The morning after we talked about the guild card system.

As promised, Rag showed himself before Sigel, accompanied by five spirits.

"- If you are creating a world of 'Spirit Inns', I have brought those who would love to serve you most. I hope you pick the hell out of this."

Sigel was distracted for a moment by Rug's reclining phrase, "I want to serve you," but asked back more concerned about the second half of the dialogue than that.

"What the hell? No more than that."

It's not like I want to sign with a lot of spirits, but it caught me why I limited myself to the whole thing.

Rag shook his neck left and right to answer Sigel, who was also wondering if it was any systemic problem.

"No. No particular reason...... is it okay to add a few more at a time?


I just wanted to say that I can increase as much as I want if it's true, but I certainly wanted to shy away from timing this one.

The reason is that it will be the first contract outside the system, so I have no idea what it feels like.

Of course, there are other fine reasons, but now that's the biggest.

It was Sigel, who was only making his gaze a little urry, but eventually he dropped his shoulder just a little and said.

"Sure, now I guess I should just stop all in one..."

To Sigel like that, Rag nodded without changing his expression in particular.

"Really? Besides, just because I couldn't get a contract right now, I just need to think about it later, so I don't know if I need to be that depressed."


Sigel, who thought that was exactly what the spirits who were not chosen this time were, looked strange and tilted his neck.

"These people have come many times because they like The Spirit Inn. So if you have the opportunity, you just have to speak up again. Of course, I don't know if you want a contract at that time."

"Oh, I see"

To explain the rug, Sigel nodded with a convincing face.

Sigel, finally convinced here, saw once again the five spirits that Rag had brought with him.

According to the description of the lag, two of the five bodies were trees and the other three were spirits each belonging to the wind, water and earth.

There's no fire.

If there is fire, I haven't signed it before, so I didn't hesitate to leave it there, but if there is no other way, I can't help it.

So far, Sigel began to see the spirits without paying particular attention to it, as he had never had any trouble with the fire attributes.

It was Sigel I said with ease, but the rug didn't seem to take it that way, and he came bowing his head slightly clouding his face.

"I'm sorry. In the current environment, it seems very difficult to gather fire companions... It's not like he hasn't come."

Apparently, the Spirit of Fire had not come at all, but had failed to meet the glasses of the rugs.

Sigel waved hastily at the rug, who looked sorry as she said so.

"No, no. It's not like I'm dissatisfied. Besides, the fire is getting harder to gather because of the environment I'm creating."

Sigel fully understands that, too.

However, even if the Spirit of the Fire attribute makes it an easy environment to gather together, we don't really know what to install at the moment.

For this reason, the Spirit of the Fire Attribute did not come this time, probably because of Sigel himself, who is making adjustments to the "Spirit Inn".

It's not like they're going to apologize from Rag.

Sigel was watching the spirits as he looked at the lag with a relieved look on his face and reflected internally on whether he had said something bad.

I can guess why there are two tree spirits or from the words of an earlier rug.

Surely the environment today is skewed that way because there are places where trees are centered.

While putting it in the corner of his head to serve as a reference for future environmental improvements, Sigel began to seriously worry about who to choose.

Firstly, the Spirit of the Tree, which already has two lugs and a Sacrament, shall be excluded.

What would then remain would be wind, water and dirt, but honestly Sigel could not tell which to choose.

If you want me to work in "The Spirit Inn," I know that choosing any attribute will help.

That's what the spirits already know in their work.

If so, the question is how active they will be outside the "Spirit Inn," but Sigel looked at the rug remembering that there were so many.

"Speaking of which, can these kids do outside activities?

What Sigel remembered was about Sakura.

If it is anchored within the 'Spirit Inn' as in Sakura, the place of activity is diminished.

That was something I wanted to avoid if I could.

"That's no problem. Rather, Sakura is just special."

Sigel nodded so much to the answer to the lag.

If it's not fixed like a sakura, there's finally no more criteria to choose from.

Honestly, I remembered what Michaela told me back in Sigel's brain when he started thinking about who to pick.

It was like, "Siegel himself has very little attack power, so you'd better consolidate your defense."

From there, furthermore, he went on to say that the local attributes are stiff to protect.

Sigel, thinking of the story, saw the Spirit of the earth attribute and made his decision.

"Okay, I'll be your girl this time."

Sigel said so, the designated Spirit had a joyous look on his face, and the rest of the Spirit looked sorry for him.

Seeing such a sight made me want to pick everyone out, Sigel, but I put up with it here in a good way.

"The kids who weren't chosen don't mean you guys are bad. I don't think this is going to end, so I was hoping you could come next time."

When Sigel said so, the four spirits began to snort in panic.

Rag, who looked at it as Nico, said as he looked at Sigel.

"Now give this kid a name, too. If this child accepts that name, the contract will end."

"Huh? Just name it?

"That's right. Already, this child is allowed to sign the contract itself, so nothing else is necessary"

To the lag that had said so, Sigel was convinced it was something like that.

When it comes to making a contract, it feels like a big deal, but the contract itself ends easily.

The reason Sigel feels the most light is because finding the most troublesome spirits is shortened, and that's the part where it takes the most time.

If you say that feeling around Mikaela, Sigel will be seen with white eyes.

Fortunately, there is no Michaela on this occasion right now, so Sigel blames (?) I didn't have to be.

To Sigel like that, Rag has offered the earth spirits on his hands.

That gaze says give him a name as soon as possible.

"Then the child's name is Nora."

I was able to say my name immediately this time.

However, it wasn't that I didn't take the time, I was thinking of a few names because I knew from yesterday that a new Spirit would come.

From that, I just chose a name that seemed to fit the attributes of the earth.

When Sigel said his name, the spirits on the hands of the lag glistened and snorted cocklessly with joy.

"Apparently this kid also liked the name Nola. - This is the end of the contract."

Saying so, Rag turned his gaze to spirits other than Nora.

Then the spirits disappeared from the spot, looking remorseful.

Apparently, they went back to where they liked to be again on each side.

Sigel, who dropped it off feeling sorry for her, tilted her neck when she saw Nora.

"Still, I'm like a woman again, but does it make any sense?

The size is enough to ride in the palm of my hand like the rugs before I grew up, but I was still a woman in that look.

As far as Michaela tells me, there are some men in the spirits who look like people, so I was wondering why they are women again.

"No matter why you say it - wouldn't that be better, Master Sigel?

To the lag he has said with a face that would be natural, Sigel has remained silent after only a moment of being a kyoton face.

I just wanted to say that it wasn't true, but it was also true that I couldn't say enough.