Spirit’s Paradise And The Idle Another World Life

I believed in four hundred and fifty-five stories...

As a result of teaching Mr. Victor and Mr. Becker about the ruins, Mr. Becker was first to be the spindle to create a base at the ruins. Mr. Ahim, who would have been running around to get ready, was somewhat pitiful, but I only support him in my heart to work hard.

"Then it's time for me to pull you up. Good luck."

I asked Silfi to carry the Beckers to the ruins, so I decided to return soon.

The reactions were great when Gina and the others flew the sky for the first time, but the reactions of ten warlike uncles from the youth of the gymnasium hurt my spirit.

Because frightening and screaming are emotions given to people, it's not like who's at fault... in short, mustache.

Considering that Gina was smiling when she was, she realized that when she became an adult man, she had an unacceptable behavior. Sometimes I freak out and scream, too, so let's be careful from now on.

"Lord Yuta, are you leaving already?

As I admonished myself that I had learned one thing, Mr. Ahim spoke with a troubled look. Was there anything left to do?

I gave out all the necessary supplies that I carried in my magic bag, and I showed them that the building I excavated seemed to be usable as a base. I should be able to go home because I taught him the direction of Wang Du properly.

Mm-hmm. I knew you didn't seem to have left anything.

"I'm going to, but was it something you still forgot?

"That's all you can help me with, but it would be helpful if you could tell me the distribution of demons around the ruins. This neighborhood is a long way from the Wang capital, and there are no villages, so we don't have much information in our guild."

I see, you wanted information about the demons around here. Yeah, information is important, and it's life-threatening, so that was something you should have told me.

... but I don't remember fighting demons during the excavation of the ruins. I only have memories of you freaking out about human bones. First of all, I'm pretty sure Silfi was keeping the demons away from me.

"Um, all the demons in the way blew up yesterday, so I think we'll be fine for a while. But you better watch out for goblins and other trinkets as soon as they follow. And I don't remember what demons were there because I blew them up properly. Oh, you had a big tiger and a snake. Anything else?

When I saw what was wrong with Silfi, I immediately received an answer. However, the answer is too appropriate to explain.

"... Er, there were some big tigers and snakes, but more or less dangerous demons were repelled. I think if we keep an eye out for goblins and stuff for a while, we'll be fine."

Mr. Ahim looked serious and thought about it. What a bumpy whine about Tiger, Killing Snake and all those noisy words, so I'm probably guessing the kind of demon.

"Could it be a pretty dangerous demon?

"There are several species of tiger and snake demons in the Great Forest, so it's hard to tell, but when they're big, they're likely dangerous demons. A little more details, please."

When I saw Silfi, I was distracted. I don't really seem to remember the details of whether you handled it in one hassle. Maybe too strong won't change the tiger or the cat. That's the Great Spirit, a cheesy being.

"Um, I'd like to elaborate on the mountains, but I repelled them at a distance before I approached them, so it's difficult. Can it be dangerous to have ten people?

I understand the strength of demons because I'm fighting them myself to some extent, but I don't subtly know how strong ordinary adventurers are. If this place doesn't fit the level, it could suck.

"We're adventurers too, so we have a lot of knowledge of the Great Forest demons. I've been ready, so it's possible to do it over even if you can't win. But if Yutaka, the big snake that repelled him, was Killing Snake, that's a bit of a problem."

It doesn't seem like a hazardous zone that doesn't fit the level. Well, I generally tell you where, so even though you don't have much information, you don't step into obvious danger zones, do you?

But are snakes more problematic than tigers? Big tigers seem scarier in my image... no, they're both the same because big snakes are scarier too.

"What's the problem?

"Killing Snake is poisonous, vitally powerful, and persistent. Obsessed with the territory, it strikes again and again, even when repelled. If you defeat me, it's no problem, but if you're about to lose on top of it, you don't quite die. I even have the intelligence to run away. So when the wound heals, they attack again. You're a kind of demon that's hindering human development in the Great Forest. Besides, we make a good place for humans a territory, so we're going to fight a lot. It's ugly."

