Shipping ◗

“Hm • • • • • •

In front of the toilet sink, Il-hyun looks in the mirror.

I was stroking under his chin and looking around at his face.

If you look at someone else, it looks as if they're a man who's been drunken, but the chest under his chin.

I was just staring at her.

The number of A-rank gangs in downtown Seoul, Nightmare.

It's the wound that was inflicted on him.

It was a scar that was left untreated by medical technique and ability, but this time I have something to try.

‘It's not a serious injury, so it's a C-rank core. ’

Il-hyun lifts the core in one hand.

And with both hands go the core under his jaw where the scar remains.

He said he lost.

Close your eyes and focus your mind to increase your power.

Then, the light that came out when I treated Cha Yeon-hee dazzled the surroundings.

Shoot him!

Il-hyun, who was blindfolded for a while, slowly opened his eyes again...

“That's gross.”

He said that he was satisfied with looking in the mirror.

The scar that remained long under the jaw

It was gone clean.

Il-hyun again used the ability to touch his face, and without any problem this face was transformed into a free material.

In the meantime, every time I disguised myself, the scar part did not change as much as the vulvar part, and it was a very disturbing part, such as more force to change the other parts of my face.

“I never thought this ability would be possible. ”

It was a remarkable ability even for him to see.

The severed arm will be repaired, the rebound will be suppressed, the wounds will be healed, and the monster's lower limbs will be restored.

Scars that could not be cured because of the state's abilities also made them disappear.

Most importantly, the wound can be permanently healed and restored to its original state, not temporarily deformed as in the past.

There was a condition that there should be an appropriate level of core, but it was a breakthrough.

There have been numerous healing abilities in the world since the awakening, but there has never been a single ability to restore a severed arm.


At that time, a man opened the door of the bathroom and walked inside.

Someone wanted to, but it was always Song Joon Ho with a chilly face.

Every time I saw him, I felt something new, but even the stubborn lithographer was nothing compared to him.

Almost nothing happened, but every time I got angry with him, I felt like I was working with a machine that had no emotions.

But this time, it was different from the life angle of the daylight.

“Thank you for this. ”


“I owe my colleague my life. ”

“Aah • • • • • •

“And Team Leader Jinsung is calling. You might want to go not too late. ”

“Oh, I didn't know. Thank you……

Song Joon Ho left the bathroom immediately after talking to Il-hyun to see if he had finished his work.

I came all the way here and it was funny that three words were over.

‘My colleague seems to care quite a bit. It's extraordinary.’

After washing his hands with running water, he went out of the bathroom and went to a place where he was genuine.

He was not so far away.

After going up one level, I found the truth behind the documents in a room with a large table.

Even though one wall fell halfway down to see if it was a sign of combat, at least the bloody noodles were not wasted.

“The scar is gone? ”

I immediately noticed that a good sincerity caused my face to change.

“I tried and tried,

It healed me to death. ”

“It's not surprising to grow a severed arm. ”

Jinsung was still fascinated by Cha Yeon-hee's ability to heal his arm intact.

He was an awakener who worked in this industry for that long, so I knew better how amazing his power was this time.

I have seen so many people whose body parts flew away during the battle and inevitably had to stop awakening.

“Oh, and I couldn't tell you in advance.

But I pulled a core out of the truck. Get rid of this...

“Yeah, you don't have to tell me that. Just take it and write it down. You can report it later. I don't trust anyone. ”


Il-hyun was stabbed with conscience by words of sincerity that seemed entirely to believe him.

I ate more than a dozen A-rank cores of the items seized from the waste factory and I had to.

“What's wrong? ”

“Ah... no. ”

Il-hyun turned his head while coughing, and Jinsung moved his head down again and handed over a handful of documents.

Songjunho summarized and organized the data files taken from the main computer here.

During violent fighting and sabotage, the computer was eventually destroyed, but the data had already been extracted through the chip, so it did not matter.

And there's a lot of collaborating organizations in the North American region, and there's a lot of location.

I did.

Unfortunately, there was no information on the facilities where the awakening procedure was taking place, but there were also quite a number of organizations and locations that had not been captured by the CIA's information network.

Based on this information, a major U.S. Government-led clean-up operation was to take place before the opponent noticed it.

As much as we can eliminate the entire North American organization once, if the operation is only conducted in a gender public manner, it will be extremely organized, causing significant damage to those who were hard to hit, and it will be done against the North American region.

There would be a dramatic reduction in the influence that could be forgiven.

