Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 422, Shenman's ridicule

Shen Mun thought about it, she didn't hesitate, took out his mobile phone directly, opened the folder with the company's documents, and handed the mobile phone to the morning. "Don't you believe it? Then I will let you believe it now." Shenman satirized.

Lu Yichen frowned, did not say anything, took the Teeman's mobile phone, and looked at the document.

The more you look at the morning, the more you are surprised, and now she can basically determine that the World Group is now facing a huge crisis, and she also knows, just look at Shenman's documents, know the problem, then some What she still doesn't know now is certainly more dangerous.

So, there is a little face in Lu Yichen.

I saw that Lu Yichen didn't change my face, Shen Man knew that she had already known the company's crisis. After all, Lu Yichen also helped her to handle the company, so she definitely understand how bad is the current situation of the current enterprise group.

"How? I didn't lie to you now, I am really depressed, even if Ye Tang intends to hit you, but you can't say that it is not aware of the state of Ye Tang, huh, I seem to In fact, there is no so much like Ye Tang? After all, if you really love someone, you must know that you have changed the people in my heart, but you obviously don't. "Shen Mun looked at Lu Yichen, ironic laughing.

Shen Man won't let alone, she can step on the chance of the morning, now it is easy to have a chance, she is definitely a good grasp.

There is no talk in Lu Yichen, there is a little uncomfortable in my heart, saying that she is not a little touch of touches. It is impossible.

These days have known Ye Tang busy to die, and people also have a little thinner. Ye Tang said that she didn't believe that the company didn't have anything. Lu Yixian was really a hurt, she could know Why did Ye Tang did not tell her about what to tell, so she had no way to say blame.

"I know what you said, if you have no things, then I will leave, I am a lot of time in your body." Lu Yichen finished, just get together.

Shen Man saw Lu Yichen, and the heart is even more unhappy. Is there a point in Lu Yicheng? Don't she be embarrassed?

Shendan returned to the company in the past few days. She also knew that Ye Tang's fatigue. Every day, she has to deal with the company's crisis. Sometimes I don't have time to have lunch, but he is busy, he will be old at night. When the old real get off work goes home, so Shenman will be crazy.

So, Lu Yichen is directly blocked by Shenman.

"I tell you, you will now cherish your next life, I will definitely replace you very quickly, I don't know if you care about Ye Tang, you can't help Ye Tang at a little bit. In order to say that you are not eligible to stay in Ye Tang, so I will definitely replace you. "

Shen Mun arrogant continental declared war.

"You have no chance, Ye Tang really really likes you, you will not find me now, say, you don't have the confidence, you like you, so you will directly Come over to find me, you don't want me, I feel that I really can't help Ye Tang, then I will know how to leave Ye Tang, but unfortunately, you are like this, I am a little bit. I won't care. "Lu Yichen is clear, she is in mind for the idea of ​​Shenman's heart.

I heard Lu Yatue said that Shen Man watched this like this, and there is a little urgency.

"Even if you now know how my thoughts? Do you help Ye Tang? No, you can do what you can do in front of me? Can you help Ye Tang? Can you let the world's current crisis doing this? People, sometimes don't be too self-righteous. "Shen Man looked at Lu Yichen, saying that he can't stand it very much.

There is this life, I will help now, what is ignorant here.

"That's because I believe in Ye Tang, now the company's situation, Ye Tang will definitely deal with all everything, if Ye Tang has no ability, the World Group is impossible to develop to today, and the world What kind of big wind, the big waves have not experienced it, and today, one day will handle it in the morning and evening. It is just a matter of time. "Lu Yichen didn't care.

But is there really not concerned with Lu Yichen? No, she is very concerned, she cared is Ye Tang, not the company, for her, Ye Tang is the most important.

"Hahaha, I should say that you are so true, now the company's situation, you are not you believe in it, do you know how he is working in the company every day? He is almost noon every day. I have no time to eat lunch, but I will go home at night. What is he goes home on time?

"You can not say anything, you will believe in Ye Tang, now what you can say, can you solve it? You just don't help, so what you say, you will help Ye Tang spent It's hard to get it. "Shen Man said.

Lu Yichen listened to Shen Mun, then blocked a stone, Shenman said, the word of the word was hit in the heart of the morning, let her depressed a little breathless.

But no matter how it is uncomfortable in the morning, she will not show in front of Shenman.

"This doesn't have to manage, our husband and wife, you seem to have a little more, we have no need to say now." Lu Yichen said coldly.

Two people are together, then they are not speculating more than half sentences, it is better not to come.

After Lu Yichen, she directly broke away from Shen Man pulled her hand and left the cafe.

Seeing that he has already said that it is a little bit of a little bit of performance, Shenman super angry, but she did not chase in the morning, because she had to let Lu Yichen know the purpose of the company now has arrived. So she will let Lu Yichen left.