Space-time Traveler

Chapter 14 Tianzhi Justice

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Compass support came very timely. Watermark advertising test watermark advertising test

And they are not the voice of the old blasphemy know nothing about God, as early as the Compass confidential information acquired in the Far East after the shelter, they would have been aware of some of the mystery before the outbreak of the catastrophe. Compass for research and spiritual energy, than expected more in-depth college, they have even mastered a very special spiritual links, and with the collective will of the mind temporarily against the sound of blasphemy erosion.

In fact, the college did not know is that early in the coldest of nuclear winter period, Compass has got some knowledge of spiritual energy research.

Because once this has a huge population of the country, after the big disaster strikes, survivors risked their lives, when nuclear radiation collected materials withstand the explosion, he had already seen some initial awakening. But the vast majority of this generation is awakening eventually died of radioactive contamination, the Big Dipper is no effort had not done psionic soaring aspects, but such efforts under harsh external environment completely failed. Deep human genes is not easy to break, spiritual awakening is a miracle of chance with now, it is the only road machinery can promote the popularity of direction.

They do not know is that inside the Beidou highly mechanical prosthetic transformation, in fact, there is a very special school.

The college specialized training is 'natural', that is not been subjected to nuclear radiation, not injected any human anti-radiation medicine, internal college also retains a large number of pure human embryos. Compass final desired, or in the future to save the planet, humans can still have the power to choose their own future, as a synthesis of human life, or as breathing like a natural air.

The firm Compass these soldiers will not come out of thin air, but generations of sacrifice, from the most brutal of nuclear winter period, today it has come to unite the consciousness.

Compared has a rich heritage holds many black Institute of Science and Technology, Compass build roads to be too difficult, at that time as the Third World and Asia did not know anything about cutting-edge technology, build from scratch after a nuclear war civilization, pay more than the efforts of a generation, but hundreds of years, generations of sacrifice, only now complete Beidou industrial system.

These soldiers that is the witness who is also the guardian.

Until Compass arose in the aftermath of the Asian, many of them people began to believe that they are the future of mankind.


A light beam emitted from the steel monster in the distance, that beam of light directly Mitsubishi Heavy bone breakdown outside of super mutant, in complete penetration and then a big explosion happened at its rear.

This is the apocalypse heavy tank prototype is before the catastrophe 138 heavy tanks, is used in nuclear power, was originally designed to cope with Star Wars, early use of conventional ammunition, late installation of the energy weapon, was once considered the land ace forces.

Of course, it would not be the darkest of weapons technology, to know the human catastrophe even before the large mechs are made out of several planes, he had a college to explore some of them in ruins.

But the real significance, because too much energy, and these mechs do not have the ability to fast-moving.

Before the outbreak of catastrophe, human studies out of controlled nuclear fusion, was launched numerous black technology, even supersonic transport are finding out, put on the civilian's motion, but at that time did not pass it.

In the fierce fighting, the Big Dipper, a team of soldiers cover the Su Ying, who evacuated.

And to Chen Long Mao rabbit and led by elite troops, is the chief of the secret believers, that does not know still not a human monster.

Spirit to the outbreak of the collision of science and technology at the moment.

Its fierce is completely exceeded by everyone's estimation.

Although Beidou's soldiers rely on group consciousness, the spiritual control of the embarrassment, but when the violent manual monster reached a palm, they realized what the face was in the face.

A Beidou soldier struggled to be caught in half, accompanied by gently holding a fist, the outer skeleton on this soldier contained together with his body, there is no resilience to any resistance.

Magnification force.

This humanoid monster has powerful to make an incredible mind.

Not only that, it is almost a moment of surrounded by the body, splits a small part from the body of the body, and then directly piercing the body of the secret ton.

Then the amazing flesh and blood abortion started, those secret teachers expanded quickly in just a few seconds, more than those super variants were exaggerated, and finally made a human shape with a strange black stratum corneum. monster.

- "Montenever sheep [fell and blood distortion]!"

Not only this, the division proliferation from the humanoid monster also invaded the super variants, and then a huge monster that Su Saki had seen it appeared.

- "Super distortion [fell and blood distortion]!"

In just a few minutes, after aware of these super variants may not be the elite army opponent of Beidou, the ministries of the Secretary use a tangible means to make some more horrible distortion.

And itself covers a layer of intangible spiritual protective barriers on the surface of the body, flying directly to the rapid evacuation of Su Sakin.

When the physical gap between individuals is too large, the power of the collective is also difficult to block.

On the entire battlefield, the only person who can interfere with the head of the Secretary will only have the rabbit and Chenlong, because they are also invested by the awaken, can capture the track of the other party, as for other soldiers, except for the small part After installing advanced transformation of electronic eyes, others are difficult to keep up with the speed of the other party.

