Sigel and Philomena, who decided on their wedding venue, made their way to the King's Capital of the Kingdom of Holstadt the following day.

I didn't make the move within that day because there was nothing to rush about and because Granome wanted to see the city of Arksand.

The Granome, which is coming out of the Great Cave with Sigel as its key, cannot be further away than a certain distance.

And when they arrived in King's Capital, Sigel and Philomena immediately talked to Marina and Michaela about their graduate students, who were more surprised that Granome was with them than they were with you.

As for the graduate students, that seemed likely to be the case to some extent.

Laura, who finished talking to me from Sigel and Philomena, said it after she got a contemplative look.

"Sigel is the Spirit, Philo...... is Phee a graduate student on demonic props? If I could be, would it be a culinary thing?"

"I guess so."

It was the marina who said that to Laura's words and agreed.

Laura and Marina already seem to have decided to go to Arksand with Sigel, who has decided to become a graduate student.

"I just don't think you need to bother being a graduate student, do you?

"And, okay?

"Just because you live in Arksand doesn't mean you have to be in a school relationship, does it? You should act as an adventurer."

"Maybe so, but I just work alone..."

Laura fully understands the impact of her own appearance on her surroundings.

The difference between being seen by other nobles as princesses of one country and acting as ordinary citizens by concealing their identities.

Marina said with a bitter smile to Laura, who has a troubling look on her face.

"Why wouldn't you do something about relying on me there?

"Huh. But wouldn't Marina be a graduate student?

To Laura as she looked at herself with a strange face, Marina shook her neck left and right.

"I'm sure there's nothing I can do about it... but I'd rather not deal with religious people."

Marina was smiling bitterly as she said so.

If Marina were to become a graduate student, that would undoubtedly mean religious relations.

If so, it would mean naturally interacting with those who study doctrine and history in their respective religions day and night.

Marina doesn't even think about shards when it comes to shaking her own faith, but she is certain that such exchanges are cumbersome.

I don't want to do that until I become a graduate student because that's what I've been doing on a daily basis when I was spending time in church in the first place.

If that's the case, it was Marina's idea that it would be much easier to be an adventurer with Laura.

You guessed those marina thoughts, and Laura nodded with a slightly happy look on her face.

"If that's the case, we'll be working around Arksand."

"Well, wait, wait. I don't think it's too late to go to Arksand and decide what to do after you get Michaela's opinion, do you? We don't have to decide right now."

That's what Filomena told Marina and Laura to calm down a bit, who had the debate ahead of them.

But the next moment Philomena said so, Marina and Laura turned around at the same time.

"" You say it (say it)?

When Marina and Laura said so brilliantly aligned, Filomena finally shifted her gaze to the side.

Philomena does have no shards of persuasion, as there is the fact that Sigel put out the condition of becoming a graduate student and said he will be one as soon as possible.

Seeing how that Philomena was, Sigel laughed and arbitrated.

"Fair enough. You don't have to rush to do what Filomena says, so why don't you take your time? Either way, we can't talk until the ceremony is over."

"Sure, that's true"

"But if you're going to be a graduate student, you're going to need to adjust in advance, so you're going to need some time, right?

"That's right. But I don't think it's going to change for about half a month."

Once again, when Sigel put it that way, Marina also nodded as she was finally convinced.

Then Sigels, all of them, returned to the house of Philomena.

So I talked to Michaela the same way, but she just said that she would think about what to do without drawing any immediate conclusions.

Sigel, who heard the answer, replied that it did not matter, as he had told Marina and Laura.


The morning after returning to Filomena's house.

Sigel, who was preparing breakfast with Laura, tilted his neck when he found the rig coming out of the 'Spirit Inn' in a slightly rushed manner.

"Um, what's going on? What did the outside enemy do?

Rig shook his neck left and right to Sigel, who first wondered if the spirit-eater had caused great damage.

"Chi, no. Otherwise!

"Here. Calm down a little, of the wind. If the corner festivities are more rushed, they won't get through to the Lord properly, will they?

Rigg took a deep breath to calm his feelings when Granome said so, who remained firmly beside Sigel without going back to the Great Cave.

Granome seems to know what happened, but Sigel still doesn't know what it means.

Sigel asked the rig repeatedly taking a deep breath, being careful not to rush.

"Though I don't think we need to panic that much about the celebration... Ah, uh. Could that be what you mean?

Sigel noticed that as she was talking, she turned her gaze to Granome to make sure.

"That's not what I'm saying, but I'm here to report the corner. Why don't you ask me?

"Or so it is."

Convinced by Granome's words, Sigel turned his gaze to the rig as he said so and nodded.

Rigg, who by that time had finally calmed down, said slowly after heading to Sigel.

"Early spirits were born from the eggs of spirits."

"I knew it. The Spirit... hmm?

Trying to keep on being born, Sigel looked seriously at the rig realizing the subtle differences in how he received it.

"Did you just say early spirits?

"Yes! An early spirit was born, not a normal spirit. And two at the same time!

Seeing the rig he said so with his arms wide to convey his surprise, Sigel hastily opened the 'Spirit Inn'.

Until now, the "Inn of the Spirit" has never confirmed that the early Spirit was born, even if the Spirit was ever born.

We don't know what the difference is between an early spirit and a normally born spirit, but Sigel thought there was more to it than the presence of rugs, rigs, and silos.

To find out the difference, Sigel thought it would be easy to understand if there were new early spirits, but this would mean that a new comparison could have been made.

Confirming that two early spirits were firmly born in the "Inn of the Spirit," Sigel turned his gaze toward the Granome.

"Did you know this was going to happen?

"No. The only thing Ng knows is that in spiritual eggs and normal spirits there can be a difference in growth. You don't know what kind of change will happen in that inn that the Lord has?

"That's true, too, but does that mean you're going to have twins?

Sigel, who assumed that only one Spirit would come from one egg, is just as surprised that the early Spirit was born.

"Hmm. Sometimes they come together from the eggs of the Spirit, sometimes they come together in two bodies. It's no different from people's kids around here. I'll add, it's never been adjusted beforehand by Nong et al.

Sigel nodded convincingly to Granome, who affirmed that he had not deliberately given birth to two spirits.

I also wondered if some intent lay with the Great Spirits if they could adjust with the intent of the Spirit coming from the Spirit's eggs, but that just didn't seem to be the case.

Sigel went straight back to helping Laura, confirming the "Spirit Inn" and finding that the two newborn early spirits were not particularly abnormal.

Since there was plenty of time later, it was decided that there would be no rush to confirm it.

Sigel, who then had a proper breakfast, was to give him a proper name for the two early spirits he had just been born back in his room.