Space-time Traveler

Chapter 24 Journey II

After entering the southern boundary, the climate has become much warmer.

The northern region is sparsely populated and no pedestrians can be seen along the way.However, after reaching the southern region, you can meet some caravans on the road.Although Su Ziyu has a map in his hand, it is not always possible to rely on the map in this era. Fortunately, some caravans can be encountered on the road. He can also ask how to go.

But good luck will not always look after him. On the sixth morning of Su Ziyu's journey to the capital, the horse he got from the barbarian was exhausted.

The horse endurance in this world is very good, and the physique is also tall, but after all, the weight of the squid is too high, and the weight of an anti-equipment sniper rifle is enough to choke.He was also inexperienced. He had no horse riding experience before, and he did not prepare enough hay on the road.This long-distance journey has to prepare the horses with rich forage. Eggs and beans and the like have to be fed, and he basically feeds all the grass along the way.

It is also because of the good endurance of this horse, otherwise it would have fallen down already.

no way.

Su Ziyu can only release the horse, carrying things on his own and continue to hurry.

There are many cities and towns in the south. Anyway, he still has a lot of money, and he plans to buy another horse by then.

Suziyu felt really slow when he walked on his own legs.

Fortunately, that afternoon, he met a large caravan. After paying the price of a silver coin, he successfully followed the caravan.The caravans of the caravans are like rhinoceros-like dragon beasts, with huge bodies and thick skin, but they have a gentle personality.The leader is an old man with a white beard wearing a three-cornered hat, an old guy who looks very smart.

The most eye-catching is the caravan guards.

These guards are all tall and burly, at least about two meters, and the tallest one is even more than three meters.

Su Ziyu initially thought he was a giant.

It was later learned that he was only a half-giant. The giants in this world are generally more than six meters tall, and some giants with special bloodlines can even grow to twenty or thirty meters.Of course, this is no match for the giant snake in York's mouth. He said that the legendary giant snake has tens of thousands of meters, and even an adult dragon can swallow it in a single bite.

Considering that York likes bragging, Su Ziyu thinks that the giant snake is at most one or two hundred meters.

This caravan is also preparing to go to the capital.

Su Ziyu is going to follow them, avoiding the time of detours and wasting more time.

The goods transported by the caravan are fur specialties from the north. These people are relatively silent and do not communicate much along the way, but they will look at the squid with curious eyes from time to time.Although Su Ziyu wore a large cloak on the outside, his clothing and weapons were still quite noticeable.

Night fell.

"Just camp here and rest." the old man headed shouted.


Everyone piled up the goods in a circle, some began to prepare food, and others were responsible for feeding the pack animals.

"Have you heard?"

"The border is about to fight again."

"The black queen's minions are awake. Many monsters have run out." The guys spoke while eating.

During this time, Su Ziyu also knew a lot about this world.

The chessboard country has a black-and-white boundary. The white queen leads the kingdom composed of human beings, and the black queen is the master of giants and monsters.The two sides have held each other for thousands of years. If the White Queen is not a title but a person, then this woman is a special existence that has lived for at least a thousand years.

She is infinitely close to'God' in the kingdom of mankind.

Su Ziyu listened to other people chatting quietly, trying to gather more information about the world.

In fact, he now has some conjectures, but the most critical evidence is still missing.

"Be careful!"

"Something seems to come closer!"

Superman's perception gave Su Ziyu a sharper five senses. He suddenly stood up and said to the others: "It seems like a big guy!"

in the dark.

He seemed to hear the sound of'Bao Biao'.

Others couldn't help but stood up, the guards picked up their weapons, and some people seemed to hear the movement, and their expressions became quite uneasy.

"What the hell?"

"Everyone be careful!"

The voice just fell.

A huge black shadow suddenly swam out, and then huge snake heads appeared in the darkness. Their heads were nearly one meter in diameter, with black snake scales, and a cold dark yellow in the cold vertical pupil. The bodies of these giant snakes are extremely large, and the length of the snakes is more than 30 meters.


"It's the heir of a bite eater! Run!"

"Oh my god!"

"Why do they appear here!"

The entire caravan became chaotic at once, and the mourning of the pack beasts came from the darkness. The huge dragon beasts couldn't resist, and they were immediately killed by these giant snakes.

"What's the situation? Why are there so many giant snakes suddenly coming out?" Su Ziyu's expression was also dignified.

He picked up his backpack and pulled out the black short blade around his waist. When a giant snake attacked, he suddenly waved a knife and cut a mouth of three or four meters directly from its neck. A lot of smelly snake blood spilled down. The giant snake twitched its body frantically, and a flick of the tail smashed the buddy next to it into a pile of meat.

What are nibble eaters?

Are these giant snakes its descendants?

The black queen's minions?

Didn’t they appear on the border?Why are there here!

The situation suddenly became very critical.

The only caravans in the entire caravan that are capable of threatening these giant snakes are the squid and the half-giant. As for the others, it is their food.


The dull gunshots sounded.

A giant snake with a length of more than thirty meters was directly shot by Su Ziyu.

The vitality of these giant snakes is not too strong. Anti-equipment sniper rifles can smash their heads with a single shot, but there are a large number of these giant snakes. At least a dozen are visually observed. There is a bigger dragon over the dragon beast. Guys, it was the first thing that killed the dragon and the beast that were close to the size of an elephant.

"What should we do now?"


The dull gunshots seemed to attract more giant snakes. Su Ziyu felt a huge threat at once. He turned around and dodged, then saw a giant snake spit venom in his original position.


Venom seems to be very corrosive.

Su Ziyu's expression at the moment was quite hesitant, and his right hand was touching the pocket in his waist, which contained Jeter-03.

Run or fight?

Can you run away?Can the battle be fought?

Fortunately, these caravan escorts help to attract firepower, and if they are wiped out, they will have no chance to fight again.

Some people want to run away, some people are fighting.

The scene is quite chaotic.

In the darkness, people were constantly swallowed by giant snakes. This caravan originally had more than 100 people, and there were dozens of them that could be seen at this time.