This is already exceeding the ability to capture the naked eye, which can only be covered by dense fire networks.

However, in the elite army of the Beidou, the unity of high mechanical transformation is carried out, and they can still play some role in the case of an electronic eye as auxiliary.

Just a few minutes of crossing time.

Beidou's soldiers have been killed and killed, and the spiritual power of the Secretary leader is also broken, the intensive bullets are shot on his body, playing his clothes and sneaked, revealing Body covered with black blue skin.

It seems to be a dry , only the heart of the heart is weird, and powerful beating, even emits the sound.

"All right."

"You said that the death of the dead is really angered me!" The first leader of the Secretary eventually stopped, and the fire network of Beidou was too strong.

The birth of the born self-contained phobia, some armored troops equipped with the rockets of the seventy-two hair, in the excursions just a series of explosions, the body of the secret toner was directly fried, and the flesh and blood creep repair During the process, the clothes on the whole person have already been broken.

At this moment, its complete body has already revealed that the body surface basically has no gender characteristics, the bones are thick, the body is born, the heart position of the chest is raised, and the arms are also Kong Wu, I saw it quickly moved to one. By the super distortion of the killed super distortion, the tentacle of the arm is directly in the body of the super distortion.

Next second.

I saw that the original body is like liquid, and the super distortion of the killed on the ground, then expands rapidly, the position of the heart even issued a strange red light.


The ground was smashed out of a decade, and the dead super distortion climbed again, and the prince of the secret taught only had a layer of blue-black skin, and then it was a throwing garbage. One side.


"This round is me!"

The awareness of the secret toner seems to be transferred to this enhanced super distortion, which roars with a low voice, seems to be angry, directly hard-catching the bombardment of the gunfire, launched a charge in front.

After replacing the body, it seems that there is no more terrible momentum, but it is a routine firepower that has been completely invalid, even if the front bombing of the shell is, it can only stay in it. Some of the wounds that are not serious, and are still repaired at an amazing speed.

call out!

The black tentacle suddenly elongated when it was close to a armored vehicle, its surface emerged with a strange black metal luster, and then in an incredible gaze in everyone, the sudden expansive tentacle actually pierced the entire armored vehicle, in the recovery I left a bunch of broken copper and iron.

Not only that, it even rushed to a day-to-load tank, then saw the muscles on the back of the back like exploding, and several times a moment, a distortion of the thick tentacle wrapped around the outer table of the tank. Then a giant force broke out, and the tens of tons of reloaded tanks were directly overtime.

Terrible strength, speed, outbreak, almost immune all regular weapons damage, only energy weapons can delay its actions, but it has achieved its own recovery.

The leader of the new form of the secret toner has become a nearly unfolfactful existence of the battlefield.

When using the momentum, Beidou's soldiers can make some fatal injuries, but now it is difficult to play the proliferant armor breaking it. What is more terrible is that because of its own anti-radiation resistance and metamorphosis ability, super distortion unless it is a core area of ​​nuclear explosion, or it will not be killed at all. This is more like this to be in front of you, and Beidou is almost zero.

Although I lost the ability to fly, the distortion monster running is not slow, and it is a jump of dozens of meters, which is fast than many vehicles.

"I want to stop him!"

The intensive gunfire covers the way forward. When its figure appears again, it actually grabbed a super variator who died in heavy foreign skeleton. It directly took this super variants' heavy external skeleton as a shield. After living in the head, rushing directly to the direction of Sakura.

"Not good! The monster chased it!" The blonde woman has changed.

Just when other people were nervous, they were ready to block the huge distortion monster approaching. In the moment, Su Sakuo fell into a strange silence, she slightly, the eyelashes were gently trembled, as if not listening, what to respond After she opened her eyes, she opened the door and jumped directly.

Su Sakura's outer skeleton has already used the energy. She now wears a routine clothes, and ordinary bullets may have her life.

"What are you doing ?!" The blonde woman was angry, and he stepped on the brakes.

Su Sakura's eyes lit up with a touch of faint light, looked up at the sky: "You watch the sky!"

A sunny sky is sunny.

Just in the blonde woman suspected that Su Sakuo couldn't bear the pressure and the spirit crash. The whole person suddenly shocked, couldn't help but hoped to show a dark blue crack in the sky.

That crack is like opening a channel connected to another world.

In the tearing sky, suddenly a dazzling red light shot, directly broke the cloud, and fell straight toward the position of Su Sakura.

"What is that?" Blonde activated his own electron eye.

Subsequently, she saw a metal war armor that appeared to be folded. When it was close to Su Sakura, she suddenly split into dozens of armored components, and the armored parts of the block were automatically covered in Su Sakura. The surface of the body, re-combined into a full-red dragon armor with a smooth metal curve 360 ​​degrees without dead end.