Space-time Traveler

Chapter 11 Soviet's Heritage

The straight line is 30 kilometers away.

I didn't know when there was a camp. And the guards outside this camp were a burly giant man wearing heavy armor as a three or four meters. They all furnished the skin filled with pleats, some or even longer The tumor, it looks like a zombie tyrant.

These monsters with explosive muscles are a group of super variants.

They are part of the US Super Warrior Plan before the disaster, and a group of soldiers who enforce evolutionary viruses (Forced; Virus). The FEV virus is a human synthetic virus. It is not natural, but the research and development of American virus laboratory during the Cold War, the main purpose is to make human beings have stronger adaptability, even not afraid of nuclear weapon explosions. Nuclear radiation.

However, the side effects of this virus are also obvious, which will make people become violent and there is no brain monster, and completely lose reproductive ability.

FEV virus removes most of the disease in human genes, greatly enhances people's regeneration capacity and muscle strength, so these super variants are basically more than three meters or more, with weight more than 400 kilograms. This body is basically brought by strengthening bones and super muscles. Therefore, the super variants don't even need the outer skeleton armor, which is even if it is equipped with a simple steel plate, which is also a killing machine that is extremely horrible in the battlefield.

At this moment, the super variants stationed here is very uncommon because they all wear heavy outer skeleton armor.

This represents a little bit, that is, they are not infected with the wild monsters of the FeV virus, but a group of human beings cultivated in the laboratory.

There is only one forces on the entire waste soil to do this.

That is the college.

Strictly speaking, it is part of the college, the genesis, now known as the splitter of the southern rebels.

For more than three years ago, the college gene school almost gave up the forces of the North America because of a strong destruction of a strong existence. They contracted in the southern turtle, in the sense of the horror, it seems that the mice hiding in the underground have begun to extend out of the claws, and the secret capture of the aggregated mankon is used to conduct gene transformation experiments.

At present, many people in North America have suddenly disappeared, and they have a secret concern with the genetic school.

The mechanical school only requires material resources, but the genetic school is most needed is a population resource.


After the college splits, especially after the completion of the mechanical school, the genetic school researchers let go of the past ethical concerns, and they can even cooperate with the plunder and directly start the business of the population.

Slave trade in the whole American continent is suddenly prosperous in these two years.

Another serious allegation of them is that the mechanical worm is like leaked from the research room of the Genetic School. It is said that they specialize in a virus that is effective for the bionic people in order to target the mechanical school.

These super variants sold in the camp are also some monsters that have no brain, but they also have an advantage, that is, loyalty to execute commands.


At this moment, this camp is somewhat subtle.

Because the super variants outside the outside have exposed a strange listening posture, there is almost very few smiles that appear on their face, this smile actually does not say blame.

Super variants' mind is influenced by violent, and they only get pleasure when killing ventilation.

A temporary set tent.

A group of secret teachers wearing a weird black robes are respectfully guarding, and some secret teachers look at the nearby super variants, but there is still a horrible, but more still awe, the awe of a certain place in the tent.

Inside the tent.

The old man in a year is standing hard. Although he is still young, he has a lot of black spots on the arm, and it seems that the grade is much more than the appearance.

At this moment, he was standing behind a face that was completely covered by a face. From his mouth extending a slender tentacle, the sharp top is just like a fine needle, and it is in the brain. Subsequently, he saw that his eyes were shots, and the whole person was stressful.

"Let these super variants immediately attacked."

The vocal apparatus of the secret tonary gods has been completely changed at this moment. After gradually controlling the brain of the old, he directly issued the command: "Let these beasts will take the gospel book at all costs!"

The old expression gradually calm, and then quickly issued a command.

However, the super variants outside did not move immediately, and they have until someone goes up the command.

"Close the gospel."

"Let these beasts will be awake."

Soon, the outer secret ton was a little panicked to close a sound device, which is not a sound that the human ear is normal to hear, closer to a second sound wave.

With the 'gospel' being closed, the super variants outside the outside will be awake.

They roared, picked up a wide range of heavy weapons, and the entire camp became hustle, everywhere is a dull roar.

A super variator drives the vehicle, and this is only a purpose of these people who have been transformed into the beast. It is to take the gospel, no matter who prevents them, they will be ruthlessly shred. It is almost all the research results of the genetics throughout the North America. Their original purpose is to try to create a mechanical school, or find a chance to grab the gospel, but they did not think that these secret teachers were in the hands of the hand. Very strange gospel technology.

