Space-time Traveler

Chapter 36-Pope Sullivan

"Right." "You helped me again this time." The Onion Knight seemed to think of something. He touched him for a while, took out a fancy scroll, and handed it over: "Well... here... …” “This thing will be given to you.”——“The Force and Shoot (Singular Object): The famous Catalina miracle, which can release shock waves towards the front. It can consume 2 points of source power to transform into the force Shockwave.” Is it a new skill? The onion knight was really good, and Su Ziyu was not polite. He directly reached over and took it over. He looked at Sister Freed next to him and opened it when he saw that the other party was not interested. The above record is actually a short story about the gods. It's very brief. It seems that some parts have been deleted. Some of the most important things have been 404, and it seems a little puzzled. But it doesn't matter. With the residual power on the reel, Su Ziyu directly chose to transform, and soon with the flow of data in his mind, a new ability was expanded in the psionic skill tree. ——"The Force Shockwave (Psionic Power): Consuming the psionic energy releases a powerful shockwave toward the front, which can repel the enemy and cause a certain amount of damage. It may be invalid for enemies that are too large. Strengthen the consumption of 2 points of source power. This is a psionic skill that repels. It was barely a half control skill, and Su Ziyu learned it without hesitation. There are not many source values ​​for strengthening consumption. He actually lacks some useful abilities now. Naturally, the more skills he can control, the better. The group took a short break at the same place. At this time, Su Ziyu's psionic energy was probably restored to about 70%. He thought about it and took out the demon gourd, and poured it directly to Onion Knight and Sister Frid. There is no shortage of souls in this world, and Xian Brew can be used as a regular supply. "Well... Would you like me to drink again?" "I'll be welcome then..." The onion knight raised his glass very bluntly,