There was a sad incident in which Tabre and Golden were laughed at by a little misunderstanding, but they faced each other honestly and eventually became a little rough, but they were able to roughly determine the rules of the blacksmith tournament.

Well, if you'll excuse me.

"Ah, yes, thank you..."

The blacksmith guild official quickly stood up and bowed, leaving the room before I could thank him.

I don't know if I'm in too much of a hurry. Did you put up with it in the bathroom?

It was a polite but smooth explanation, and I felt that he was a competent person who could work, but it might have been very close.

If you thought you had finished explaining the situation without remembering it, would you still be competent?


"? Sylphy, why are you laughing all of a sudden? Did something interesting happen?"

"Yeah, that blacksmith guild official, Tabret, seems to have gotten quite a boost." I've been running since I left the room, so I'm tracking it, but I'm running in a whisper and scolding Tabre. Oh, and now I'm thankful to God I got out of the room safely. "

Looks like Sylphy was chasing me like this because he was worried about the behavior of a suspicious employee.

As the emissary of Mr. Tabre, he came to report on his decision regarding the tournament, but his quick exit seemed to be keeping me on the alert.

I took it for granted that Mr. Tabré would use his subordinates in the position of department head, but from what Silphy said, I may have pushed my subordinates to my opponents.

Was the wind collar a little overdone?

But with the threat of a wind collar, I felt like the tournament had been decided to go so smoothly.

It is not normal to ask for the tournament to be held and the outline is decided after two days. I think we need more meetings and preparations.

If that's decided, you probably didn't like the way Tabre pissed me off when he went back to his senses.

I feel complicated when my notoriety is at stake in the unexpected.

Nevertheless, most of the rules and times of the tournament are now what I wanted.

The scheduled date is thirty days from now.

The location is the Blacksmith's Guild.

Bearer screening.

The judges are the master of the Blacksmith's Guild and a high ranked adventurer.

After the examination, the work was exhibited at the Blacksmith's Guild.

Precious metals are up to 10 percent of the total weight.

There are other detailed rules, but the part that becomes Daiyuan has become as requested by us.

You admitted our request because we are the organizers of the tournament, or you thought about doing as we requested because we are dangerous people... I think both of them have been taken into account.

Thirty days from now, anyway.

It seems that the preparation period for the blacksmith's tournament is quite short, but I'll have half the time to wait.

Whether you go to the labyrinth core to deliver the waste or show your face to Marie's grocery store, you'll have about twenty days to get through a lot of errands.

I thought about going back to paradise once, but if anything happens to Mel in the meantime, I don't know.

Until the tournament is over, you'll be able to relax in the Labyrinth City.

Gina and the others have things to do in the Labyrinth City, such as diving into the labyrinth or training Lee and the others, so it's a good idea to focus on this opportunity.

In my spare time, I'll play with the bells in the Labyrinth City.

"Now, I wonder what kind of food will come out." I'm looking forward to it. "

Tonight is a tasting of a new dish made with Torque's soy sauce. Meetings at the tournament are over, and you can enjoy unrestrained cooking.

Mr. Torque seemed quite confident, and I wouldn't expect anything more from him.

“Yes, I'm looking forward to it.”

Sarah answers my words with a smile. She likes cooking too, so she must be expecting a new menu from Mr. Torque.

"Speaking of which, Gina, Sarah, and Kikka are still going to the kitchen to help and learn from Mr. Torque." Don't you know what kind of food it is? "

I'm in and out of the kitchen, so it shouldn't be strange to look at a prototype.

"I also asked what kind of food I was curious about, but you didn't tell me to look forward to it"

Hmm, are you telling Gina and the others? Do you like surprises, Mr. Torque?

"Don't you see where you're making it?"

“Since Martha manages the soy sauce, the soy sauce itself doesn't exist in the kitchen during the time we're helping. I used soy sauce only for the time between work and bedtime, and Boya said that the soy sauce would be confiscated when I finished. You're like a child, aren't you?"

Sure enough, Gina says, it's like a kid with limited time to play games.

Well, Mr. Torque is also a good adult, so I don't think it needs to be strictly controlled, but Mr. Torque seems to repeat it over and over again when he's enthusiastic, so he probably has no choice.

When I was talking like that, the door of the private room was knocked on and Mr. Torque came in with the food.

A gentle laughter spreads through the room.

It must have been interesting for everyone to see Mr. Torque and think that this insane man was acting like a child.

A gentle, gentle smile, not a laugh of mockery like those of Golden.

I'm a little sorry for the torque that has been laughed at by my child, but this kind of laughter makes me feel better.