When the gospel sounded, the normal soldiers outside the camp were directly shot, less than two minutes, they were clean, and those super variants fell into a strange silent state under the role of the gospel.

Instead, those secret teachers do not have any abnormal reactions to the gospel, but maybe they have long been not normal.

"Set off."

After walking out of the tent, the goddess's figure gently floated, with a flying gesture on a armored car, he calmly down command: "Let the church to send the gospel strengthening device."

"Calling other combatants."

"Our goal is not only to take the gospel."

"The LN ship of Beidou is also a huge threat, we must destroy it."

When he was promoted to a goddener, he also listened to a new gospel. In the distant Far East, the red giant's overcomers actually survived, they used the disasters to cloning technology, large-scale land Created some abnormal humans, these clones can actually ignore the gospel of the gods.

Although these clones are incomplete creation, life is quite short, but they gradually come into contact with Beidou, and some intelligence and technology have given the Beidou after they have given Beidou.

It is necessary to know that the Black Book of the Soviet Union during the Cold War is not necessarily small, including but not limited to Tianqi heavy armor, cloning technology, pedestrian armor, soul technology, cold nuclear fracture technology, etc., although the dead red giant has already It has lost most of the scientific blueprints, but the reason why they can also rebuild, the most critical reason is that they have retained the complete micronuclear fractal technology, which means that some survivors have the ability in the deep depths of the Far East. Manufacture mini nuclear fusion batteries.

This is quite amazing after stacking the complete industrial system of Beidou Reconstruction.

As the Antarctic researchers who have ever, he is very clear that after the human reorganization is reager with the cold nuclear fusion technology, however, they will develop endless energy.

This is definitely not conducive to God's gospel transmission.

Not to mention that they have also mastered the technologies of cloning people, this is already a power for the god, absolutely unacceptable.

The team rushed in the wilderness.

Nowadays, the entire team only has two cars. All the soldiers who have left the broken have been disconnected. The expression of the rabbit is getting more and more serious. The look is thinner, she calls the ln ship over and over again. But it seems that they have entered a signal interference area, which is temporarily unable to contact the fleet of the Beidou.

"The situation is a bit wrong."

The rabbit suddenly stopped on the road, and the blonde woman who was sitting behind: "Are you a bionic person?"

"Next, you will drive."

After that, she showed that the woman took the driving position, and she opened the trunk, quickly took out a set of weird silver gray skull dynamic armor worn. The outer skeletal power armor is very heavy, and the height of the Rabbit is close to two meters. It is the barrel of two black caves in her rear waist position, but no ammunition is seen.

"What is this?" Su Saki watched this armor, it seems to be more advanced than his own silver wings.

The Rabbit is a little event, and I only jump on the back of the armored car, slowly said: "Sickle Heavy armor."

"Map of electromagnette."

"But energy consumption is huge and can only maintain a short period of operation."

When the blonde woman opened his eyes while driving, he suddenly said: "Soviet technology? The prototype is the sickle walking machine? You don't contact them?"

"I can't think of them, there is still someone alive."

"The college's high level has always thought that although the catastrophe broke out, we were still thoroughly victorious!"

When the big disaster broke out, the nuclear hit suffered by the Soviet Union was much more serious than the Americas.

At that time, it was almost a nuclear bomb in the Soviet area at the same time, and then the Soviet Union itself built a large number of giant nuclear power plants, and finally the nuclear legends almost turned all the core areas into hardest hit.

The ultimate climate environments in the nuclear winter, so that the Soviet area is far more difficult than they.

"There is no victory in the nuclear war." The Rabbit looked up and looked at the blonde woman and launched a charging device in the chest.

She calmly said: "They once also walked to the destroyed edge."

"But in the end, it still resists it."

She is actually still not said.

That is the deep depth of the Far East, representing a refuge in the final heritage of the Soviet Union, once died to only the last person. They are absolutely unimaginable. When Beidou followed the fire with the Soviet Union, the Zhang saw that Zhang almost different, like twins, and then the brain labeled the barcode code, they were shocking What is hard to say.

The old man lying in the sleeping warehouse, slowly said in front of the eyes: "Davarih."

"We are just a woman's remains, and you are the future of humanity."

"Accept our final gift."

Beidou is not exposed to the Far East, but the whole provision accepted the Heritage of the Soviet Union, including those who created for revenge.

Or, the red giants who have had only left these clones.

The last firm communist warrior in the Soviet Union, I have been lying on the giant monument of Beidou.
