The next morning.

Sigels, who left the Amateras and entered the ruins, were naturally followed by the watchmen.

It makes me wonder if it's also some arrangement that politely has three knights and three clerics at a time.

There's no certainty, but I guess it is, and when I saw the watchers coming up, Sigel was thinking about that.

Originally anticipated, Filomena began negotiations towards their respective representatives without panic.

"- So if you still seem to wander around today, I'll go talk directly to the King's Capital?

Is it really okay, Philomena heard that with the meaning, but the knight delegate didn't change his expression in particular.

"Then you should. We just do our job."

I just heard the words, and I can tell they don't make sense.

Most importantly, there is no way that a knight would disobey an order from above, so no matter how Philomena says here, the knights' behavior should not change.

The priests can see the sentiment that they can't take a back on a knight.

Having heard the knight delegate's reply, Philomena nodded only once before responding further.

"Right. Then let me do it."

Filomena said so, looking around at the rest of the members, including Sigel.

If you look at that face, you'll see what I'm talking about pulling up.

The Sigels, who had expected this from the beginning, stopped heading to the ruins as discussed in advance and returned to the Amateras.


Sigels aboard the Amateras soon made their way to the King's Capital.

To complain to their respective personnel, as Philomena said.

When it comes to hassle, it's easier to get around on foot or in a carriage for as long as you're using the Amateras to get around.

In fact, the Philomenas looked like they could even sing in their noses.

Sigel, who was just a little concerned about the knights, asked as he looked at Laura.

"Are you glad I treated you so appropriately?

"Yeah. No problem. We'll be discussing it there by now, but there's nothing we can do."

If a knight is absolute to an order from above, he must make sure to withdraw the order from above.

Laura knows perfectly well that there is no point in talking at the field level.

Plus, the marina shrugged her shoulders just a little after Laura said.

"I don't know what to say, but this one's similar. In the end, we can't resist the relationship."

"Uh, well, will it"

In the end, Sigel nodded with a slightly dazed face, thinking things wouldn't change around there in any world.

What I knew from yesterday's discussion, but still, when I actually see it, the feeling that it's troublesome really boils down.

I'm not going to ask you to do that, because I know it's going to be just a Kramer.

Filomena said with a laugh to Sigel, who looked indescribable.

"Don't look like that. I didn't think it was obvious so far, but it should have come out on the table any day. You just have to think it can be resolved sooner."

"Or so it is."

To Philomena's point, Sigel quickly changed her mood and nodded too.

I couldn't help but drag the mood forever, and more importantly, I broke it off that I couldn't help but be upset about it.

There's more to be prioritized now than that.

With that in mind, Sigel began to concentrate on piloting the Amateras and proceeded on his path to the Wang Capital.


The Sigels, who arrived in the Wang capital, just started their action.

By way of example, the marina leads to the church and Laura to the castle.

This time, however, including the meaning of the protest, the marina has Michaela and Laura has Filomena.

Sigel will leave a message on the Amateras, as he did last time.

Sometimes I thought Siegel himself was troublesome, but more than that, watching the knights behave, I came up with the opinion that they might come up with an extra little glimpse on the Amateras.

Sigel was just a little surprised when Philomena mentioned that, just to allow him to leave it at ease for the price, without worrying about that until now.

Later, maybe he cared that he was sick and tired of exchanging at the ruins, and Sigel was thinking about that all over his chest.

Anyway, this discussion was time-consuming, unlike at the time of the first negotiations.

In this case, I brought the story here, so it took me a while to make a connection with the person in charge first.

It would take time and be natural to have a discussion with someone you wouldn't see so easily if you were normal.

With that in mind, you might consider this one to be the quickest thing you could handle.

Anyway, it was Marina & Michaela Pair who came back first after the discussion.

And Marina answered Sigel, clapping her shoulders, asking how it was with her gaze alone.

"There's nothing you can do. When the knight stops, he stops this one. I can't help but keep talking, so I'm cutting it right off."

"For once, if the current situation continues, the investigation will be stopped."

Following the marina, Michaela went on to look like she was sick of it.

From that look, the thought of doing it on your own is all over the place.

Sigel, who somehow could have noticed that he was all over the ship, asked Michaela as she looked sorry for her.

"Was it that bad?

"I thought it was the golem itself. If it weren't for the marina, everyone would have thought the priesthood was so stiff."


That's all Sigel said as he drew his face, understanding what the situation was.

Seeing Sigel and Michaela interact, Marina said with a slight bitter smile.

"In the end, it's up to Laura."

"Something tells me it's up to the clergy over there"

When Sigel got fed up with his face, Michaela told him to push it away.

"It would have been nice if that had happened. Like I said, stop the Yodelian ruins."

How obstinately changing to the belly, Michaela has always had a strong tone.

Seeing how it was, Sigel and Marina gazed at each other, but they didn't even feel comfortable covering the church side, leaving it as it was for a while.


Laura and Philomena returned the day after Michaela and Marina returned.

It still seemed like it took me a while to mount the meeting.

However, I knew as soon as I saw the faces of the two back that the other negotiations went well.

"- Permission granted to lower the knight lightly."

When Laura reported that, Sigel, Marina and Michaela, they all looked at each other.

"Permission granted very easily."

"I didn't say it clearly, but it seemed to be some rampage"

That's what Laura replied with a bitter smile to Sigel's words.

More than being a huge organization called the State, hitting this place with a single rock doesn't happen unless there's so much to it.

This is a fact that cannot be changed, because even situations that are being attacked by external enemies can be such situations.

If it could happen, it would mean how many tyrants or namesakes stand as kings.

The organization itself is made up of very ordinary bureaucrats, since the present king of the Kingdom of Jordan is not that king, for better or worse.

Some of those bureaucrats stormed off to get a handle on the matter, which is why the surveillance was so bad.

"That's just what they say is one arm of the prime minister and he didn't show it on his face, but the officer in charge looked fed up too"

Sigel wondered if he was actually right because Filomena looked sorry for him and said it.

Siegel has no intention of being completely sympathetic.

That would be the same for the rest of us.

"- Anyway, the knight side mounted the promise. And then, on the clergy's side..."

"I'll see you tomorrow."

The moment Marina answered that, Michaela had a blatantly unpleasant look and Sigel smiled bitterly.

And Philomena, who saw it, only answered, "- well?", somehow she perceived the situation.