Manusdine, who seemed to be in a good mood after getting a new name, said to Sigel.

"Yes, yes. I got a new name, so I need to thank you properly. Hi."

Manusdine, with that said, has turned to Sigel, offering him his right hand.

Sigel put out his right hand so that he could follow it.

On its palm, Manusdine placed a translucent Shizukuishi-shaped object about the size of her thumb.

"What's this?

"We don't have a particular name, but people call us Shizuku the Spirit."

When Manusdine replied that way, she could see that Michaela, who was listening beside her, breathed in as loudly as she was surprised.

Even Sigel continued further with Nicole laughing at the reaction he noticed.

"I think you should ask your daughter (here) for more information. Because I think that would be useful enough for Siegel."

"Nothing, I'm nothing enough to name it..."

"That's what you seem to be because you're a crossover. Well, now, I hope that's how important it is for us to be named."

Sigel could only nod hah to Manusdine, who said so with a smile as usual.

Even though Siegel knew in her mind that naming was important, she didn't really feel it.

It is also a feeling because he is the one who has not come to recognize the existence of magic as something of reality.

Keep Sigel in his face that he doesn't know very well, Manusdine said as he looked around at the Philomenas.

"Anyway, as long as you follow the rules, you can do whatever you want with the rest. That's all I can tell you."

And Manusdine disappeared from the spot, waving her right hand, saying so.

The Philomenas, who were trying to drop it off, sighed loudly on the spot.


It's been awhile since Manusdine left.

It seems that Michaela is finally back in reality, stuffed by Sigel.



"Spirit Shizuku!


Sigel unwittingly glanced at Michaela, who had come closer than any other.

As if he hadn't noticed such a siegel, Michaela goes on even further as she was excited.

"Show me! Let me touch the Spirit Shizuku, too! I won't say anything scary about it!


I've told Sigel to lean his neck without knowing what it means, as Marina would supplement.

"That's because the Great Spirit of Water gave way to Siegel. Sometimes if you take it away, if you do it badly, you get anger from the Great Spirit."

"Oh, that's certainly not scary"

Imagining where Manusdine would have an angry look, Sigel unexpectedly shivered on the spot.

Sigel won't be the only one who wants you to give him a break, just imagine where the beauty is angry.

Most importantly, Michaela is afraid in a different way than Siegel.

Anyway, Sigel, who thought it wouldn't matter enough to show the Spirit Shizuku, easily tried to give it to Michaela...



Where the Shizukuishi of the Spirit touched or didn't touch Michaela's palm, all of a sudden Michaela raised her surprise and grabbed her hand.

Sigel accidentally raised his voice as he nearly dropped the Spirit Shizuku on the floor.

I asked Michaela, who was plaplaplaplacing her right hand in an attempt to receive the Shizukumi of the Spirit, as Philomena tilted her neck.

"Even if it doesn't, does it feel like the owner has been designated?

Sounds like it.

To Philomena's question, Michaela answered with a sigh.

Apparently, the Shizuku of the Spirit that Manusdine had given to him was such that Sigel could not give way to another.

I can't even seem to lend it to you temporarily, so I suppose there are some pretty strong restrictions on it.

Immediately finding out about it, Michaela looked at Sigel as she looked sorry.

"I have no choice. I give up touching, just show me."

Even if you can't touch it, if Sigel has it, you can watch it from the side.

Michaela, who knew that she would not be so blessed with the opportunity to see the Shizukumi of the Spirit up close, was satisfied with that alone.

And while receiving various orders from Michaela, Sigel dropped his shoulder as if he was tired, beginning to show the Spirit Shizuku from various angles.

"Haa...... so far"

"Thank you very much. Sigel."

Sigel replied powerlessly to Filomena, who had said so with a bitter smile.

By the way, the person (Michaela) at the time who put Sigel in this condition is immersed in the emotion of being able to see the Spirit Shizuku with his hands on his cheek looking in a good mood.

Sigel's condition is not visible in Michaela's eyes.

"By the way, Sigel."

Seeing Filomena's face, who had said so abruptly to change the story, Sigel was struck by a bad feeling.

"Uh, what is it?

"Uhm. - I want you to show me that too..."

Sigel could only draw his cheeks to Filomena, who, he said, had pointed to the Shizukumi of the Spirit.

Finally, at the corner of his sight, Sigel had also noticed that the marina was turning the same gaze he would expect.

In the end, it couldn't possibly be possible to turn down Philomena and Marina's favors, etc., and Sigel was to go out with the Spirit's Shizuku viewing party afterwards.

It was like when a woman was choosing a jewel, and it was a very tiring moment for Siegel.


In contrast to Sigel, who is exhausted, the Philomenas, with a satisfying look on their face, were walking vigorously through the ruins to find an inn tonight.

"And this town is wonderful."

Michaela and Marina nodded in agreement to Filomena, who told her to sigh with admiration as she looked around.

"Really. I never thought I'd actually see a sight like this."

"Right. You have to thank Siegel for all this."

If that's what you think, then I would have liked it to be a little more far-fetched. Sigel thought I was listening beside him, but of course I wouldn't talk about it.

I mouthed that, but at the end of the day, I know I'm going to eat a mouth (...) shot from the three of them, even if I don't imagine it.

Sigel doesn't have a hobby for sticking into mines that he knows he has.

Listening to such conversations between the Philomenas, Sigel had taken the Spirit Shizuku into the 'Spirit Inn'.

I was working on foot thinking it was dangerous because I thought I couldn't wait to see it again if asked to.

"- Oh, I knew it."

Sigel, who was watching the screen of "The Spirit Inn," which took in the Spirit Shizukuishi, was speaking out unexpectedly to the expected result.

Just like when we took in the branches of the Spirit Tree before, we got a message.

However, in the current "Spirit Inn", there seems to be no place where the Spirit Shizuku can be used, and it was also written to that effect.

I was able to expand the boxyard during the journey, but I don't have a place that's going to be a water field.

Spirit Shizuku needs a water field about the size of a large pond.

Fortunately, it seemed possible to take in the Shizuku of the Spirit later, and we decided to prepare a water field as soon as the spiritual power was accumulated.

To the Philomenas, who had come to see it in an intriguing way, Sigel talked about "The Spirit Inn," which took in the Spirit Shizuku.

"Hmm. After all, the Great Spirits know exactly what Sigel has about the 'Spirit Inn' and it sounds like they're giving it away, doesn't it?

"Wouldn't you? Either way, shouldn't we assume that everything the Spirit can use helps?

That's what Filomena has said in a way that puts into question Mikael's opinion.

It is unlikely that we will be able to draw conclusions on this occasion, just because both are likely.

However, as for Siegel, I thought they were both correct.

The Great Spirits of the Two Pillars, "The Spirit Inn" (Sigel?) There is no mistake that I have been giving you something useful for.

If it's a thank you, whether it's worth it or not, you should give me the Spirit Stone.

I'm not, and I'm only giving you what you can (...) use exactly because I think I'm choosing after finding out about The Spirit Inn.

Even so, Sigel doesn't know if there is anything that the Spirit can use and isn't useful in "The Spirit Inn," so he can't even tell if it's a mistake.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure both great spirits are giving me something useful for Siegel.

It wasn't just a coincidence that Siegel thought so from previous conversations.