Sigel, who decided to do research at the training ground, had just gone through the procedure of borrowing the next day.

Since this is the first time I care, I make an application while asking Ivano, who happens to have free hands.

Not if I wasn't available in the first place to rent a training ground, but fortunately, I was able to rent this day right away because it was available.

I would say it was just fine because I was able to go through the process in the morning and borrow it that afternoon.

And after lunch with Philomena, we were all set to head to the training ground.

A training ground that was to be rented due to the flow and momentum of the story, but because of the opportunity, Sigel is also doing a solid experiment.

Ivano and Cindy were also associated with that experiment, Filomena said to those two.

"I'm going to see a little bit about the other training grounds. I'm sorry, but if Siegel asks, will you tell me?"

To Filomena, who casually said, Ivano and Cindy had agreed without feeling particularly unnatural.

I was convinced that the research Sigel was doing was boring because there was very little to wear with demonic props.

Of course this is before the building, and we go to see if Adam is summoning the Spirit.

Incidentally, the fact that Miran Laboratories rents another training ground has been confirmed by Sigel during the proceedings.

I don't need to play this little play against Ivano or Cindy, but it's also to make excuses if the Turtle Spirit that Adam uses was something normal.

Filomena headed to confirm first by herself in order to create the pre-construction that Sigel would follow.

If you ask me if I need to pay that much attention to Ardam and Milan Labs, it's a delicate place, but just in case.

Away from the Sigels, Filomena approached the training ground, which houses the facades of the Milan lab, disguised as a tour of the school students' training.

Instead of passing through the training grounds along the way, he also sees some other training happening.

This is also a bit of an excuse later.

These ideas are wasted at a time when the Turtle Spirit used by Ardam discerns it to be a Granome, but if not, it is necessary.

Both Sigel and Philomena enjoy their lives quite a bit right now, so they want to avoid any extra commotion they can.

It was Filomena who was looking around some training grounds for that reason, but she was caught by an unscheduled opponent when she was about to go to her fate.

"Sister. What's the matter?

"- Oh. Tekla. I came all the way here with Siegel, so I thought I'd take a tour of the rest of the place."

It's no wonder Tekla, who belongs to a combat lab, is in the training field.

"Is your sister here?

Tekla tilted her neck just a little as she said so.

Tekla understands perfectly well that Filomena has shown no interest in student-level combat.

Nevertheless, there is also a fast head rotation tekla.

I immediately guessed that there was a reason I couldn't say anything other than a tour of the training ground I was talking about, and immediately nodded with a convincing look.

"- Oh. Did you even see that mock fight and think of something?

"Well, that's the place"

Filomena nodded back with a true face as she thanked Tekla sincerely for her immediate conversation.

Tekla became a convincing expression without touching Philomena's original purpose.

"Really? Shall we go then?"

"Yeah? Are you coming too?

"If it's famous, I can talk to you. I think we should say it together."

To Tekla, who had said so, Philomena gave her a contemplative look for a moment before nodding immediately.

"Right. Shall I ask for it?"

In Philomena's reply, Tekla gave a delightful look.

Filomena allowed Tekla to accompany her because she thought it looked more natural.

It is becoming known in the school that Tekla is nostalgic for Philomena for some reason, so it could seem more unnatural to say no.

Besides, it's also significant that we didn't act together from the beginning, but that we happened to see each other during Tekla's training.

In some cases, it may involve Tecra, but there was certainty in Philomena that he would be happy to arrive.


Philomena, who began to look around the training ground with Tekla, saw about two more trainings before heading to the training ground where the fateful Miran lab was located.

Philomena didn't miss seeing herself gaze at the training ground and Tekla just looked up a little.

"What. Don't you like watching the losing opponent train?

"Well, that's not what I mean!

To Filomena, who said with an interesting look, Tekla has said so with a slight haste.

And I've been trying to keep my voice lurking for a little while before going on even further.

"I just didn't think that that lab training would help your sister."

"I don't think so... let's just take a good look and then judge"

Without thinking that Tekla had mentioned that just because of her emotions, Philomena looked 'ooh' and then returned it that way.

It is also unusual for Tekla, who is basically a sloppy character, to be able to lurk his voice.

For this reason I knew that there was a reason, and I dared not deny it directly.

Philomena was curious about the way Tekla said it, and watched the training for a while with little to no regard for Ardam, who was still her destiny.

Of course, I didn't forget about the Turtle Spirit, but it's big that Ardam didn't participate in combat training in the first place and didn't summon the Turtle Spirit either.

That's why I was supposed to keep an eye on the Milan lab training landscape for a while.

And Philomena, who had been watching the thing for a while, nodded towards Tekla with a convincing look.

"I see. Sure, this isn't going to help."

"I knew it"

He nodded back at Philomena's words with a look on his face that Tekla would too.

The time Philomena spent looking at the training landscape was less than five minutes, but there's still a good reason to decide that.

The graduate students at Milan Laboratories mostly relied on magic props to fight.

This was also the case during the mock warfare I had seen before, but I didn't think I was fighting this way from time to time.

Just because you rely on magic props doesn't mean that each individual is less capable.

Still, it's definitely a big gap at the point of 'using tools'.

However, this is only a feeling because extraordinary physical abilities and physical enhancement magic like Philomena can be used.

If it's normal, I'm not making a move that I can clearly say is a gap.

Instead, it would be fair to say that Milan Laboratory training is training to avoid creating that gap.

If you let Philomena tell you the most, if you have time to train like that, you should spend more time building your own abilities.

Anyway, Miran Laboratory training was nothing like a reference for Philomena, as Tekla said.

I hope I didn't expect it in the first place, but the problem is the Spirit of the Turtle, which is destiny.

When he saw the Ardam move, Philomena turned her attention to you.