SSS-Class Summoner
148 Hrs
Rank S (6)
The cross-section of the building was neatly cut in half.
It was on a rooftop that was sliding because the angle was slanted, but Il-hyun didn't care about it.
A powerful spear stretched out by the monster has been aiming for Sim.
Ka 'ang!
Astrid, who has leapt the space, stops the stabbing toward Il-hyun.
She hurriedly stopped the attack, but she bounced off by the power of the immortal, and the man behind her also flew out of the building that was falling down against her.
They could barely stop until they pierced through six of the building's exterior walls.
The moment Il-hyun, who turned the glass piece upside down, stood on his knees, an intense, invisible energy flew again from the front.
Il-hyun waved his sword and fired a huge stun, and two staggered energies became entangled in the air.
With a tumultuous sound, the wind from the shock wave swirled.
This time, the building that was cut off by the monster completely collapsed, and a second shock wave swept around it.
“Shit, I've been messing around.” In the great dust and wind, Il-hyun stretched out his hand and raised Astrid.
With his arms shaking in shock.
Astrid first asked Il-hyun about his condition.
“Are you okay?”
“Not yet. But that kid's ability.
At that time, other team members fled the space and appeared beside Hyun Il.
I sent Astrid first, and I joined the rest of my team as soon as I could.
No matter how constrained you are by others, even if you are in the same position.
The ability associated with liver movement was not a breathable ability.
“What do we do with that? ”
I stare at the monster who is preparing something with a pause.
Even though he was far away, all the other team members were aware of his abilities.
“A surplus that hasn't been used yet can't be stopped. We're using our abilities as they are. I don't know how much it's possible. ”
Il-hyun replied that he was troubled.
Overflowing with powerful talents that could not be easily found throughout the world was one of the great advantages of the Sunhyeon team, but it was very difficult to cut it down and use it.
‘What did we just use……
Il-hyun quickly recounted his talents as he and his teammates fought.
Flight, lightning, regeneration, summoning, deformation, space leap.
There were probably six different abilities that he could have taken, and there were only five abilities he actually used.
At least the impulse and the power of the station.
You haven't used it yet during the battle of, and predation wasn't the kind of ability he could take.
One uncertain part was the current curse power that prevented the regeneration of violent enemies, but if it was taken to it, it was very dangerous to be exposed to a one-sided attack with superregenerative power.
A gray wing emerges behind the back of the monster.
Unlike Astrid or Marco, the six pairs of wings covered in the shell are like the wings of a worm.
It was humid.
“This... we didn't create an absurd monster...
The one who flew away and thought he was going to attack suddenly turned around.
Rather than attacking Awakeners and finishing up, I chose to leave this place first.
There was no possibility of catching up with the unexpected movements and the late departure at such a fast pace.
It was an unforgettable situation for ordinary awakeners.
At that moment, however, a translucent membrane surrounded the state, and even the flying monsters could not pass through it.
He exerts his strengths and strikes the spear many times, but the translucent barrier that stops him doesn't even flinch.
Even in such a physical way, I could not break the power of the station that the current station maintains.
As long as he used his talent in front of him, it was no different than having him take one of his dangerous abilities, but it was not a matter of blaming him.
If the first team takes care of it properly
If we don't do it and let him out of the field, we don't know how many hundred surpluses to absorb.
If you give the basic specs to the overwhelming Drank monsters, you can't handle it.
“Stop being useless and come down! ”
Unlike him, Astrid and Marco, who spread a pair of black blades, caught up with him and swung their swords.
Grab the cabbage!
Three sharp Cold Weapons constantly hit each other, intertwining monsters and two awakeners.
They fought in the air drawing a zigzag, and fierce ex-fire struck.
Astrid and Marco would have overwhelmed Monster, who could have controlled the redirection and acceleration with free materials, if the fight had originally been in the air.
But not now.
The monster also handled the wings that had just emerged as his own free material, and nothing was different from the plane on the ground.
Mar's left wrist was deeply dug into the spear of a deeply twisted man.
The tendons, as well as the bones and nerves, were completely severed and kneaded, and the left hand was no longer available.
And the monster didn't miss that gap.
The spear pierces Marco's abdomen, and the blood runs out.
The monster twists the spear once, rubbing the wound, and throws it down there.
