I got into the Adventurer Guild and was shocked by the awesome beauty receptionist, a little upset, but I'm fine now. I'm cool.

But I don't know what to say, this receptionist sucks. There are signs of a carnivore. fleshy body. A slightly connected eyes of strong will. Bright red lips. You feel more like a leopard than a queen. He's beautiful and cool. I feel like I can see my fangs and chemmi even though I'm not an animal man.

"What's wrong?

I was paranoid.

"No. Nothing"

"Really? Then we'll start the process."


"Do you know the adventurer's rules?

"Yes. Rank of Adventurers. Requested. I think I understand the minimum penalties."

Preview is important, isn't it? Adventurer's rank is F. E. D. C. B. A. S. SS. SSS allows you to pick and accept requests from a board that is sticky to one of your ranks. Penalties are basically fine as long as they don't commit crimes and annoy civilians. Simple, isn't it?

"Okay. If you have any questions, ask at any time. So can you tell me your name, age, and how to fight?

The receptionist prepared the paper and asked me questions. Is that the way to fill it out over there? I guess a lot of people can't read the letters. I'm fine with my skills.

"His name is Yuta. I'm twenty-five years old and I'm a spiritual magician."

"Haha. Twenty-five new American adventurers. Besides, it doesn't even help shit. Hey, you're a spiritualist scammer. Hey, you, get the hell out of the labyrinth city."

Suddenly they laugh at me, calling me a scammer. A useless spiritualist? What's this all about? When I turn my gaze to Silfi, Silfi is confused too. If you had a contract with an intermediate spirit, the state would come and pick you up with your head down, wouldn't it? What's going on?

And then the men who came because of it get annoyed. You're looking down on everything you can, aren't you? An event entangled in Temple's guild has happened on Temple Street. The reason was a little unexpected though. Ask the receptionist a question again.

"Is there something wrong with a spiritualist?

"You've got a problem. Get lost."

The men behind us are noisy and troublesome. What I'm asking is the receptionist.

"What do you think?

"You're not ignoring me. Garbage."

That's cool. I'm upset about the boulder. Calm down. Listen to me, you annoying men, I'll make you regret it. The guys at the tavern laugh a lot and feel terrible.

"Mr. Carl. Please don't. This person is still a civilian. I'll restrain you if you get your hands on me."

A receptionist stands still with Carl. Carl pulls back with a chipped tongue. I'm arranging it by the door. You're willing to get involved when you're done registering.

"Thank you. So, can you tell me why they say that much?

The receptionist told me with a troubled look. They say the majority of spiritualists are treated uselessly because of the unstable power of witchcraft and the many under-developments. It just seems that well-armed spiritualists are treated with respect, not only that.

That's it. I guess most people don't communicate well. Sylphie asks me about it on her face. Those guys are deciding from the head that I'm not a proper spiritualist. What do you look like? It gets more and more unpleasant.

"Okay. Thank you. Can't a spiritualist sign up for that?

"No. Adventurers Guild will not refuse to register unless they are criminals. But I can't recommend being a spiritual magician and an adventurer. Wherever you go, you don't treat me well."

... Do they hate spiritualists so much? Too unscheduled. Well, if the spiritualist can't, he can use a hammer or something, but I don't think it's the same if he changes it because of it.

Besides, if you hadn't met Bell or Silfi, you'd most likely have died, but you'd stop naming yourself a spiritualist, or something, right? Shall I make you a clan of spiritualists? I feel like I could make a great clan.

"It would have been nice if I could register. Then please be a spiritual magician."

Don't you get it if I just say this? I was seen with my eyes. I met a beautiful woman because of this, but you obviously gave me an unfortunate assessment. I won't hang up.

"Um. When you register now, you're bound to get tangled. It would seem wiser to stop registering as a spiritual magician or cheat the day"

Still, I was stopped by a carnivorous receptionist looking worried. I know you're a good guy, but this guy thinks I'm no good as a spiritualist, either.

I feel like I could make some kind of masked hero or something. Yuta, a spiritualist who usually doesn't get depressed. But who it is... Yeah. You can't. I'm confident I can hang up if I'm being ridiculed even though I'm like Carl from time to time.

"Well, I guess so. If those guys lick me, I can't do it as an adventurer ahead of me, so please register."

Carl and the others are making a scene when they hear my words. Dine said so, too. If they lick you, you lose. I'll make all the guys involved and all the ones who laughed regret it.

Receptionist proceeding with something reluctantly said. I teach cosoli not to be heard around because they asked me about the level. Seems a little convinced at an unexpectedly high level.

According to Sylphi's information, level 45 seems to be a C-rank class level when it comes to adventurers. You're a newcomer to expectations. He doesn't like spiritualists, though.

"Now the process is complete. You'll probably sign up for a duel, but if you do, you'll have to give permission as an Adventurer's Guild, too, so be careful."

