Spirit’s Paradise And The Idle Another World Life

Thirty-four stories, everyday conversations.

"Hey, Yuta. Time to go on an expedition?

An evening about ten days after planting seeds in a forest space. A proposal was put forward by Silfi for the next level increase.

"I don't have a problem with the expedition because I want to get to the level, too, but can we do it in the next two to three days?

"I don't mind because I'm Yutaka, but did you have any plans?

"I mean, if you go on an expedition, you can't go back for a while, can you? If Dory asks, it's time for the vegetables to be harvested. I want to harvest it when it's the best I can and eat it."

"Oh. That's a little quicker than planned. Is the dirt okay?

"Yeah, he said it was perfectly fine because Tull and Tamamo talked to him and managed it well. Thanks to you for taking good care of me every day."

"Hehe. Good for you. If it's a vegetable you've been waiting for, you're going to be tempted if you don't eat it properly and leave."

That's right. When I was in Japan, I was a meat man, but when I came to a place with no greenery at all, I was in love with vegetables. I don't really want meat, I think, is the effect of meeting zombies almost every day. I feel helpful in the sense that there is no meat even if I want to eat meat.

Well, if you go to town, you plan on eating meat all over it, but now it's vegetables. Every morning we all take walks in the field together, raising water and watching the magic of the tamamo, vegetables on hand salt. At the same time, other species sprout, still small but green and brilliant.

The first vegetables to sprout grew bigger by the day and now have lush green foliage. Had it not been for the word that Dory should have waited a little longer, he would have already eaten.

These vegetables only look like pine nuts to me, but they say oil leaves. I want to soak it up, but I don't have granular stock, so I'm worried about how to eat it now.

"Hey Yuta. Were you listening to me?

Return to reality with Silfi's voice. Slightly swollen Silfi...... I think I've seen something good.

"Hmm? Oh, I'm sorry, Silfi. I've been paranoid about how I eat."

"Phew. I can't help it. Well, you won't be able to concentrate on the expedition in its current state, so let's eat vegetables before the expedition."

"I'm sorry for being so selfish."

"There's no such thing as two or three days for us spirits. Never mind. Take good care of your vegetables."

"Haha. Don't let me get my hands on you, the spirits will grow up better."

I guess I'm sad, I've been touring a little away lately, sprinkling too much water or about to crush a bud that just came out. Especially since they don't even make acres of forest space, which is pretty dangerous.

Well, I miss not getting involved at all, so I'm cautiously only allowed to sprinkle water nearby.

"As it were, well, those kids are spirits. It's only natural that you can take better care of Hirota."

"Haha, that's right. It's a spirit."

Something's gone wrong with the air. Let's change the story.

"Speaking of which, if you go on an expedition, maybe you'll go up in one shot to the level you need for a contract. He said he'd be a big spiritual opponent, and his contract would be flashy, but you don't have what you need or anything?

"With so many enemies to experience, you're quite likely to get a higher level. The contract just adds a little more steps, and there's nothing in particular you need. It's flashy... it's fun then."

I'm in a hurry! When you say something about the Great Spirit being flashy, you're afraid you don't know how big it is.

"Are you looking forward to it? I'm curious, but I'm expecting you very much."

"I guess I don't have to expect that much. Normal mind is the best."

"Really? As much as the Great Spirit says you enjoy it, if you don't have some mindset, you're going to expose yourself to ugliness."

"I mean, the Big Spirit, but you don't really know how big the Big Spirit is when he's fat, do you?

You sure don't get it. I haven't seen the use of great power, and it's hard to judge.

"I know it's kind of awesome, but when you look at Dine, you think she's some kind of big spirit..."

"What...? Dine did something to you?

"It's not like I did anything, but I woke up early this past time, so I was taking a morning walk, and Dine was floating around like a dead body in a fountain and I was in a blast of sleep. At the same time, I was quite surprised that there was no such thing. Spirits can disappear, right?

"Yep. I feel more dissolved in my attributes than disappear... I'll be careful"

"Didn't I tell you about your sister?

Suddenly Dine showed up. I don't know what the rationale is, but you don't know what it means to surprise Sylphie, who has excellent detection. Isn't it possible to travel instantaneously or something?

"Ooh. We were talking, but you were listening?