Complained like rage. Apparently, I've done this many times on request. But there's nothing you can't seem to win, so I'll just have to make sure you work hard.

"Is the tiger okay?

"If you don't need to crusade, it's okay. There are many strong demons in the tiger system, but I don't like certain smells, so I will tear this up around me if I have to."

Mr. Ahim took out the vial and showed it to me. The tiger is cat based, so is it the source of the citrus smell?

"Do you want to smell it?

Looking at the vial with intrigue, Mr. Ahim has offered the vial in front of him.

"Is it okay for humans to smell it?

My entertainer soul isn't growing enough to be smothered by the smell of unknown liquid, so I'll make sure. It's not what they found out when they said Nori was bad or anything.

"Haha, I like it or not, but it's not an unpleasant smell for people"

I nodded because there seemed to be no malice in Mr. Ahim's condition, and Mr. Ahim opened the lid of the vial. It smelled refreshing from the vial.

It doesn't smell bad. But I think you've kind of smelled it before. Putting his nose closer to the vial to make sure it smelled a little firmer, the shock ran behind his nose.

"Haha, you smell pretty awesome"

... the back of my nose sucks. This smells like hacka. Whether the ingredients of the hacker are concentrated or not, it smells very irritating when smelled directly. Oh, it hurts to have no heart or even eyes.

"I hate tigers for this smell. It's a necessity in the Great Forest because insect lineage demons will stay away from you, too. I'm afraid I can't use it on a crusade request."

Mr. Ahim is giving a relaxing explanation, but I'm not that close. I'm not sure if it's cold or hot in the back of my nose.

... I was fooled even though I believed it. I was fooled by Mr. Ahim.

"... go home"


"I'll tell Sarah that Mr. Ahim betrayed me."

Kick Mr. Ahim and then signal Silfi.

"What, Lord Yuta? What are you talking about betraying me? Oh, don't fly. Are you sure you want to leave? Wait a minute."

I don't know anymore. I just need Mr. Ahim to be swallowed whole by some Killingsnake.

"Ahim, did you do something to Lord Yuta?

"Deputy Commander.... No, I didn't do anything in particular, but I was suddenly left in tears. What shall we do?

"... I'm not sure, but the next time I see you, ask for a good reason and keep your head down, even if it's slightly unreasonable. Sarah, you owe me a favor. If you still can't, report it, I'll go bow my head too"

"Uh... okay?

"I know it's okay because you're asking Vita to escort you, but don't just force it. And you can't play at night because I'm not here. And be very careful with weird people. Because you can't keep up with sweets, pennies, even if you're invited in sweet words. Especially since Gina is a beauty, be very careful if she gets numbed or something. Hmm, I figured we'd better go back to paradise together..."

"Master, you're kind of like our father"

I got worried about leaving Gina and the others, so I was told a shocking word that I was paying close attention.

That's Gina's dad, isn't it? You mean a dangerous person who feels like he's drifting fluffy between overprotections and stalking, right?

"... then I'm coming. Sarah, think hard about what you want to do in the future. Marco and Kikka don't forget to train in body surgery. Then Gina, I asked for the rest."

I turn my back on Gina and the others and walk out with a crisp look.

"Yuta. You can't take it back if you suddenly look like a serious master, can you?

Silfi pokes me where it hurts. I know that, but when Gina's dad told me she was starting to look like him, I was just full of not messing around.

If I was bad, I would have told you not to go with that one or something. You can't just say that about Gina's real parents.

It's kind of a tight breakup, but as soon as I'm done with my vacation, I'll be back. You can take back the majestic things of your master then. Sasa flies off the road and out of inconspicuous places.

Well, is the labyrinth city next? Why don't you put your face on Mr. Torque's place, pick up the material you plan to dispose of at Mr. Marie's and go meet the core of the labyrinth?

It hasn't been that long since I went to the labyrinth city the last time, so it would be enough to show your face lightly anywhere. Don't end up in a day. Oh, do you want me to plug the barrel in again at the scene where you're having your house built?

"Hey, Sister Gina. It was my master's. Are you kidding me?

"Um, was it just bad that I left you with my dad?