As he tore apart the exchange of words between the school director and Milan, Philomena said as she looked around at those gathered.

"I'll tell you what, I won't ask you if you tell me you didn't mean it later. If you want to lighten up your sins, just get out of it now."

"Oh. What is sin? Decide on your own..."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to talk to you."

Philomena clearly said so back to Milan, who had interrupted in the middle of the conversation with a sense of devouring.

Furthermore, he said as he looked around at those who were gathering again.

"I'm going to cut it once and for all, but we have this number. Might be a bit of a mistake, but I hope you accept that as the responsibility of those who come to your teeth."

Milan Laboratory's face-to-face reaction to Philomena's dialogue, which looked down everywhere, broke in two.

One is like being scared, the other is like not licking.

Naturally, Ardam is reacting to the latter.

Adam said reflexively, exasperated by Philomena's words.

"You're kidding me! Why did you win? I'm curious!

"It's nice to be prestigious, but you can't seem to spot your opponent's strengths. You're no big deal, either."

Filomena turned her gaze toward Siegel, answering so in a way that she didn't care about the bottom of her heart.

With an accurate understanding of the meaning of that gaze, Sigel called on the spirits who had snorted silently before hiding themselves.

"Rug, rig, silo, that's enough."

When Sigel called it that, the three spirits of the longest relationship appeared visible in the eyes of man as well.

It is very normal for the Spirit to appear in the call of the surgeon, so there was nothing surprising about the faces of the Milan lab.

But in one call, the three bodies also understood that they had considerable power just to see what it looked like further, and the surprise spread like different waves.

The rugs today are able to feel the Yue strength on their skin because they do not hide their intimidation, as they usually do when they are beside Siegel in school.

Attention was once again drawn to Sigel, who until now had only seen him as an accessory to the brave, to that intimidation that even the advanced Spirit could not feel.

Of all that, the one who was reacting the most intensely was still Ardam, or should I say.

"Hey, what the heck is that...!? Don't be ridiculous......!!

Ardam could no longer seem to say anything but meaningless to the fact that he had done something too far from Siegel's strength, which he believed on his own.

Ignoring such an ardam, I continued to give instructions to the rugs.

"Then please do as you plan. Of course, if this one gets scratched, you can just take it down."

When Sigel said so, Rag, Rig and Shiro returned a nodding trick.

Seeing the move, Milan spoke to the students around him.

"Coming! Deal with each Spirit attack!

Whether the usual training was working, the facade of the lab quickly became a defensive attitude to the Spirit's attacks with its instructions.

Some of them try to attack the Sigels, not just the defenses.

By the way, Ardam is at the head of the offensive side.

Contrary to the expectations of such Milans, the Rags never moved off the spot.

Instead, at the behest of the Rags, numerous spirits began to show themselves and move.

There are more than a hundred spirits counting from appearance alone.

"Stupid. Dominant species, you say...? You still think that rumor was true?"

Seeing that many spirits appeared, he groaned so that Milan could not be heard around him.

The dominant species refers to spirits that follow the Spirit and are present above the superior Spirit.

But even in that state, Milan is doing what he needs to do.

I didn't know if Siegel's rumors were true or not, but I thought about dealing with the Spirit properly.

To accommodate many spirits, Milan snuck his hand in his nostalgia and took out a certain magic item.

And when we activated that magic prop, it was precisely the spirits who were about to come towards us that stopped moving.

Some spirits, who were close to a certain distance, sometimes made moves that would be bounced by something.

Its magic props are the same tools that are installed in the room to prevent the Spirit from coming in.

Filomena, who was watching it, nodded with a slightly impressed look.

"I see. Did you mean that you thought firmly about dealing with the Spirit? - But"

"- Become!?

Almost at the same time as Philomena's words, a united Spirit appeared right next to Milan to take away the magic props that were in his hands.

In addition, he pounded what hit the switch on that magic prop.

I was watching how to use it when it started earlier, so I decided I should do the opposite.

Whether that decision was correct or whether it was simply a simple way to activate the magic prop, anyway, the work of that Spirit led the magic prop to stop the movement.

Make sure of that. No, a large number of spirits are going to the face of the Milan lab again.

Adam, who was watching a series of movements, gave instructions to his surroundings in a slight panic.

"Coming! Deal with it yourself!

Although Milan's operation was lightly torn and in a hurry, it would be like a boulder that could give instructions.

Following Adam's instructions, each face of the lab was beginning to set up weapons or use some kind of tool.

Sigel, who was watching it, went on to say it briefly.

"Rig, Shilo"

With just that instruction, the rig moved his right hand small and Shiro moved his neck up and down.

Then suddenly a foggy smokescreen appeared around where Milan and Ardam were.

Silo created fine particles, and the rig spread them using the magic of the wind.

As the lab faces panicked to the sudden smokescreen, the spirits under the instructions of the rugs began to move.

Unlike people, spirits who do not rely on information in their sight are hardly affected even when there is a smokescreen created by Rig and Shiro.

Nevertheless, even if the smokescreen was stretched, some of them tried to deal with it properly.

Milan was one of them.

It was Milan, who was deprived of one of his tools by the Spirit, but not all measures with it.

Even though he had been instructed by Sigel, he was surprised that the Spirit had used the smokescreen, but it was taking out the next tool in an instant.

It was like an instrument for capturing the Spirit, and even making it impossible to take the means of attack.

Milan tried to use the tool against the three spirits beside Siegel - the rugs.

You can see that there are many spirits who follow the instructions of those three bodies.

Because of this, if we hold down even those three spirits, we think we can prolong the battle.

The smokescreen is making my vision worse, but I can see the spirits lucidly around Sigel.

All I had to do was throw a demon prop at that spirit, and suddenly I heard a woman's voice coming from right in front of me.

"You think I'll let you?

In the next moment, when Milan realized that the voice was a woman brave (Philomena) who was supposed to be beside Sigel, the magic prop he had had was slapped down and his hands were quickly grabbed behind his back.

"- I rely too much on tools to react to such an easy move."

When Philomena said so looking at Milan, who had been caught too lightly, the smokescreen made by Rig and Shiro was already gone.