Space-time Traveler

Chapter 7 Demon Hunter 5

It's not the first time that Fantzen has dealt with water ghosts.

Just as Su Ziyu was still adapting to the resistance of underwater activities, he had cut off the arm of a water ghost with a sword.

Water ghosts are not considered to be very powerful monsters, their power is a little stronger than ordinary adult men, and they often drag people into the water by sneak attack.As long as it enters the water, even the devil hunters have a headache when they face their entanglement. Even if the number is large, even the experienced devil hunter may overturn.

But their weaknesses are also obvious.

The body of the water ghost is more fragile than other monsters, even ordinary people can cut them with a knife, and if van der Sing on the land will deal with ten water ghosts at the same time, they will not frown.


Su Ziyu cut off the head of a water ghost with a knife. His power is close to a giant. Chopping these water ghosts is like freezing meat when they burst.

Underwater combat is really disgusting.

Not only is the problem of adapting to buoyancy in water, but also the resistance of water, and the problem of force in water.

Especially after he killed a water ghost, the dark red blood pouring out of the monster's neck quickly spread in the water, which not only affected people's sight, but also sent a disgusting rotten smell.Both Fantxin and Melissa should have adapted to this situation, and Su Ziyu had to protect his mouth and nose with psionic energy.

Water ghosts rarely show up on the shore except when they attack, and they must go into the water to destroy them.

"Pollution found!"

"Mission goal: Eliminate the jellyfish ghost."

"Mission Rewards: Privilege Level Increase."

There are quite a few of these water ghosts.

Suzi kills two, Fantzen kills three, and Melissa is still dealing with one.

"Be careful!" Su Ziyu reminded suddenly.

There was a natural cave in the place covered by the silt and water plants. A cold breath flew out of it. Fanthin's movements were much slower, and the whole person's body seemed a bit stiff.

Then, a bloated water ghost appeared in front of him.

It looks like a drowning pregnant woman. Her face has rotted badly. Her long hair spread like algae. There are a lot of dark blue plaques on her body. Her fingernails are black and sharp and blue. There was a scream, and then rushed over like a fish.

Van Tesin's reaction was quick, but he was far less flexible than the land in the water.

Su Ziyu saw a trace of blood scattered not far away.

The jellyfish hag seems to have some special abilities. After it appeared, the cold lake water was even more biting. Melissa was the most affected. It was like a swimming exhausted person struggling hard, with slight twitching in the hands and feet.

Su Ziyu didn't know if he could use psionic lightning in the water, but he probably couldn't control it well.

-"Time is accelerating."

Everything around turned into a frame-by-frame slow-motion movie. Su Ziyu's figure suddenly flew out. The burst of impact made the bottom of the lake burst. He looked like a swordfish straight at the jellyfish ghost. At the moment of contact, he directly slashed his sword at the head of the jellyfish ghost.

He knows how difficult it is to deal with monsters marked by the space-time monitor system, so he has no reservations when shooting.

"mission completed."

"Obtain 1 source power value."

The body of a jellyfish ghost is no different from an ordinary water ghost, as long as you cut off your head, you can kill it.

The battle did not last long.

But when the three people returned to the shore, they all had a tired expression, of course, Su Ziyu just pretended.


"There's still a water hag here." Fantzen covered his stomach wound with an angry expression: "No.

The next Melissa was lying on the shore and gasped.

The devil hunter is indeed a hard job. Su Ziyu received the bounty task for the first time, and felt that it was not a good job.

"I still want to avoid underwater fighting in the future." Su Ziyu secretly said.

Fantzen briefly treated the wound in the abdomen, and came over and patted Su Ziyu's shoulder: "Thank you."

"You are invited to drink next time."

After that, he returned to the lake again.

The water in the lake was a little muddy, and a lot of blood was scattered in the water. Fantzen cut off the head of the jellyfish ghost with a sword, and then turned over the bodies one by one, all of those who were drowned by the water ghost. He wielded his sword and cut off the heads of these bodies.

"The lake has been contaminated." After a while, he gasped and swam up to Melissa, saying: "The bodies must be disposed of."

"Otherwise it may become a new water ghost over time."

Although the demon hunter only collects money to do things, but the ending of the handling is very clean, otherwise he will not care about these drowned corpses.

"What are you doing with this head?" Su Ziyu asked on the way back.

Fantzen showed a stiff smile towards him, and said in the corner of his mouth: "Take it back and show them. Let them add money!"

There were five scratches on his abdomen, and he wanted to laugh but pulled the wound.

There was a group of people waiting there.

Fantzen soon became the silent and ruthless hunter, and he even carefully covered his wounds.

This time they did not stay here.

After receiving the bounty, Van Tesin set off immediately, even though his injury had not recovered.

Very strange.

Ordinary people are afraid of demon hunters, and these powerful demon hunters seem to be very afraid of ordinary people. Fanthen even dare not let them know that they are injured.

Camping outside at night.

Fantxin drank some of the potions he had prepared, and his expression seemed a little sleepy.He finally got nine Jin Jialong's rewards, but Su Ziyu only got three. For him, money does not matter at all, and the source value obtained is the biggest gain.There are a lot of pollutants in this world, but the strength is not very strong. All the current encounters can only drop 1 source power value, which is the same level as the living ghoul.

But they are much easier to deal with than live ghouls.

Su Ziyu feels that she should spend more time looking for these monsters, because as long as they are enough, it is much easier than killing a super deformed body.

Today Melissa is quite silent.

She sat alone by the campfire, and looked up at Su Suyu from time to time. She hesitated for a while before sitting next to him, begging, "Can you teach me to fight?"

Su Ziyu froze for a moment.

He turned his head to look at Van Tesin, only to find that he seemed to have fallen asleep, at least with his eyes closed.

"Your mentor's sword technique is better than mine." Su Ziyu is telling the truth. The crow sword technique LV1 is indeed no better than Fantxin's sword technique.

Melissa looked a little lost and said: "I am not strong enough."

"He said that the raven school's swordsmanship was not suitable for me, at least I couldn't use it until I passed the potion trial."
