Jumka criteria. I was zero when I was born. It's not counting like a forest.

Until the night of your new stay.

- Elena was born at the age of 11.

- 4 years old Ann was born.

- 3 years old Yumil was born.

- 2 year old Lucci was born.

0 year old Jumka was born. Jumel was born. Noel was born. At once Obedi was born.

1 year old Jesus was born. Roche was born. Shree was born. Urji was born.

2 year old Temsy was born. Lamis was born. Himika was born.

3 year old Glynn was born. Yui was born. Ichu was born.

Ellen, 4, was born. Shaolan was born. Shirley, Sharon was born.

Born 5 years old Zu. Yulin was born. Crimam was born.

Born 6 years old Sequilo. Start a snowball battle with Obudai.

Eight-year-old Ubon was born.

The 9-year-old demon attacked. Gu was born. Karin was born.

Successful 11-year-old bird crash.

Graduated from virginity at the age of 14 in Yumil.

15-year-old adult. First Formation. Jesus dowries (yes) as a slave wife. Marry Lucci.

Become a Great Warrior. Roche dowries as a slave wife (yes).

16 year old Juik was born, Pugh was born, and Pooh was born.

Anne dowries as a slave wife (yes).

Seventeen-year-old breaks into the empire. The Shio are absorbed by the Longa. Marry Zoo.

Lamis dowries as a slave wife (yes).

18-year-old church country invasion. absorbed by the Neon Longa tribe. Catch Noel.

Noel and Kill Play. Make Noel a slave wife.

Demon attack. Lose three women, the second daughter of Jesus. Himika dowries as a slave wife (yes).

Start trading with the desert, buy Elena and Ellen as slave wives to dowry (yes).

Desert incense can traumatize Lucci.

The liquor comparison begins.

19 years old Bran was born. Come to the Royal Army Meadow and defeat Blanc. Bran crusade.

Shree dowries as a slave wife (yes). Zoo and first night.

20-year-old Yurin dowries as a slave wife (yes). Yaritsu, who was hurt in the battle with Bran, returns.

He is 21 years old and participates as a reinforcement in the war against the kingdom and empire. Drop Fort Kicker Castle.

After catching Shaolan and fumbling play, he takes Shaolan as his slave wife.

Lorens comes as a friendly stationed martial officer to the Longa tribe. Sae comes as his wife.

Learn the southern words and letters. Go out to the feast in the Etts Kingdom.

First Fella with Noel.

Glynn dowries as a slave wife (yes). Find the sequilo.

Give birth to a boy of Jesus Memorial.

A second deal with the desert. Desert medicine can traumatize Lucci.

Himika takes her breath away with a happy smile.

The Patriarchate breaks into the meadows. Defeat the Patriarchate. Intrude into the Patriarchate. Meet Yui.

Turn back at Fortress Noel. Break up with Yui.

I get climactic as a prize for a 22-year-old Guk and marry him as a slave wife (yes).

Build a new sword. Buy Knee Socks More at Visit Sales.

23-year-old Ubon dowries as a slave wife (yes).

He fought the army of the Kingdom of Isaki, who attacked Noel, a 24-year-old fortress, and took King Ricardo prisoner.