The next morning, Sigel asked Philomena to serve him the eggs he had been punishing, and he made the egg grill.

I would have liked to go with egg-wrapped rice in the morning, but I weighed myself because I didn't know how fresh it was on the boulder.

I want to make an example seasoning with eggs if I can, but I buy eggs a few times to see how fresh they are.

Most of all, if you ask me if I have any discernible eyes for egg freshness, I'll have to answer the subtleties, so I'll have to adventure somewhere.

Alternatively, I believe that some people in the store number have the hand to make it using something that could have properly ascertained when the eggs were born.

In yesterday's shopping, I couldn't afford to go that far.

Besides, Philomena is financially burdened with everything she bought in the first place.

Regarding the meal, no matter what you say, there is an atmosphere in which you might buy it, but Sigel wants to refrain from hugging you that far.

If mayonnaise (e.g. seasoning) could be used, Siegel would also confirm the "Spirit Inn" while thinking about whether the range of dishes would be wider.

Even so, as always, it's no different to spiritual power, so there's not much you can do.

I also thought about whether I would use all the spiritual powers I have now to improve the environment, but at least I gave up on making it in the middle of cooking.

Besides, this morning, Philomena is supposed to teach me about the foundations of magic.

I was going to take a moment to think around it because it will be in the afternoon when I can get some clustered time somehow.

So all I did during the breakfast dish was check the situation.

Still, there was only one major change.

"Ooh. The Spirit is evolving."

Confirming the state of the Spirits, Sigel noticed that each Spirit was evolving from an early Spirit to a lower Spirit.

There are conditions for the evolution of the contractual Spirit, but apparently, in this case, it was conditional on the performance of certain tasks for more than five hours.

The rug was the management of the boxyard, the rig was the escort of Sigel, and Shilo went more than five hours each with the exploration and the conditions were met.

Siegel thinks that since all three were originally early spirits, they were finally on the starting line.

Because the spirits who are visiting The Spirit Inn are all junior spirits.

The early spirits thought they would come out when they met either the spirits prepared for this boxyard world or some special condition.


"- Hey, Sigel. What the hell is this? I think it's more food than just being properly on a plate..."

What Filomena shows as she says so was the egg grill that Sigel managed to shape to look like it while distressed.

Since there are no convenient tools such as a frying pan dedicated to egg grilling, it has a somewhat snobbish shape because it is made of ordinary round objects.

"Ahhh, that's egg-roasted, and it's going to be egg-roasted... it's not here"

"Eggs...? No, what do you think? Maybe I just don't know, but at least this isn't the kind of town I've ever seen."

"Hmm. Really?"

Or maybe I'm just making it in each home and not bothering to sell it.

Still, if you've never seen Filomena traveling all over the place as a brave man, maybe it really isn't.

Even in the original world, it shouldn't have been Western Europe in the first place, so Siegel thought it might not be strange not to be in this world.

Using the chopsticks I had used since yesterday, I painstakingly cut the egg grill apart and managed to put it in my mouth, Filomena was surprised with her eyes round.

Sigel listened, laughing a little, watching it.

"How's the taste?


To a very simple and understandable answer, Sigel nodded that it was good.

Breakfast began disintegrating as it was, but I have a proper "I'll have it" greeting.

Watching Filomena mouthing the dish with a happy face makes me happy as Sigel as well.

Then Sigel saw Philomena with a niggardly face, but he was blamed for it.


"Uh, no, nothing"

That's what I said once, Sigel, but Philomena tipped me over the neck, so I decided to explain it properly.

"No, I thought you'd eat happily ever after."

"Become!? No, because the dishes made by Sigel are delicious...!

Sigel laughed at Filomena, who had said that with a waggy face.

Filomena, laughed at by Sigel, slightly blushed her cheeks and scolded Sigel.

"Hmm. For some reason, Siegel keeps twisting around."

"I'm not doing it for anything else."

"I know that.... That's why it's so hard to do."

The second half of the words didn't even reach Sigel's ears because he had a very small voice.

To Sigel, who was tilting her neck, Philomena shook her neck left and right back.

"Nothing. More than that, when we're done cleaning up, we're gonna start teaching magic like I said yesterday, right?

"Ok! Yay!

Philomena laughed bitterly at Sigel for saying so unexpectedly.

Sigel had the exact same reaction yesterday, so I thought I'd be so happy.

In this world in the first place, life magic is very commonly used, rather less of those who cannot use magic.

More than that, he's not here.

Of course, at the practical wizard level, the number decreases, but anyone can use magic to the extent that it usually ignites.

Since it's such a world, Sigel's reaction looks very fresh to Philomena.

To Sigel, who remained afloat, Philomena dared to stab the nail.

"As I said yesterday, Sigel has a high level of test results, but I think it's going to take some time before they can be used at the practical level, right?

"I know that. But after all, when you can use something you've never been able to use, aren't you glad?

When Sigel answered that, Philomena tilted her little neck.

"... something like that?

"It's like that. Anyway, I'm happy to be able to use magic and everything."

Sigel pushed that caution, but Philomena still had the face that she wasn't sure.

Sigel looked at Philomena's face and thought about it, wondering if she might not know that her senses around here were not those who actually came from a world without magic.


After finishing the breakfast, magic training for Sigel began, as Philomena declared.

First, the first challenge is to feel the magic of the classic street.

If I can't do this, I can't use magic or anything.

Phyllomena didn't think of it here because it's something a child could do if it's normal.

But unfortunately, Sigel was suddenly snorting around here.

If you think about it, that should be it, too, and the children of this world have experienced where their mothers use magic since before it was born.

I don't know if I've recognized the magic flow since I was a fetus, but I don't have the feeling that I was born in other worlds.

Now it was Philomena who worried about what to do, but there was someone who moved before she could give an answer.

It's a rig that was on Siegel's escort.

"- Yeah? Rig? What's the matter, man?

Until then, a rig that was silently on Sigel's shoulder suddenly flew in front of Sigel's face and offered him his right hand.

To Sigel, who was tilting his neck without knowing what it meant, the rig rode over Sigel's right hand.

"Oh, should I give you my right hand, too?

When Sigel inquired that way, Rig nodded happily cocky.

The rig touched the right hand a bit on Sigel, who raised his right hand as he wondered what he was going to do.

The rig, which is usually on Sigel's shoulder, will not feel the weight or heat unless it is conscious.

But at this time, I felt the heat coming from the rig.

For a moment, it was Sigel who thought it was because he was in direct contact with his skin, but soon he dismissed it as different.

There's no way Rig could have acted like this on purpose for that.

That's what I thought, Sigel, but I could feel what that fever was right away.

And it also means that the same thing exists in me.

When Sigel looks at the rig with an awfully surprised face, she (?) was flying around away from his right hand with a happy face.

I guess I found out Sigel could feel the magic.

Philomena, who was watching Sigel interact with the rig, also looked a little surprised to see if she found out about it.

"... um. Apparently, you could feel it right."

"Yeah. Looks like it. Thanks for the rig."

When Sigel answered that, he laughed back that so did Philomena.

If you can feel the magic, the next step will be training you to move the magic freely within your body or all over your body.

This just takes time, so Philomena, who taught him how to do it to some extent, went back to her room.

When it comes to magic circulation, it doesn't matter if you do something weird or dangerous, so it's okay to keep your eyes open.

Not only did Rig say that all this depended on Siegel's efforts, but he never tried to tell them anything, as he had done earlier.