It was also possible that the chain could be broken through information obtained from the cleared ground.

That much was gained from the successful raid of the Awakening Facility.

“I've decided to leave Operation Cleanup to the US government... and now we have two things left to do. ”

The first is to find out more about the researchers who were here, including Kim Do-hoon.

In order to do so, they were originally trapped.

I needed to investigate the prison that I should be in.

I had to go and find out if I had woven up with them inside or if I had used some kind of trick.

It was the surest way to get to one of the most reliable team members.

And secondly, the transfer of chapter rain and data within the facility.

Equipment to perform awakening procedures, and to move the researcher fees that were done here to the appropriate location.

There was a plan.

“But do you really need to move it? Gyu Mo won't be normal to take care of in a day...

“I don't know what they'd do if they knew the facility was here. It's not unusual to do anything crazy when you see what they've done so far, but leaving important evidence here is a huge risk. ”

The size of the facility was a pile of equipment and materials that needed to be moved, and it was more troubling to move that much at once.

But nevertheless, it must be a safe place.

I needed to move it to my teeth.

As such, they could be exposed to large-scale attacks that continued to be placed in the facility, and they did not have to take such risks.

As well as transporting the cargo, it was planned to mobilize and transport the cargo to the ground vehicle.

“It's a transfer. We'll take it from here. You take the other side. ”

Jinsung gave Il-hyun a bundle of documents in one corner of the table.

This time there was even a written statement about the researchers involved and a formally issued entry statement about the international prison.

“The place where the researchers were originally imprisoned was Depork Prison in the south Atlantic of the two international prisons, and Seongqiang at headquarters in the middle, joined them and went to visit them. They say all the dead researchers are still trapped... Find out what happened and tell me. ”

“Yeah? Why are you accompanying me to the ceremonial ceremony? ”

“Well... honestly, I don't know. I think I picked up something from next door about the prison. He said he knows something.... He said he had to tell you himself. ”

His expression was subtly altered by what he said.

What do you know? I was wondering if I'd like to meet you and talk to you separately.

If it is the brainwashing of Seong-hye, the situation is completely solved with the help of Team Leader Yoon In-hye.

Maybe I could get some very helpful information.

“Hm • • • • • •

Il-hyun gazed and focused on the documents he received.

Let's look at the list of key inmates in the prison, including Kim Do-hoon, whose name he knows, even though he is a foreigner.

The perpetrators of the horrific events he heard on the news when he was a child, the protagonists of the shocking criminal behavior that made his tongue tickle while socializing, were all in this prison.

And there were many of them with considerable levels of awakening.

In recognition of the dangers, it was forced to do so because Special Administrative Officer John Phil had gathered all kinds of vicious criminals from all over the world.

To keep those awakeners locked up, we needed a special way, not just to lock them in the Iron Age.

It's the same principle as the EMP, and it constantly generates electron waves.

Disarming the hearing.

“Wait... the whole island with the prison has its own repercussions? ”

“Yes, hell is no place for awakeners. I'm trapped in there and I can't hit the EMP for 24 hours. You know I hit you once last time, right? ”

Il-hyun has also been attacked while fighting terrorists.

It wasn't an orthodontic hit, it was just a one-time exposure, and my abilities dropped dramatically, and most importantly, I felt like I was shaking my head with pain.

I was out of my mind.

I didn't know it would be crazy if I had to be stuck in one place for 24 hours in such an environment.

The problem was that Il-hyun himself had to walk in there.

“Uh... but I'm awake, too? ”

“Of course I have protective equipment. But it's going to be very bad. I've been to work before. ”

Jinsung frowned whether he didn't even want to think about it.

I'm looking at his face.

I'm starting to get upset.

“Oh, and that's where you found out at the party. We raided another Raven team, but the explosives manufacturing facility was hit. It's huge, and there's a huge amount of core there. If you see that there were twenty A-rank cores...

The other side also had a well-finished shape.

By the way, they seem to have a huge volume of what's going on at any core mine.

Both the awakening procedure and the explosive manufacturing seemed to consume less ether.

However, turning the facility around endlessly makes no provision for dizzy amounts.

At that time, one of the CIA agents knocked into the room and found the truth.

Jinsung nodded and laid his hands on Yin Hyun's shoulder before going out.

“Anyway, I'm sure they've done a lot of damage this time. Seung Ki-moon is being held, but the medication might have been up for this. Take care of yourself. ”

“Let's do that. And the team leader.”

SSS Summoning Ability