I decided not to do any extra work until I had the necessary spiritual power, but there was only one thing I really wanted to confirm.

Speaking of what that is, the real world (?) So what happens if I serve it?

"The Spirit Inn" has a herbal field, and some contract spirits possess the skills of conditioning.

Together, they can naturally make medicine (potions).

Until now, the potion I made was going to save, but I wanted to know how much it would be worth.

What I had left behind so far was putting it on hold to use spiritual power to take it out, and somehow it was going to make another noise, and I hesitated.

That turned out to be like the Great Spirit coming out in front of Siegel himself, so I decided to think it was now.

If you have to, the Great Spirit can make excuses, so I can say it's just in time.

Of course, it doesn't work for the Philomenas, but I already know about The Spirit Inn, so that's now.

At first, I hadn't told Michaela and Marina about The Spirit Inn, but I was stuffed together about the Great Spirit, so I ended up talking about it.

Besides, there was Filomena's understanding that if it were Michaela and Marina, it wouldn't be a problem to talk.

So Sigel, who took one potion out of "The Spirit Inn," headed to the living room (living room) where the Philomenas were still having a women's talk.

When Sigel showed up in the living room, everyone came to their attention to see if the story was just as good.

Somehow Michaela and Marina's gaze felt raw and warm, but Sigel ignored it and spoke to Philomena.

"It sounds like we've been talking about it for a long time, but what were we talking about?

"Oh, no, that's..."

Looking at Philomena, who blushed her cheeks somewhat, Sigel regretted that this was a bad one if she heard.

Sigel, who didn't want to dig any more graves, just decided to change the subject.

"Oh, no. I didn't want to tell you. Nothing. More than that, there's something I'd like you to see?

Sigel said so, putting the potion he had in his hand on the table.

It was a little funny how the three gaze moved as their hands moved.

When I saw a bottle of potion placed on the table, Michaela tilted her neck small.

"What, this?

"Recovery pills made by Rag and Sakura?

Michaela turned her Zito eyes to Sigel, who replied with her neck tilted.

"Why are you doubtful?"

"No, because I haven't actually used it before, so I'm not sure how it works. It might work for spirits, but it might not work for people, right?

When Sigel answered that, they were all snorting with a convincing face.

Sigel nodded, of course, as Marina, who was the most familiar with the medicine, asked me if I could take it and confirm it.

Sigel thought it might actually be a very rare thing and make a scene soon, but surprisingly (?) Marina was calmly checking.

"Hey...... It seems to be as resilient as the top of the middle class."

Potions that are out in general are priced by effect.

It is roughly divided into three stages, further of which there is an upper and lower pretension width depending on the degree of recovery.

Incidentally, luxury potions exist in the world that fix site defects above the advanced level, but such objects are not the first to go out in the public.

Sigel had some expectations that it was made by the Spirit, but he was relieved by the unexpected calming results.

I also didn't want anything more to be the source of this noise.

"Yes. Then would it be okay to sell it normally?

"Yeah. If this were you, I'd think you'd get a buyer anywhere, right? I don't care who makes it."

Sigel was also in agreement with Marina, who had told me not to say otherwise that the Spirit had made it.

I didn't even think it was okay to recommend that the clergy spit a lie, but there it is.

In the first place, he makes the face that Filomena and Michaela are also natural, as it is very common practice to be properly misled so that the purchaser does not identify where they are obtained.

Philomena, who was looking at the potion the Marina had finished examining, asked Sigel.

"If the effect is guaranteed, you can also sell it to the adventurer...... are you going to sell it?

"That's what it is. As things stand, sometimes I don't really have a problem with money...... how much would it cost to sell it in the first place?

When Sigel heard that, Marina had said the price, largely with this much forethought.

That amount seems to be only a little more valuable than selling spiritual stones as they are.

The subtle result makes Sigel look indescribable.

"Hmmm...... If I think about the price fluctuating, should I sell Spirit Stone as it is to Filomena? But if it stays like this, the potion will also be saved..."

Potions seem to be used in "The Spirit Inn" as well, but there is clearly more to be made.

There is definitely a feeling that you will not be physically present in the stock that is piling up.

Philomena was nodding at Sigel for a distressing look.

"Sure, I'd rather have it with a spiritual stone than a potion"

Potions can be obtained anywhere in a town like the one where the Adventurer Guild is, but the Spirit Stone doesn't.

No matter how many spiritual stones you have, you have a use for it. It is only natural that Filomena should answer that.

"Right. I'm better off that way, too."

As in tune with Philomena, Michaela came to see Sigel as a tyrosis while saying so.

At the time we talked about "The Spirit Inn," we were also talking about the Spirit Stone, but at that time Michaela was eating in particular.

Even for Michaela, the elf, the Spirit Stone is a useful tool.

When we talked about it, we didn't think we were going to travel together, so we just had to give it one, but Siegel thought this was going to be demanding again.

Most importantly, the same goes for Philomena, but since there will be no more in the name of living expenses than going on a journey, I will now have them returned in cash.

If I do, I'll be saving cash at Siegel's this time.

In this world, there is not much money to spend other than clothing and living because there is not much entertainment.

Um, I've told Sigel to twist his head and think, like Philomena remembered.

"Speaking of which, I've been thinking," The Spirit Inn, "can't they use demonic stones?

"Give me the demon stone...? If you ask me, I never thought about it."

Filomena told me to make a face like Sigel had first noticed.

The Demon Stone gained from defeating demons until now, while selling it to the Alliance.

If that's what you can use for "The Spirit Inn," I've never been over it.

Rather than that, it's much more valuable to Siegel than selling and getting money.

I decided to use the demon stone that came out of the demon crusade when I was exploring the ruins, because I was going to give it a quick try.

The demon that came out beyond the first aisle was basically Sigel, who couldn't get his hands on it, but had some conceded.

"Um, start the 'Spirit Inn'..."

If Sigel is something that is touching his hand, if he is activating the 'Spirit Inn', he can take things in.

We don't even use spiritual power for that, so it's possible to put in as much as we need to.

It takes spiritual power (cost) to retrieve it, so I can't use it like an infinite item box.

Anyway, I could quickly take the demon stone into The Spirit Inn.

The question was, could you convert the demon stone you captured into spiritual power?

"... oh, I can do it"

As Sigel accidentally clapped out, that's what he put into words.

As soon as I took the Demon Stone into the Spirit Inn, I came out with a message asking me if I would convert it into spiritual power.

Compared to the spiritual stones that Sigel has always had in his hands, demonic stones of the same size seem to lose conversion efficiency to about a third, but I am still happy to have been able to use the money.

The guild that is buying away the Demon Stone can be bought away as it deserves.

Most of all, if you're not making or selling magic props, you might be asked, but that can be deluded.

Anyway, besides the spiritual stones obtained from the Spirit, it was well worth it for Sigel to have acquired the means to gain spiritual power.