I think it's because everyone is favourable to Mr. Torque and doesn't have any stupid feelings.

Huh? Did you get in the way?

I thought the timing was wrong because I came in and laughed at the same time. I came in at the best time in a way, but I can't tell you that.

“No, that's fine, but it's rare for a torque to bring in food.”

Oh, I had a hard time this time, so I wanted to ask you firsthand what you think about cooking.

What? Did you have a hard time handling soy sauce?

I think soy sauce matches most ingredients.

"Ah, not only soy sauce, but also miso, which tastes good with most ingredients, but also soy sauce and miso. It's a difficult seasoning to balance."

I see, if you use soy sauce or miso, it will taste like soy sauce or miso. It is natural for the Japanese to do so, but it is not strange to feel that it is difficult to handle from the perspective of the torque of the first time.

You call it a cultural difference.

"Well, I think I can still cook a good meal." Look at the flavor before it cools down. "

Mr. Torque puts the dish on the rotary table and removes the lid, confidently saying that he has struggled.

"... this is a much simpler look again, isn't it?"

The torque-san's plate was served with large pieces of meat that had been baked and cut into pieces.

Judging by its size and fleshiness, it must have baked roughbirds. But that's all that was on the plate.

There are no vegetables or sauces. This is the dish with soy sauce?

For a moment, I wondered, but the smell drifted from the dish was puzzling. I see, this is Mr. Torque's dish.

What drifts is the scent of violent garlic and soy sauce. From the very beginning of my stay, this inn's dishes were made with plenty of garlic by default.

There's no way Mr. Torque won't use garlic.

But the strange thing is that it looks so simple.

When torques combine garlic with meat, they often have sliced and fried garlic on top of the meat.

I liked the uncanny style of saying that I knew about bad breath, but did I start using it around because I rebuilt the inn and changed the customer base?

It may not be a mistake as a business, but that's a shame.

I know it looks simple, but try eating it.

That's right. Judging by its appearance, it doesn't start. Let's try it for now.

Well then, I'll take it.

Encouraged by Torque-san, the meat is cut into large pieces and pinched with a piece of chopsticks.

What? The garlic smell is stronger than I thought.

I put flesh into my mouth wondering.

The skin of a ruffled bird baked in Paris plunges, chewing a thousand times while enjoying the elasticity of the crispy meat.

When I chew it, the flavor of the tripe and the flavor of the fat and meat are mixed in my mouth. At the same time, the scent and taste of soy sauce combine with the intense aroma of garlic.

How am I supposed to describe it? It tastes delicious without complaining, but the smell of downtown or B-grade gourmet food tastes amazing.

I expected it to be a dish that leveraged the flavor of the ingredients from its simple appearance, but the opposite was true. Although it has a simple flavor, it is a dish that makes you feel quite junk. Honestly, I love it.

"This is my favorite flavor, but how can I feel this strong garlic?"

If a lot of garlic was served with meat, I'd understand the punch, but with this simple look, this destructive power is amazing.

Awesome, isn't it?

Are you happy that I'm surprised, Mr. Torque with such a happy face? Dragged by the childish image just now, it looks like some kind of kid general.

"Yes, I'm surprised."

"First of all, I tried to combine the raw garlic with the soy sauce I got, and it was quite delicious, so I tried to beat the garlic into the soy sauce and put it to bed."

I see. Garlic soy sauce.

It's not unusual from my point of view, but I thought I would add my hand to the soy sauce while cooking, so I was a little surprised at the choice of garlic soy sauce from the beginning.

And since Torque-san said it was even this, he probably smashed in an unmatched amount of garlic compared to ordinary garlic soy sauce.

"That's why I roasted the meat of roughbirds with charcoal, painting them thinly over and over again." I wanted to marinate the meat first if it was true, but if I did, the taste would be too strong. I tried breaking it with soup and liquor, and it was delicious, but I didn't use it for this dish. ”

Speaking of which, Mr. Torque hasn't been served any sake yet.

Even if there is no sake, I feel that Mr. Toru could make a sauce to marinate this dish.

That said, I feel pretty tied up that there is no miso in the sake. I may have done something sorry to Mr. Torque.

But this dish is also simple, but it's quite delicious, so I wonder if it's the result, Owlie?

Meat roasted in garlic soy sauce.

I know it's delicious in Japan, but I want to just bake it, but it would be a rare dish in this world.

However, the slightest doubt was that the soy sauce was strong and difficult to handle, right?

In the case of Mr. Torque, it is no good to have a color of soy sauce, but is it okay to have a color of garlic?