Example Crystals Left Behind by Spirit Eaters (?) The Sigels, who were transferred, immediately left the royal castle for the scene.

Though the Knights are wary of their surroundings for once, there is no chance that those who know nothing will lose their curiosity and touch them.

Plus, it's not just deploying the Knights, so there's a desire from the kingdom to collect them as soon as possible.

Most importantly, the kingdom would not have thought that Siegel would pick it up within that day.

Because of the fastest way to get around the Amateras, the Sigels are also able to pick them up with little concern, such as tiredness.

As the Amateras stopped near the scene, some of the knights watching over them approached.

It is already well known that the Sigels are aboard the Amateras, so there is no sign of vigilance.

Instead, it is hidden from view to ask if the great lady is on board, as she did the other day.

This time there was no great guy on board, starting with Andre, so he was clearly horrified when Sigel told him that.

"- So, if it's not post-processing, why go to this place this time?

That's what the captain who is putting together the current Knights has heard, so Sigel handed over a piece of paper he has kept from Andre.

"I guess the purpose is to recover the example crystals. I've been told that if I show you this, you'll be fine...?

"We'll see."

The captain, who received the permit from Sigel, had nodded several times to confirm the contents.

"- Yes. I did confirm. It doesn't seem to be a problem, so feel free to collect it at any time. For once, we're supposed to watch, are you okay?

"Yep. I hear about that properly. No problem."

Sigel nodded back as the captain had confirmed what Andre had said beforehand.

I also know how the state wants to keep a good eye on how to recover the crystals, and there's nothing to be bothered with in the first place, so there's no reason to reject them.

Having had a light conversation with the captain like that, Sigel approached the place with the Philomenas to a crystalline place.

Approaching the scene, several knights found themselves far-winded and watching the crystals.

The knights knew there was a captain beside the Sigels, so there was nothing to be more vigilant about.

The Sigels then moved closer to the crystal as they watched the captain go to give instructions to the squad on current watch.

Those were the Philomenas who have heard that approaching the crystals could be adversely affected, but watching Sigel approach them a few steps away won't stop them.

The reason is simple, because there are rugs and rigs floating next to both sides of Sigel.

"- How close should I get?

When Sigel asked the two spirits that, the lag immediately responded.

"I'll come closer and process it. Master Siegel is here. Rig will protect Master Siegel properly."

When Rag said that, it was faster than Sigel said something, and the rig said "I know ~" back at the usual rate.

As many gazes of the Sigels and knights gathered on the lag, the person went closer to the crystal without looking particularly concerned.

And as he approached such a distance that if he stretched his arm, he could not touch it critically, the rug stretched his right arm softly toward the crystal.

A change began to appear in the crystals as the rug with the extended right arm further began to whine about something.

"I can't see the crystals anymore...?

The other knights leaked the "oh" voice as they grumbled like that from anyone else in the knight.

Because less than a minute after the lug extended its arm, the crystals that did exist on the spot were completely gone.

By the way, the Sigels, who were asking what they would do in advance, have not looked particularly surprised.

Upon confirmation that the crystals were completely gone from the spot, the lug that unloaded the arms approached Sigel.

"That's it"

"Thank you. Already in the inn...?

"Yes, it seems to have been recovered without any problems"

"Well, let's go back and check it out."

When Sigel said so, Rag nodded back silently.

Sigel, who received a recovery report from Rag, quickly approached the Knight Captain.

"This is the end of the collection. I haven't heard what the squad here will do next time..."

"Then don't worry. I have been instructed to see how things are going for a while. Anyway, are you sure it was recovered with that one?

"Yes, no problem"

When Sigel replied that way with confidence, the captain only replied, "Really?"

I'm not doubting what Sigel said, but he looked somewhat clapped out because the recovery work was done too lightly.

I won't say it out loud, of course, but I also have some idea that if this was done, I could have collected it in the country.

Of all the watches I've had since the end of the battle with the Spirit Eaters, I've seen in person that nothing happened at all, so naturally that's the idea that comes to mind.

Nevertheless, it was in the upper echelons of the country that the crystals left behind by the Spirit Eaters were determined as rewards for the Sigels.

Naturally, but the captain, one of the knights, doesn't say anything specific about it.

Besides, the captain is supposed to report on how Sigel (or his Spirit) recovered the crystals after this.

It is still not the role of the captain or the knights present here to determine how to judge on it.

Without realizing that the captain was thinking that, Sigel decided to bow his head and then return to the Amateras with the Philomenas.

There's nothing the Sigels can do to stay in this place any longer.

It's stronger for Sigel to want to see what the recovered crystals are soon than that.

I can't confirm "The Spirit Inn" on this occasion, so I'm more in a hurry.

But you're noticing how Sigel is like that, Philomena said, confirming that the knights have no eyes or ears on their way back to the Amateras.

"That knight seemed to have some idea..."

"It's okay, isn't it? Anyway, there's nothing more I can do."

"Right. It's a delicate thing to report above… I don't think you need to be so responsible"

Laura said in agreement with Michaela's words, adding her own.

"I agree. Besides, even if that knight has done something to us, there's nothing more we can do, right?

Turning her gaze as Marina said so, Sigel nodded somewhat surprised at what Philomena had said.

"Is that true, too? - It's in the inn, and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Well, it is. I hope you don't have to think of a short circuit that you can do something about what you've hidden."

"Isn't that okay for a boulder? The only thing that's done with that crystal directly is to recognize that it's not Sigel, it's the Spirit."

When Michaela said so to sum it up, everyone, including Philomena, nodded with a convinced face.

In the end, there was nothing like Siegels reporting to the country about that captain, and there was no point in doing anything about it.

The Sigels don't even know what kind of report the captain made to the country, and there's nothing like the country saying something about it.

In any case, Siegels had nothing to do with the captain after this.