Souen no historia
Episode 170 Thousand Handed Children
Scarecrow managed to prevent a direct attack on the island, but the mountain wrapped in the Imperial Palace was half-destructed, and the wreckage of the destruction fell into the Imperial Palace, causing a majestic building to be involved and laid down.
The explosion caused by the fall of the island created a giant eye-like crater in [Oogon Continent].
The blast blew up not only Disarmament, but also Glows and Spiritual Instruments. The surrounding area is lit with dust, and the glorious black smoke rises to the sky.
However, Grouse saw the scarlet falling to the ground, waved his sword toward him and slowed the fall speed by the sword pressure, then Grouse took him in.
"Scarlet! What about your arm!?
"Gu... hee, hee hee hee"
Scarlett's left arm is pulled from the roots, and blood flows out to the earth.
"Kh, if only Linne were here at this time...."
Linnet, a pharmacist who is one of the five ministers, can easily stop the bleeding. But it is pointless to expect from someone who is not here.
"I'll fix it."
There appeared a woman in her late twenties with peach hair knitted into three braids.
"Lord Clerao....!
Clerao Sidrow. She has the magic of one of the Spiritual Artefacts, the King of Smile (Altair). The power...
Grouse's eyes seemed to be filled with magic and her wounds blocked the moment her fine hands touched Scarlet Clear. The bleeding also stopped immediately.
"This is all I can do."
"No, thank you, miss. Thank you."
To the smile of Scarlett's Nice Middle, this one also returns with a smile like a goddess.
"Well, I'm on my way to treating someone else."
Clerao then approached the wounded by the explosion.
"... Scarlett, what the hell happened? I didn't expect someone like you to take my arm....."
"I don't know. But then... something crossed."
"When you take control of the island, right?
"Ah, if you think something's coming out of the island, you're stuck in a blink of an eye, and you notice it? What the hell are you doing to a weak old man?"
"That's all you need to do to make it worse. Let's check the status quo."
"Oh, that's not so sweet ~ Really"
Still, Grouse stood up to support him and moved to where the crater was. Other Spiritual Instruments were already watching the center around the crater.
"True Snow Palace!
"Ah, Mr. Grouse!
"What's going on? Why are you looking like that?
"That's it... over there..."
Direction where the true snow pointed its finger. That's the center of the crater. Grouse also sees the loss of words.
The throne that somehow exists in the center of the crater. There was a man sitting there, kneeling with his head hanging over him.
But Grouse saw it. The man sitting on that throne has something in his hand. It's a man's arm.
"Is that... scarlet!?
"I'm sure ~, if I say so, will you return it?
Jokingly, Scarlett says, but everyone is nervous because he understands who the man on the throne is. And what he thought, he began eating scarlet's arms.
Grouse stepped forward in an aggressive attempt to stop him, but Scarlett stopped him.
"Stop it. Don't move around. You know that, don't you? He's a thousand-handed child."
Glows bites his teeth. Certainly, there is still a shadow of the Sentou Kids I once saw. At that time, he was still a child who didn't know anything, but he has grown rapidly in only about a year and a half.
Does it look about 17 or 18 years old? The innocent boy Glows saw in [Ruvino Country] was now transformed into a pathetic existence that seemed to look down on everything.
After Sentou finished eating his arms, he turned his blind eye towards those outside the crater. Then he opened his mouth with a sigh of lost interest.
"... these are our enemies? Are you kidding me, Amy Night?
"I'm not an enemy... It's a pest."
"I guess. It seems like my teeth are not responsive. I tried to wake up, but no one seemed to enjoy me. Not at all boring."
"There's nothing we can do about it. The prince is too strong. Even the leader of the Five Kingdoms is not an enemy. There are no more enemies of the prince."
"It's boring. It's really boring. Where is he? Someone beat me."
Thousand Hand Kids look around.
"It's Eun-jie Poros... isn't it?
"Oh, that's definitely the name. He enjoyed himself. Blood rolled. Though I lost, I should have fought him. He said he died like that, and that's him. I should have bequeathed that power to future generations. Where the hell are you? They do call it the Spiritual Device, don't they?
"... in fact, there are only nine of us here in The Spiritual Instrument."
"What? So what, we haven't all gathered yet?
"Yes, it seems that only the soul of Emeritus Polos has yet to be inherited."
"What? Is that true?
"Yes, it may be a pity for the prince, but it seems that nowadays no man has emerged to inherit the soul of Polos."
Then, the thousand-handed child leaves his body behind his back and slaps his tongue.
"... I'm bored. Enough, get rid of the people here. Then we will make a revolution."
I was afraid.
As the words suggest, a thousand-handed child closes his eyes as if he has lost interest in everything. The Kuki Crowd stood up slowly and stared out of the crater.
Let's start by cleaning up the garbage. Hunt before it upsets the prince. "
The moment the words of Ami night ended, the demons started moving together.
Glows cried out, "The Spiritual Instruments" squeezed themselves. But there was one that popped out first. The princess of [Hinokuni] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
At an incredible speed, he penetrated into a thousand-handed child. You didn't think the demons were suddenly headed for the Thousand Handed Kids, so you were stuck in the void and stopped moving.
"The king can take it when he can!
A buzzy, dry sound echoes around you. Her fist ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But Thousand Hand Kid raised his mouth and murmured.
Without delay, Princess Natsuki flashed a flashy kick. The throne was splendidly crushed, but there were no thousand children on the spot.
Thousand handed children try to slowly grasp the back neck from behind Princess Xi, but she turns around and kicks. But the attack cuts through the sky again. The two opened their distance from each other.
"Well, I didn't see it earlier. You can't kill a sign?
"Death in darkness is the basis of assassination."
Apparently there was a princess outside the crater, but she killed the signs so that the thousand-handed child wouldn't understand.
"Well, with this open, assassination is impossible. Failure failed."
"Ha ha ha, isn't that nice? I didn't know there was a guy like you. It's a little fun."
"Fighting maniacs are each other. Let's name it first! I am Himehime Hatsuki! Mother of a child!
"Remember that. I'm a thousand hands boy. He's the new king of the world."
The two laughed at each other and kicked the earth up.