Spirit’s Paradise And The Idle Another World Life

Two hundred and seventy-two story travel plans.

In the morning, Ruby picked me up for cooking a lot, so I followed him, and the food was lined up all over the table. After storing the food, I heard about the advanced spirits because it was a good opportunity. I've heard a lot of interesting stories, but I'm a little surprised Ruby and the others ran through the grey zone.

Ruby asked me for cooking advice, so I took Legion of Chibi Kids + Gina and had a cooking tasting in Ruby's dining room. The result was Legion of Chibi Kids + Gina was thrilled too.

I tried it too, but it tasted good alongside Mr. Torque. From the very beginning, cooking side by side with Mr. Torque was an amazing cook after all.

My first taste of Mr. Torque was a few discontents. He seems to cook better than Mr. Torque, even if he doesn't. Even if you look like a junior high, Ruby is a spirit, so I guess it's the difference between the years you've been typing into cooking.

"Hmm, you can't think of a good idea to stretch your feathers in earnest"

At the end of the tasting session, which combines lunch, the Legion of Chibi Kids + Gina is enjoying the holidays again. While I can relax, I want to put together some of my holiday plans.

... Sounds like we're working out some kind of travel plan and it's starting to be fun. I miss traveling alone a little, but traveling alone is more convenient if you want to hatch. Do you plan your trip in earnest when this happens?

When will you go first? Given the current situation, it is difficult to leave immediately. When the first spirits come to visit, is that what you're after? Will there be ad hoc responses around here?

The timing is ad hoc, so where are we going next?... have no idea where to go to play. It was basically a round trip between paradise and a labyrinth city. We have to start by researching where we're going.

With the internet, I can look it up right away, but not in this world. I'm most certain to ask Silfi, but I have a hard time asking what. I need to be clear about my purpose.

In Japan, there's a pattern of people going to the country to enjoy nature... but I'm exposed to harsh nature right now, so I don't have a choice. It's an urban choice. And I want to play at night.

... It's awkward to ask Silfi about the night out, but when I talked to Nomos before, you didn't get any more information. We need to talk to Silfi well so that we don't get as direct as possible.... Is that it? It's very hard, isn't it? No, don't give up. If you give up here, you won't even be able to go out for a night out.

Fatherhood has largely ceased these days. It's important to light your own wild. I'm sure Sylphie will understand.

There are other things to think about… Fortunately, there is plenty of money, so there is no problem. The time and place to go is after researching, so all you have to do is keep your ID and your body safe.

I guess I'll fake my ID in the labyrinth city or pay at the castle gate to get inside. If you're going to build a base and play around in that city, you might as well have a fake ID, but if you stay a few days and fall in love, you don't seem to need a fake ID. Let's honestly pay the entrance fee at the gate and get into town.

As far as my safety is concerned, I've increased my level, and I have pioneering tools, so I won't beat the chimps around there. If it's dangerous, there's no shame in it, no hearsay, and I'll summon the Sylphis and the others, so it's okay.

Yeah, I've generally decided what to do. The rest is taken on an ad hoc basis. The place researches Silfi, and if you poke around, these are the two. Don't let your motivation shrivel, but get information from Silfi this evening.

"So Yuta, what are you talking about?

After dinner, the Little Legion + Gina also returned to their room. I thought hard about what to ask during the day, so I'm ready. I would just like to serve alcohol so that my mouth would be lighter if I were to, but when I do that, the other great spirits gather, so I reject it.

"Yeah, I'm talking about after I welcome a guest to the Spirit Village, and I think I'm going to want to stretch my feathers a little by myself"

"Stretch your feathers by yourself?

"Oh, I hope you don't get me wrong, but it's not like I hate being with Sylphie and Belle and Gina. There's just so much going on in this world, and I just want to spend a few days alone."

"I wouldn't make that kind of mistake. Anyone can see that Yuta cares about Belle and Gina. So you finally want to go out and play without anyone feeling comfortable, huh?

That's not a bad feeling. You're willing to leave paradise alone for now! It helps that it's not a targeted reaction.

"Haha, well, that's the thing. The paradise became a sanctuary, as did the dining room and the ice room. After the village opens, there's nothing wrong with me being gone for a few days."

There's nothing wrong with Silfi and Bell because they're spirits, and Gina and the others can see spirits, so they won't be lonely even if they stay in paradise. You can make your own meal or go eat in Ruby's dining room.

Ask the Great Spirits to take care of the animals and plants, and they'll do it much better than I can. I feel a little sad, but paradise has nothing wrong with me being away for a few days. Ruby's food will also be consumed by customers to some extent after the village opens. Then you can go play.

"Well, yeah. But how long is a few days? You're gonna miss Belle and the others too much, aren't you?

"I'm not leaving for that long. About three days?

Even for me, you'd be anxious to stay away from the Bells for that long, and three days would be the limit.

"That's all right. So you're deciding where you're going?