"I didn't ask. Yikes. I thought so somehow."

"Oh well."

I also have a sense of wildness even though Deene is natural, so I would say poor quality or something......

"So what were you talking about? Like what you like about your sister?

What the hell is that confidence? Why doya face there.

"No, we were just talking about Dine's trouble."

"Uh. There's no such thing. You're gonna have to excuse me."

"Before this, if Yuta was taking a morning walk, Dine would float in the fountain and burst into sleep. He was asleep like a corpse?

"Yuta. It's a violation of manners to see a lady sleeping."

Why am I to blame?

"I'm not telling you to dissolve in water and sleep, but if you're going to sleep, sleep in a less conspicuous place. You know Yuta can see the spirits clearly, right?

"I don't think it's weird that the Spirit of Water should float in the water and sleep. In this case, it's best if we don't see each other?

"Why is it doubtful? Dine didn't even realize she'd been seen in the first place, did she? I was only seen on one side."


"Why are you staring at me? Normally, if people didn't float in the water and make it slight, you'd be in a hurry to make sure."

"There are only spirits here, so Yuta is a convicted criminal. You're worried about your sister."

I do think Deene is a beauty, but she's the type of beauty with a shame on her head. I'm not dreaming about Dine anymore.


"Uh. Silfi. Yuta laughed with her nose now, didn't she? You laughed with your nose when you saw your sister."

"Right. Yuta, no matter how much Dine laughs with her nose."

"Silfi, what are you talking about? Sister, I'm getting a little sad."

Did you make fun of me? Shift in the direction of comfort with Silfi.

"Well, that's it. You're going to be noticed or worried because Deene is liked. I was so worried when I saw Dine floating in the water asleep, too."

"Well, I don't care if you're a good opponent, you don't pay attention."

Dine left in a good mood.

"Silfi, I'm not sure what the Great Spirit is like."

"Right. Just because you think it's pretty awesome."

That's what Silfi said as she sighed. Well, don't worry, I know that Dine is a little different.

"Copy that. So... what were you talking about?

"Oh, uh, yeah, we're talking about a contract. What does Yuta want when she goes to town?

I'm also thinking about what I can't tell a woman, but I don't think that's the kind of question you want to answer right now.

"Whatever they say they want, they don't know what they can do. I can't believe you're about to eat vegetables, so I guess meat's next. And it's not sand. I want to sleep in a soft bed."

"You're kind of a whisperer. Is that all?

"With the one my simplest desire just said. There's all sorts of other cravings like trying to travel, being an adventurer and being active, being a merchant and making a lot of money."

The adventurers are going to be able to do it with Sylphie and the others. In civilization, you become a merchant and you have a knowledge cheat.

"You're a merchant to adventurers. I don't know about merchant talent, but I think you can be an adventurer and be active. Yuta's tools alone are highly powerful in physics, and he's contracted multiple spirits. It's magical."

The best cheat you can see and talk to the Spirit, right? The pioneering tools are awesome, but they're plain...

"Speaking of magic, should I learn spiritual magic or something when I go to town? So far, you're anxious because you're in the middle of something."

I feel like I should learn a lot about special moves and how to communicate with the Spirit. I don't think you're ignorant, because you seem like you're going to give me a kick back.

"Mm-hmm. I don't think Yuta will learn anything, but I think it's a good idea to check the difference between a common spiritualist and myself. Looks like we haven't been pinned down. Well, I think a tour is enough. And magic is what the Spirit uses, and magic is what people use, so when you go to town, say magic."

Haven't you come with a pin? I think you're cheat capable enough in me, but you're still under-recognized? And then there was the distinction between magic and magic, which is a little embarrassing.

"Hmm? But what about life magic? Magic, huh?

"There's no magic wrong with that. Magic because life magic is a root object that anyone can remember if they have magic. It is magic that uses technology and magic. You became popular with people because you could efficiently produce power with less magic. Well, for that matter, freedom is pretty low."

Does a magician feel like a professional skilled position dealing with magic? Don't feel like an elite person.

"You're distinguished by a lot of things. Well, I'll check things out if I can get to town. It seems like common sense is quite different in different worlds."

"That's good. Think about where you want to go. I'll show you wherever I can."

"Thank you. I'm looking forward to it."

We need to think as closely as we can so we can get to where we're going.