Look at that, Astrid.
I couldn't stand the anger and rushed to the monster suddenly.
Chaen! Caga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga!
Her harshly twisted sword strikes his spear.
Staring at his disgraceful face, Astrid presses his sword into the spear with all his might.
“I'll blow it like this. • • • • •! ”
A lightning bolt of maximum strength fell over her head.
The head of an enemy monster as powerful as the most powerful is completely bought.
I got older, and my body became like a slut.
But being caught by lightning was the same for Astrid, who used his talent.
The body was not moved because it was severely electrocuted, and black smoke leaked from around the mouth and body.
As they glide and fall, they smash the concrete floor like one another and are brushed apart.
But the first thing that happened was a red-eyed monster.
He began to recover with his superregenerative powers, which he had taken from his supporters.
When the broken arm of his head is restored, he reaches Astrid and Marco, who are fallen down, after dropping the spear.
Then he lowered his spear and tried to cut off their breath.
But right at that moment, Astrid and Marco's new body disappeared beyond the space, and at the same time, a powerful blow flew through him instantly.
The monster quickly opened the station and tried to stop him from striking, but there was a shortage of stations.
The blood pours out from the severed man's shoulder.
“I was embarrassed, but I've heard of someone like you. ”
Il-hyun approached him with a loud voice and said,
The opponent's powerful monster has appeared several times in the meantime.
Maybe it wasn't a high-ranking monster.
Although it didn't get much attention, Il-hyun was constantly searching for examples of monsters and had heard of them.
‘If the monsters who have lost their abilities are distanced from their original main awakening, the usefulness of this ability will be greatly reduced……. There were only three cases. ’
Il-hyun's hypothesis was correct.
First, we send him out far away from here, and then we get the two injured to pull themselves out with the ability to leap between the balls.
I did.
Then, the station that the monster hurriedly unfolded was shattered without being able to stop a single attack, and the speed of regeneration of the messy body was slower compared to what he showed for the first time.
Even though his body, which had not left a small scar for a while, had not fully recovered, even though it was a completely different kind of ability.
And this was not the end of the story.
There's only one talent he can use at a time.
It was not possible to activate two simultaneous abilities from Awakening.
While creating a clumsy station to stop the attack, it's been a while, but his regeneration has stopped.
“Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…? ”
And there was a translucent membrane around them.
They were surrounded by stations in the space of a few minutes.
The scene that created this station is past.
I objected to locking them in one place because they were so dangerous, but Yin Hyeon said there was no choice.
This was the best way to use it right away, as he said.
I was clumsy enough to activate all of his abilities.
He quickly embraced his will, and thus only two stages were held.
“Let's stop looking at the end. ”
Il-hyun put up his sword.
I don't know if his wound's still healing properly.
Unexpected status.
This way, I'll cut off his breath.
Near the end of a controlled field.
Four Awakeners, including a postcard, stopped in the street, and Izzies' medical team helicopter, which received a lock from her, hurriedly approached.
Professional medical staff, composed of people as experienced as one in the field, were skilfully mobilized to see the two casualties fall.
The healthcare staff, who were always waiting outside the scene, usually had familiar faces, with a stranger in them.
Gwen flew a white robe.
She quickly disembarked from the helicopter, first approaching Marco, and blood was pouring out from her lying abdomen.
Let's take a closer look. The rupture of the internal organs was also severe, and it didn't make sense whether the body had fallen from high places.
“Town • • • • •
Astrid has barely regained consciousness.
I opened my eyes.
First, she sees Marco dead right next to her, and her face twists.
Astrid grips Gwen's closet hard, even as she approaches to look at the statue.
“I don't need to see her, do something fast! ”
Astrid said with a grin of black skin.
Gwen was shocked for a moment by a completely different appearance than usual, but soon he smiled and reassured her.
“Calm down. I'm not the only one who deserves to die. ”
In the general public, Gwen knew his patient was awake to some degree, although he died 10 times of immediate overhaemorrhage, bone fractures, organ damage and shock.
According to the response of the special kit, there was no healing potential for the monster's wounds.
Of course, it was a big wound that couldn't last long if left unattended, but it was never going to die as long as he was alone.
“Prevent bleeding first. Take out the equipment.”
SSS Summoning Ability