"No, I haven't decided at all. I wanted to ask Silfi about it. Don't you know where it's good?

"If you don't at least tell me what kind of place you want to go, you'll have trouble with me."

Yeah, well, you're gonna have to be specific.... This is where we come from. We have to take the story so that we don't get suspicious somehow. The most important thing is not to put your lower heart on your face. I want to purely stretch out my feathers and have fun, just think of that.

"As far as I'm concerned, I don't think the Chrysoprese kingdom is going to calm down because it's gotten noticeable. Somewhere where where no one knows me, where I'm flourishing."

"A flourishing place... then you'll be king's capital. I'd love a peaceful place in that, wouldn't I?

"Yeah, you don't like getting into trouble and war. Somewhere safe, please."

"Hmm, if that's the case, I wonder if the Kingdom of Beryl would be nice. It's a big country with a distance from the kingdom of Chrysoprese. I think the war was about a skirmish at the border."

The king's capital of a big country... Nomos said it was the king's capital, or a city or town where adventurers would gather. The conditions apply perfectly. I thought you said there was a fancy shop in Wang Du.... Whatever it was when I came to the earth of death, it's no problem now. Rather, Wang Du seems safer and more welcome.

"The king's capital of a big country? If it sounds like fun and about a skirmish at the border, it has little effect on Wang Du, right? Do you have attractions, specialty dishes?

"Attractions and specialty cuisine… The King's Capital of the Kingdom of Beryl is adjacent to the Great Lake, and the landscape is a first-class dish. However, I think it was about the fish in the lake when it came to specialty dishes."

King's capital adjacent to the lake... sounds amazing as a landscape. But the fish in the lake means freshwater fish. It tastes pretty good if you make it into a mass based salt grill, but what if it's a black bath or something? The black bus seems delicious depending on the dish, too, but I don't think it's something I'd go for and eat.

"You know what that fish is? Demons?"

"It's a lake adjacent to the king's capital. Dangerous demons are overwhelmed and almost harmless. I don't remember the fish because they're not very interested."

Damn, Sylphi can't help it because she's not very interested in food. Um, I thought if it was a demon, there'd be some delicious ones in the lake, too.

I don't mind if I don't have a specialty dish to hatch at night, but I'm more than happy to have a delicious dish with me. Well, I can't help but say luxury, and should I just be satisfied with the beautiful scenery?

"Speaking of which, you slum kids were catching and eating disgusting fish. It was kind of a black, numb, snake-like fish. I remembered thinking about eating weird things."


"What's wrong with shouting all of a sudden?

Silfi is rarely surprised because of my sudden shouting. If that's what I thought it would be, you're gonna get a little tense.

"I'm sorry, Silfi, I'm just surprised there's a fish story out there that might be my favorite. Could that fish be named eel?

"The eel?... Speaking of which, that was your name. That disgusting thing is Yuta's favorite? Nummels, huh?"

Oh, I knew it was a eel. Actually, I guess the name is different, but I'm pretty much sure it's because the translation goes through. Admittedly, I don't know what it's like to look like Silfi, but it's good news for me.

"If it's the fish I think it is, it's a pretty good fish. So, Silfi, what was the size of that eel?

"Delicious?... All the dishes Yuta cooked were delicious, but I can't believe the onions were delicious, it was definitely a fish poisoned with blood."

"Oh, the eel I know is poisonous in blood, too. So, how big is it?

"Even kids aren't that big because of the size of being caught. Could it have been about fifty centimeters?

There are many different types of eels as well, but it looks like a Japanese eel when I hear it. I have more expectations...... oh no, I can't make eel sauce. Whitebaked is delicious, too, but when I say eel, it's sauce.

I won't quit using the secret soy sauce because of the onion bulk, but I would have used other dishes, liquor and sugar. I can handle the sake because I have sake, but I don't have any flavor. I feel like I can handle liquor, soy sauce, sugar alone, but what do you say?

... If you have plenty of ingredients, you can experimentally make them, but if you fail to do so in the present situation, they won't be spilled. Sake is still desirable because rice can be made, but I don't even know how to make soy sauce.

But eel...... on other white rice, cover with plenty of sauce, and a bowl of eel with a thick meat eel in dengue. It would taste great. If it's food for the slums, they're going to be able to collect a lot. If only I could solve the sauce problem, it would be an all-you-can-eat eel life......

Oh, it bothers me. Sake is not called mouth-watering liquor, but I know how to make rice balls in a comic strip that comes out of a peasant college student, and I even know how to use koji while hammering. If you throw a round at the Nomos and the others, you're going to do something about it.

But when it comes to soy sauce, I need to find it from soy... you want to go ask Dory? If you have soy, you can make soy milk and tofu... soy sauce and miso... I can't imagine. Do you want to throw a round at the rubies? Oh, it's troubling. You were supposed to plan a solo trip, but you've got more worries. But a eel...