Sigel, who had finished cleaning up his breakfast with Philomena, was entering the given room to confirm the boxyard.

I had planned to go to a nearby town as soon as I had originally planned, but the fact that Sigel's heart was grasped and that Philomena, who had obtained the Spirit Stone, was able to do what she wanted, sent me forward.

There was something I wanted to do in the boxyard as well as Sigel, so I went back to my room in recognition of it.

Of course, beside Sigel, there are properly three spirits following.

By the way, it's inconvenient to be nameless for how long, so I gave the three spirits a proper name.

The red-haired spirit is a rug, and the blue hair is a rig. And the dog-shaped spirits are silos.

I also wondered if I could give it a name, but since Sigel was happy to call it a name, I'm deciding it's not a problem.

At last, there were places in the boxyard that managed the Spirit, but there was a solid name displayed there.

What a strange system, but that's what I'm deciding to break it off.

Sigel, who walked into the room and sat on the bed, started the boxyard.

The input terminal now shows what the boxyard looks like with the lawn spread out on one side and part of the menu.

There are items in those menus labeled 'Tutorials' so I tapped them.

I've always noticed it flashing on the screen, but I didn't have time to do it.

I didn't have the courage to suddenly start something that didn't know how long it would take, although the boxyard wasn't necessarily made the same way Siegel knew the game.

I decided to digest the tutorial at this time because I had time to loosen up the corners.

After Sigel tapped the 'tutorial', a single spirit emerged on the screen.

I found it to be a spirit, because there was a pair of transparent feathers growing on my back.

Apparently, this spirit acted as a guide.

On the screen, as the Spirit speaks, there is a callout.

The first thing I did following that callout guide was name the boxyard world.

Sigel, who thought about it for a while, attached it to "The Spirit Inn".

Now the name of this world becomes known as the Inn of the Spirit.

And then the guide that came out was "Let's check the boxyard", which can be considered a classic event in some sense in these boxyard games.

This also swiped on the screen or pinched in (out) and cleared.

(Physically, it's pretty much the same as a smartphone or a tablet)

The current "Spirit Inn" is about the size of an elementary and secondary school ground (one shore track) with a lawn planted on one side.

It is in the world of the "Spirit Inn" that by changing this environment, the Spirits are brought in to use their generation to further improve the environment while receiving your generation.

However, in order to change the world environment, Siegel must give instructions to the Spirit to gather various objects from the real world.

For example, if Sigel goes outside and takes some grass and puts it on top of the input terminal, it will be registered and reflected in the 'Spirit Inn' world as well.

In addition, plants that have been collected (especially) sometimes grow at random and on their own, rather than just being placed by Sigel from the menu.

That is how we will be able to gather and further develop many spirits as we change the world, which is what we will be able to do in The Spirit Inn.

The spiritual stones that Sigel gave Philomena earlier will be left by the spirits who visited the 'Spirit Inn' when they stayed longer than a certain period of time.

The longer the Spirit stays, the better the quality and size.

Incidentally, the Spirit in this case refers to a being that can take shape like the Rags, and does not include the Spirits, who are even smaller than they are.

Early stories about spirits that can take the shape of rugs are important in the world of "Spirit Inns".

Moreover, there are naturally more spirits than the Rags.

In order to gather those spirits, it means that they rarely come in today's environment.


Sigel, who finished the tutorial, took his finger off the input terminal and looked at the rugs.

The Rags are spirits anchored in the 'Spirit Inn' and will not escape unless they treat them so messily.

And they can be instructed to set up the environment in the boxyard or to do the work for it.

"Rig, Shilo. Can you go outside now and collect as much stuff as you can for an hour or so? Of course, if you're about to get attacked by something, make it a priority to run away."

When Sigel said so, the rig nodded with a happy face, and Shilo shook his tail haphazardly.

This becomes one of the important instructions that can be given to the spirits.

In any case, the 'Spirit Inn' must change the environment by the natural objects it collects.

We just need to collect and register once, but in order to have a diverse environment, we really need to explore in different places.

Sigel, who helped Rig and Shiro get out of the window, now looked at the rug and said.

"Now it's a rug...... what's wrong?

It was Sigel trying to give instructions to the lag, but she suddenly leaned her neck when she came closer and saw her shake her neck left or right.

As far as that goes, it's not just sweet, it looks like it's doing that for some reason.

Sigel checked again for help from the "Spirit Inn" menu, wondering if there was any missed.

- This is it.

Sigel, who was checking for help, shrugged so when he found an item.

There it was noted that there must always be more than one Spirit beside the owner of "The Spirit Inn".

The reason seems to be that if the owner dies and the 'Spirit Inn' is lost, the covenant spirits like the Rags will also lose its existence.

In short, in a state where Sigel is defenseless, the spirits will be anxious, so they will no longer listen to anything but escorts.

Now, when I checked the condition of the lug, it was an 'escort' and I couldn't change anything else.

The other two spirits have become 'Exploration (outside)'.

This (outside) does not mean outside the house, but exploring outside the 'Spirit Inn'.

Even in a building, as long as it is explored, it becomes' exploration (outside) '.

Naturally, the criterion is placed in the 'Inn of the Spirit'.

Sigel decided to check another item because there was no way to move it anymore with regard to the rug.

The size of "Spirit Inn" is about one truck, but this doesn't mean it's fixed.

Using the spiritual power that you can do when you break down a spiritual stone, you are free to change the size.

It should be taken for granted, however, that considerable spiritual power will be used to change the size of the 'Spirit Inn'.

First of all, by preparing the environment in its current size, many spirits cannot be changed in size unless they come.

Additionally, spiritual power will also be needed to carry out the task of preparing that environment.

In a nutshell, spiritual power is a fundamental force in this boxyard world.

Spiritual power can be used not only to change the environment of the 'Spirit Inn', but also to move objects into and out of the boxyard world.

For example, transform an environment where there is only lawn now into an environment where flowers bloom and its blooming flowers outside, in this case the real world (?) can be sent using spiritual power.

This enables Siegel to receive what the Spirit has made in the boxyard world.

Most of all, you'll need spiritual power to do it, so it's still a long way off to be able to do it.

"Hmm. The more I look at it, the cheaper it is."

If things made by the Spirit are going to be easy to get in and out of, and it's going to sell normally, at least not financially.

We know that even spiritual stones can normally be sold, so if we can get more money than that, there will be nothing wrong with Sigel living on his own.

Besides, we're going to make sure that there are as many other means of getting money as we can so that this cheat may suddenly disappear.

Sigel is not going to rely on it any more than he does not know for what reason he was given a 'spiritual inn'.