriching Nobil's work.
"By the way, it's time to get out of here, Puni."
I see.
If they find us here, we won't be able to escape. No, even if we escape, it's likely that the battle will take place in Athikochi, enough to alter the terrain. We should be very generous here and pass on the information we just purchased to Yoyo.
Soji and Punimal departed from the spot and descended into the shade of a tree quite far away.
"Well, it's been a long time, Mr. Punimal?
"Yes, puni, I've been busy collecting information since then."
"Apparently Nobil doesn't have much information about them either. How far is she holding up?
"It's a trade secret, Puni."
"That's a shame. But let me give you one piece of advice."
"If you continue to be involved in the Ghost, please be very careful. As Punimal saw, they are super powerful. I think that Nobil-san is also heavily loaded if he is caught in the middle of life."
"... if you're going to fight the Ghost, can Sauji win?
"No, now I'm probably going to get killed. If you were the immobile opponent who fought for strength, or depending on the way you fought, you might still be able to win, but you would still have to die."
Put your eyes down so that Punimal could think seriously. And raise your eyes quietly.
"... then I'll tell you only one thing."
" The demon is collecting a human soul puni. And not only is it used for the resurrection of the Thousand Handed Child, but also for the resurrection of the Kuki Mass."
"The Resurrection of the Nine Ghosts?
"Apparently, you need a human soul to fully unlock the seal."
"... why are you telling me that?
Then Punimal turned his back.
Thanks for thinking about Nobil, Puni.
That being said, Punimal went back into the sky. Saudge lowered his head as he watched the shrinking Punimal figure.
(Thank you, Mr. Punimal)
When Soji returns to the Mansion, he tells the Kainas that Yoyo is going to go to [Saphir Land].
And immediately to convey the information, he exercised yellow flame and metastasized. But that was a mistake. It was a complete mistake. Because what's in front of Soji right now...
Because it was a bathing area where undamaged ladies were sweating... By the way, it was Curie, the demon king of [Topajo Country] who came to [Saphir Country].
The body is stiff and upset by unexpected happiness. Someone put his hand on his shoulder from behind the saw.
The twitching sawdust shivers your body, slowly turning your face backwards like a gibberish and greasy robot. Yoyo, who wrapped a towel around his body, showed his angry expression and aura.
"Yo, Yoyo, miss...."
"Soji, are you ready?
The sound was terribly gentle, but Saudi felt his whole body chill.
"Wahahahaha! What a sawdust! You want to take a bath too? All right, let's flush the rest of your back!
Apparently, the other demon king, Nowem, seems to be far removed from shame, and laughs with his chest wide open even though he is completely visible. Yurin, who wrapped her body with a towel like Yoyo, wrapped a smooth towel around her body.
"Thorge, think about it for a while!
The moment Yoyo dyed his cheeks with hot air poured out a huge amount of magic, the fierce pain ran into Sauji's belly.
Squeeze and squat from your stomach. Soji then tied his teeth and crawled to the floor in search of an exit.
"Oh, yeah? I don't know where you're going, Soji.
"Ugu... duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh..."
Nowem asks as he bends his knees in the direction of travel. If possible, I'd like to rush into the bathroom as soon as possible, but if I make a very intense move or utter a word... it'll come out.
"Hmm? You look a lot pale... do you have a cold?
"... so, pull your glutes away... ahh!?
A big wave is coming in again. I concentrated on holding my knees and going through the wave for now.
"Mmm, what's wrong? Doesn't it look really spicy?
"I don't care if you leave me alone, King Norwegian, because I only discipline those who commit indecency."
The cold, sharp sound of yoyo pierces your throat. I regretted the sawdust and the overly reckless behavior.
However, I cannot afford to apologize now. For now, it seemed like I had survived the waves, so I created an orange flame from my right hand, so I covered my body and floated up to the toilet quickly.
Oh, it's not convenient.
Nowem was intrigued by Soji's magic and laughed. Yoyo then apologized to the Culeans. Of course, Saudi sat down, but it was only a few hours later.