"Uh. What happens to life and death in the case of duels?

"The act of taking a life buys a shovel, but it's a duel, so there's no punishment. Are you going to take it? Five opponents. Carl's a C-Class."

It's not one-on-one. Normal duels are one-on-one, right? You say the Adventurer Party is all in one place?... Fair enough. It feels like Sylphi should do it too, and everything is at the beginning. If you crush it flashy here, it will also reduce the amount of extra chocolate.

"No problem."

Nico laughs and answers. I might have been a little cool right now. Pay the registration fee with Demon Stone, accept the card and take a seat. Carl and the others approached as they nibbled. You're totally involved.

Silfi said, "I seem pretty strong, but isn't there an aura of the strong out there or something?" Or have you decided from your head that you can't have a spiritualist, and you think you're looking down?

"Hey, fucking spiritualist. A duel. Quit being an adventurer if you lose. You're not running, are you? Well, I'm sweet, so if you're gonna sit down and return your guild card, I'll forgive you, okay?

There's a dugout in this world, too.... annoyingly nasty. The adventurers of the tavern also come in with a gum-stirring (oh). It's depressing.

"I'll take it if you guys quit your guild if you lose too. What are we gonna do? If you're gonna sit down and apologize, I'm gonna forgive you, okay?

I told him. I told him. Blood vessels are rising on Carl's face. His face is also bright red and completely angry.

Is that it? Carl turned to the counter without saying anything. Talking about something. Yeah? Come here. I can yell at you. What do you want?

When I go to the counter, they give me paper and a pen.... Sounds like a duel pledge. It says you quit the guild if you lose. They want me to sign it. You're unexpectedly bound to the paperwork. I signed with Sarah. The receptionist has his head. I'm sorry to bother you.

"Okay. We're going to the training ground. Come on."

"Please wait. I'll get a witness. Don't start a duel on your own."

The receptionist just said and ran away. There are some people present. That's a real duel. When we move to the training ground, the guys at the tavern come with us.

Carl's eyes are running bloody when he absolutely kills him. Weren't you going to forgive me in the dungeon? You're short minded, you don't like spiritualists that much? Do preparatory exercises away in doubt.

"Hey, Silfi. You can't beat those guys, can you?

"Yeah, it's easy to drop your neck without doing anything. But you're not gonna kill him, are you?

Sylphie says things that are frightening. If you do that, you won't be able to pull around.

"I can't believe it. Just the wind wall at first, please. If I ask, I'll blow it away. Don't kill me."

I'd shy away from murder or something on the first day of Adventurer Alliance registration on boulders.

"Okay. If Hirota asks, we should attack."

"Yeah. That? Those people, they're making some noise, but what's wrong?

"Wait a minute. …………… I'm making a bet that no one will bet on Yuta and it doesn't seem to be possible."

"Spiritualists are so underrated."

"I'm sorry, Yuta. I only checked out the normally privileged spiritualists."

I guess all normally privileged spiritualists are a handful of people who are treated first class.

"Well, I'm fine. If I show my strength here, I won't be able to hang any extra chocolate in the future. I'm gonna go a little further than that."

Get close to where you're betting. I hardly ever seem to lose this fight. You should be able to get money from these guys for laughing at me. Turn mockery into money for a fun life.

"Hey. What's going on with the bet?

"Ah. Your popularity is too low for betting."

A torso red-faced adventurer complains. That's a terrible word. I didn't ask you to make a bet. These guys drink too much.

"Take the bet. I'll bet on me."

"That's not the amount you can pay for a new adventurer."

"Don't worry. Whatever happens, if I lose, I'll pay you double."

Ooh - the adventurers I've been hearing around make a scene. I'm cool.

"But if you're going to bet, all of you bet on them. You made me laugh, all right?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

"What? You guys made me laugh, and now you want to make money riding my ass horse? The adventurers of the Labyrinth City are shameless."

"I don't think the rookie's too busy."

He came here with a little cock. My mouth is drawn.

"You're the ones who made that rookie laugh and sold the fight. Betting on that rookie is a fine shame, isn't it? All I get is a total wager if I win. If I lose, I'll pay double. That's all. If you're afraid to bet, shake in the corner and watch."

Laugh with your nose and return to your original position. The drunken adventurers seem to surprisingly have a stake in whether the incitement has worked. I'll take their tips for my comfortable life in the other world. Humph and I go back to Silfi's in a good mood.

"Yuta. Did you need to stir it up so much?

"For being stirred up, I just stirred it back. Plus, I don't have a penny, so I have to make money."

I plan to accumulate small sums of money if I redeem Demon Stone, but I have no problem with how much money I have.

"You're a fat, unexpectedly fat character."

I'm being fooled. Whoa. A carnivorous receptionist brought his uncle into the training ground. Don't start at last.