Sougen no Okite ~Shii Yatsu ga Moteru, Ii Buzoku ni Umarekawatta zo~

Tabernacle Part 2 The One Who Is Talked About In The Meadows · by Noel

In the meadow there is a story of a hero told as a sleeping tale from mother to child and from child to grandson.

I'm going to write down here the story of one of the few heroes out there.

I'm talking about a woman in this meadow called Wise Mother Hillemi.

She was born as the second daughter of the first wife of the great warrior of the Plato tribe.

From an early age, he was recognized for his brilliance and beauty, and polished as he grew.

When she was sixteen, she married the eldest son of the chief's second wife, who was wanted by the chief at that time.

Friendly with the dowry man, he supported his husband with dedication and was soon given his first child.

She gave birth to a boy and gave birth to a woman the following year, but her tragedy begins there.

I lost my daughter to childhood morbidity. I lost my husband and son to mysterious abdominal pain.

The same abdominal pain also caused the chief, the stepfather, to die. A man, the eldest son of the chief's first wife, took office as chief.

The man welcomed her as his third wife, acknowledging the beauty and wisdom of the fins.

The man also tenderly treated her and was to have a boy the following year.

His first wife then died of poor postpartum fatigue. The second wife also rose to the rank of the chief's first wife due to her death from an epidemic disease.

Being the first wife of the chief never luxurious, she taught and raised the sons of the deceased first and second wives as adorable as my children.

If this is all she is, she is an ordinary woman in the meadow.

Her accomplishment is that she developed one magic.

Her attributes are water and fire.

She doesn't have that much magic either, but what she developed is the magic of fire.

She did not tolerate the mysterious abdominal pain that killed her first husband and son.

He wanted to know what caused it.

One day, her husband, the chief's horse, suffered, rammed, and died.

And the dead horses. And the people of the meadows turned their skins into garments, and their bones into toys, and furniture, and instruments, and their flesh into meat.

A large number of parasites gushed out of her stomach when she stabbed a dead horse with her husband.

Her husband said that the parasite must have tormented and killed the horse, and burned it down with the magic of fire.

At that time my husband was a wizard of fire and a magical user of unmatched fire.

He burned all the bugs to death without burning them to the stomach.

I noticed that there was fin when I was cooking meat for horses.

to have white grains in the stomach area of the horse.

She felt sick and carefully washed her stomach many times, putting it through the fire well and serving it to cooking that day.

I've been wondering if I kind of couldn't get that thing out of my mind since that day.

Sometimes the horse's rampage overlapped with my previous husband's.

I guess her obsession with the disease of losing her husband and child was unconsciously making the answer conscious. presumably.

One day one of the slaves collapsed from the same abdominal pain as her husband and children.

It has been a common illness since that time and everyone only thinks it was bad luck.

But Hillemi commanded the other slaves, and secretly opened the belly of the slave.

Hurting the body is not supposed to be any better than it should be.

But fortunately, it was the slaves who died. Besides, slaves could not resist her, the chief's first wife and the most vocal of the women.

The slave's stomach was swelling up in bread and something was rumbling.

When the stomach was cut open, a large number of string-like parasites popped out of it.

In the sight, the fins burned and killed the bugs with the magic of fire, which they were not very good at.

The slave's stomach was burning. The parasites had been wiped out.

When he tried to leave the scene behind, he realized that he didn't want to see it anymore. The stomach of the burnt slave's corpse has a little white grain on it.

I saw it and took the grain to my finger.

And soon he realized that this was a parasite egg.

Crush the egg attached to your finger and put the magic of fire on the egg.

They realized that the eggs didn't burn easily in a flash of fire.

After that day, if any slaves died of mysterious abdominal pain, they tore their bellies apart and looked at the parasites inside.

Some people were suspicious of her behavior, but she was all the way.

Take enemies of husband and son. That was just it.

It took a lot for her research to tie itself together.

She is not the first magic in the magic of fire.

I try to change the magical magic of fire and burn the stomach of a dead slave over and over again.

And he finally developed the magic of worm killing using two years of moon.

Use the magic of cooking as the last finishing touch.

Then the dish sustains its soup for a long time.

She thought and practiced that it would be quicker to explain this effect to spread her magic faster.

And the essence of that magic is the magic of burning and killing parasites and their eggs that did not die in the fire of cooking.

This magic, which is easy to handle even with her second magic of fire, soon spread to women who could use the magic of the tribe's fire.

And if the five years of the month flow, anyone will notice.

In Prato, mysterious abdominal pain prevented anyone from dying.

Hiremi was satisfied with this and reported to her husband what she had done.

He explained the original meaning and effect of that magic, confessed to harming the body accidentally, and punished his husband.

But the husband had no problem with his wife's behavior as an act to eliminate this abdominal pain, and more than that, he had ordered Hiremi to spread the magic to other tribes.

Hiremi went around each tribe with her husband, the chief, and told the women about this magic.

And few died of mysterious abdominal pain caused by parasites in the meadows.

From this anecdote she is told as the Wise Mother of the Meadows fin.

Teach girls to be such strong and wise wives.

Perhaps her name will be told in the meadows even beyond.


The damage caused by the sundworm, which is responsible for this abdominal pain, is still confirmed in the south.

Because there is a Dems teaching that there should be no magic in objects that enter the mouth for that reason.

The fire to be stirred must not use magic, but the fire caused by the firestone.

Magically collected water should only be used in laundry, etc. Drinking water must be carried by hand.

The cereals that are preserved by the magic of the plants are also soaked in water that does not use magic to drain the magic before cooking.

Things It is good to say that the south is hundreds of years behind the meadows on this.

~ Noel ~