The head of the black market finished, and it is planned to take away the morning. "You will take her a high-end villa, and I think you should already know how to do it." The head of the black market is afraid of what problems do not want to have more dreams, ready to go to Lu Yichen.

Those people got the command of the head of the city, they will let people take a good to wash, after all, how can they give a gift to the big character, how could it be packaged?

As this, when I was tannen in Lu Yichen, Ye Tang has hung up Shenman's phone.

"Mr. Ye, what happened?" Shen Man's grandfather saw that Ye Tang took a phone face and didn't look hard, he asked.

"My wife is detained in Helgi City. I need to deal with it now. We have been busy with the cooperation." Ye Tang was worried about Lu Yichen, so he is now sitting.

"Helgi City? I have a with you, and my family has an investment. Now there is such a thing." Shen Mians saw that Lu Yichen was in the underground black market in their own investment, he was also very angry.

"In this case, then you are troubled." Ye Tang thanked him.

Ye Tang has money, but it is just in Asia. He can be a little bit of power in Florence. If you want to save the Lu Yichen, there is no helper of Shenman grandfather, Ye Tang is going to land from Her Basheng brought out, it must have a good effort.

Soon, Ye Tang rushed to Helgi City.

Just when Ye Tang just walked into the Herli City, Lu Yichen has been taken carefully, and now there is some exposed clothes in the morning.

When they intended to take it away in the morning, they saw that Ye Tang brought people.

"Ye Tang, saved me." Lu Yichen saw Ye Tang came, she hurriedly said.

"In the morning, you can rest assured, you will be fine, I will take you out." Ye Tang saw Lu Yichen, he is distressed, and he can't hate the people who are detained on the land of the morning.

"You put her, otherwise let you look good." Ye Tang is cold, saying that there is no expression.

"Who are you? You want her, then you must take out things to change, or we lose a person in all, is we not lost?" The head of the black market saw Ye Tang wearing extraordinary, he Just gave up the idea of ​​making Ye Tang, I hope to get a little benefit in Ye Tang's hand.

This is, Shenman's grandflow came in, just because Ye Tang worried about Lu Yichen, he walked more quickly, and Shen Mian failed to catch up with Ye Tang.

When the head of the black market saw Shen Mai grandfather, he was cold and lingering, and his heart was uneasy.

"Shen Lao, don't know what the wind blows you?" Said the head of the black market.

"What is the style? You are so embarrassed to ask me, you will deduct my partner's wife, I can deal with it." Shenman was angry with the crutches in his hand.

"I don't know if she is your partner's wife. I really don't know, I know that I can't seize her." The head of the black market was so strong that he was so fascinated that he was instantly in the morning. Favorite.

The people who are in the Lu Yichen listened to their own boss, only two words in their minds, finished.

They will release the morning.

Lu Yichen saw them letting themselves, she directly rushed to Ye Tang's arms and smoked.

"Do you know that I just really scared, I thought I couldn't see you, how did you stay for a long time, they just said that I have to pack me, I have been waiting for you to save me. But why are you so late. "Lu Yichen said with his heart.

When she was smashed by them, she was very afraid, she was afraid that she was really like this, she afraid that she couldn't see Ye Tang again.

"It's okay, you don't want to be afraid, I am sorry, I am late, I am coming now." Ye Tang took the back of the morning, I hope that I can give her a sense of security, let the depression should not be afraid.

I didn't talk on Lu Yichen, she has been crying in Ye Tang's shoulder.

Ye Tang saw that Lu Yichen was exposed, and he was still trembling in front of him. He gave Xiao Li made a look, let Xiao Li gave him his coat.

Xiao Li knew Ye Tang's meaning, he took off his suit directly to Ye Tang, and then Ye Tang will put the coat in the end of the lady.

Shen Master saw that Lu Yichen was frightened, he was more angry, his face was directly black.

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, I don't know that they will make such a thing, you can rest assured, this thing I will definitely give you a satisfactory manner." Shen Man swayed to say.

Ye Tang nodded, he also knew that something happened to have a grandfather, after all, he is also unknowing.

"You will throw them directly in the dungeon, and I will say that I will say to you." Shen Mai said to someone who had just brought him.

The person in charge of the black market and some people who have just been in the Lu Yichen have heard the grandfather to lose them in the dungeon. Their faces are directly black, and those who are outside the dungers may not know, but all the year round The people who mixed Helgi City know that the dungeon is a human hell. It is impossible to go in and not dragging a layer. Not only that, people go out again, almost all are missing arms.

Ye Tang saw that some people changed directly when he heard the dungeon, he could know that the dungeon is definitely not a good place. He will no longer pay attention to their things, and continue to appease the Lu Yichen.

Some of the people brought by Grandpa Shenman got orders, they took a few people who had no more love.

Here, Shen Man gave Ye Tang called, she took directly, she was afraid that Ye Tang knows what she did.

Shen Man has been paying attention to the things of Helgi City. She saw Ye Tang over, she was delighted, she could now know that Ye Tang knows that Lu Ye has been tarnished, he will definitely continue to accept Lu Yichen. .

However, Shen Man did not expect that the head of the black market was given to others because of the lane, so it did not directly smear it in the morning.