Having concluded his discussions with Lisemtgert, the marina headed to the Inn where the Filomenas were staying, rather than the own room reserved for the temple.

I was also prepared to take a few days to talk to the busy Lisemtgert, but I was betrayed in a good way.

For that reason, Marina also intended to participate in discussions with the King, which would take place in the future.

With Marina's participation, some people will stick their Futsu positions in ~, etc., but there is as much to delude.

It's then, and I sometimes express it as a personal position, so I don't mind either as a marina.

Shortly after coming out of the Amateras, it was a marina headed for the inn with some vigilance, but in the end nothing could have happened to get there.

And Marina, who entered the inn, laughed bitterly when she saw the Sigels, who seemed free.

"I know you have nothing to do and you're free, but why don't you get a little more crisp? After this, there will be discussions with the king, won't there?

"Well, I don't know. That feeling could mean after tomorrow, right?

As a marina, I thought about that instant king and thought there would be a face-to-face today.

However, the impression of Philomena and Michaela, who actually interacted with Min, led them to think that it was unlikely.

Now, I'm about to plug into the time of the evening, but I don't have any reaction.

I'm reading that this is an effect that we're trying to adjust to in different places.

Most importantly, it doesn't really matter to the Philomenas whether that reading is correct or not.

When it comes to the problem of more free time for that matter, it can only be said that it is to that extent.

Anyway, the Sigels could only wait until there was a response from the king.


As expected by Philomena and Michaela, the messenger from the king came the following afternoon.

Moreover, there was a confirmation meeting in the morning, which was a way of following the formal procedure whereby a greeting envoy would come in the afternoon.

This implies that the Kingdom of Horstadt recognises it as a formal place as a country, rather than as abbreviated face-to-face as before.

It also gets more annoying for that matter, but it is also a desirable development for the Sigels, who are about to spread the word about super ancient civilizations throughout the continent.

Being an official place means that there are other countries' eyes, and that's how easy it is to spread the word to other countries.

However, even if it was not a public place, the necessary information would be disseminated.

As a formal invitation, Philomena and the others who were sent to the holding room were dressed in the same dress that the ladies wore.

Siegel, by the way, wears clothes that are decorated with luxury.

The clothes were prepared by Philomena and the others, who said they would need them any day during their journey.

Anyway, Sigel, seeing the Philomenas in their dresses, was stunned for a moment by accident.

It was my first time watching them wear dresses while I acted with all this.

Filomena asked Sigel, looking at herself with a surprised face, with her cheeks slightly red.

"What do you say? For once, I have a very high reputation..."

"Keep pulling out your favorites, what's your reputation?"

That's how Michaela was sticking in next to Philomena, but that word didn't come in Sigel's ear.

Not that I've ever seen Filomena in a skirt, but she still has a completely different impression than the dress.

Well, let's be clear, Siegel was in love.

Nevertheless, we also know that it is too rude to remain silent, so Sigel decided to answer her thoughts as she felt.

"Yeah. Philomena and Marina, they look great. If I could, I'd like to see it every now and then."

Exactly. There are things like maintenance every day, and I know it's a hassle, so I don't make any demands.

To that Sigel's direct balloon sentiment, Filomena and Marina looked at each other and then laughed xlily.

"No, what do you think of that?

"Right. Doesn't that sound like you're saying you can't wear it?

"What!? Uh, no, I didn't mean to say that..."

To the penetration from the two, Sigel managed to make an excuse in a hurry.

To Sigel like that, Marina said as she waved.

"It's okay. I didn't mean to blame Sigel. Besides, from what I can tell, you might need to get used to wearing it from time to time."

"Well, that's true."

As far as Sigel is concerned right now, I'm concerned about the Philomenas and it doesn't look like I can handle them the way I normally do.

From now on, Philomena and Marina were rethinking that it was necessary in the sense of getting Sigel used to it, as we can also anticipate more similar occasions.

Of course, the aim of making Sigel fall in love has been accomplished, so both were satisfied in that sense.

Michaela groaned with a sigh as she moved and watched those three exchanges a little further away.

"I don't know, this alienation. I'm wearing my favorites too..."

Michaela, who, unlike the other two, laid her hands in a boring place, was heartily dismayed as she looked at Sigel, who was obviously gazing at you.


By the time I got there during the glance, it was Sigel who managed to regain his usual condition, but unfortunately it didn't go face to face with the king as it was.

Because it was a formal glimpse, the number of people gathered during the glimpse was not the previous ratio.

This is because we gather not only the lords of the nobility who are in the capital of the king, but also the civilians and martial officers who have been working in the castle from time to time.

Not all of them exactly, but nevertheless, to the large number of people, Siegel had her head blankly blanketed by the sight of the door opening and coming into view.

Philomena, who had noticed about it, was pounding her back so that she wouldn't be noticed around her.

Philomena looks like a mess, but she's actually a character who also finds these details.

Sigel, who managed to regain his mind thanks to Philomena, began walking with the other three to the front of the king.

And by the time we got to where we were told beforehand, Sigel was already exhausted.

Now that we have no negotiations or anything, we were going to leave it to the Philomenas to talk.

Well, even without it, I wasn't going to leave it to you from the start, so there's no problem.

However, we also know that Sigel cannot remain completely silent.

For that reason, Sigel had repeatedly taken a sneak deep breath trying to calm down a little while the Philomenas were going through the conversation.

With such a siegel in sight, the story of the king and the Philomenas had begun.

"Hmm. Well done, brave man."

"I'm honored to have you here this time."

The formal invitation meant that Philomena carefully bowed her head as she answered as well.

It's usually that Philomena, but you can have this attitude when you need it.

Most importantly, just the first time I show my appreciation for the invitation, the rest will collapse somewhat.

Before the building, there is to be no difference in identity between kings and brave men, so that is not to be seen as a problem.

Waiting for Philomena to lift her lowered head before King Adolph got to the point.

"Well, first I'm going to talk to you about that incredible ship that caught people's attention?

When King Adolph inquired that way, Filomena felt the attention of those around her had been drawn.

King Adolph had made that inquiry knowingly in advance, as he had written to some extent in the letter he gave him yesterday.

It is, of course, to make those gathered here hear.

Of course, Philomena fully understood that too, so she answered with a nodding, flat look.

"Yes, that will be the legacy of an ancient civilization in the Windy City, deposited more than the Great Spirit of Wind"

The scene stirred for a moment to Philomena's answer.

It is generally pervasive that ancient civilizations have developed more magic props than they do today, but it has never been known that there are flying ships.

For this reason, it can be taken for granted that some of those who were listening from the king would otherwise be noisy.

Just one word right now contains enough surprise, but there will be more out of common sense stories coming out of it.

Given the reaction at that time, Filomena was to relive herself greatly in her heart.