disappear (9)

“What the hell were you doing...

Ghost mutters.

An unintentionally confronted experimental space filled with horrible traces.

The room they pierced seemed to be used as a surveillance or control room, but a large space overlooked.

Lee Soo-yeon went down beyond the broken window and looked at the remaining traces around her.

This type of human experiment often resurrected the average person, but not this time.

Among the people here was a mix of the experimental scar marks and some deformed bodies, many of which seemed to have been used for research purposes, and a body dressed like an employee.

Lee Soo-yeon quickly rolled his eyes and looked at each of them.

Now, we all knew they were awakeners.

There was no way to proceed with the study of the creation of each of the saints with the already awakened subjects, so I had to think of another case.

“Why don't you come out there? ”

Lee Soo-yeon, who grabbed the sword, said.

Looking back, her sword pointed in exactly one direction, revealing the person who was hiding the foundation.

“Reporter Park So-yeon...? No, no...

Surprised Ghost said his words.

I shake my head with rectification.

Eclipse's theoretical ability to manipulate everyone through the implication of false identity as a journalist was a coincidence.

“Since when have you been following me? ”

“Calm down. I'm not here to fight. ”

The flame spread out his hands in a vicious lifetime.

Like she said, he didn't really intend to fight, he didn't have a weapon and he wasn't wearing a defense coat.

The look of her wearing glasses in her horrendous suit is completely different from the look of her when she met the enemy.

He looked like someone else.

“If you're going to be as stubborn as you were before,

“That's too much because I'm not the body. I don't know if anyone's behind this. ”

Ghosts that floated in the flame's eyes were flawed.

If they were framed or manipulated, they would be puppets without their knowledge.

But that was impossible, as Fire said.

If you could simply manipulate the mind,

I didn't have to have this conversation, but her body was completely separate from here.

“Did you set this place up? ”

“Does that look like it, really? ”

He asked as if the flame was surprising.

In her sarcastic words, Lee Soo-yeon replied with a chewed shit face.

“• • • I don't think so. ”

“You've seen it, too. Pretend to reflect on the past and see what the chatterers have been doing for the last 20 years. ”

The fire pointed to a harsh scene.

Lee Soo-yeon and Ghost, who were standing in Uduckerny, had already guessed what had happened by looking at him.

Awakeners were eager to develop weapons to defeat Awakeners on the one hand.

It also uses anonymous awakeners to test the human room.

When buying a series of events in the second cycle, all the people involved paid for their sins, but nothing changed after time passed and others filled it up.

“Humans don't change. ”

“You sound like a completely different race. ”

“Are you familiar with the expression aphrodisiac? It doesn't matter either way. ”

“So these things are yours? ”

The disruptor that Lee Soo-yeon kept, and then he pulled out a similar device.

The items were picked up right next to the location where the gate appeared.

“That's right. The one on the left is an inducer that can pull the coordinates of the gate that's going to open in the nearest location. ”

“Inductor…? ”

Surprised Lee Soo-yeon looks down at the item in her hand.

It induces the position where the gate will appear.

I never heard of such a device. I didn't even think that kind of work would be possible.

Ghosts were one thing to be surprised about, and I couldn't believe it, but now I'm forced to believe what they're saying.

Just as they did all kinds of seemingly impossible things besides this, they could not understand anything if they thought within their common sense.

“So this was also done for the Awakenings? ”

Lee Soo-yeon asked.

If their purpose is to claim it, Izzie and the other senior awakeners of the response team have also entered their ears.

Several Awakeners were directly accused of releasing the implication of fire in this situation.

The destruction without leaving a gate in these facilities was also briefly explained as part of that action.

He nodded his dog, agreeing with the flame that stood before him.

But there was one question.

“Then why weren't you saving them? You knew the location, didn't you, the same awakeners? ”

“The Awakeners who were dragged here were not worth saving. ”

Fire said coldly.

It wasn't just useless for power, so it wasn't worth it.

Innocent Awakeners were already protecting all of Eclipse, directly or indirectly.

But you will die in this horrible experiment.

All of them, in the future, will betray Awakening on the part of the government.

Everyone here suffered from self-sufficiency, and Lee Su-yeon frowned at Yeon Tuesday.

“I was the one who would betray you...? How do you know that? ”

because some of us have the ability to see the future. ”

There was a regression, but I don't think I'm going to go into detail here.

“• • • • • • •

The idea that it could not be possible instantly touched Lee Soo-yeon's head, but it was recalled that Il-hyun, who was from the same team, could see Mirei through the Piskeeper.

“Even if you're right, they haven't done that yet. ”

“Humans who would have done it if the future hadn't changed. You don't look so different. But you're quite the opposite. Rather, it was meant to fight with us against oppression. ”

“That's ridiculous! I'm not much for you.

I like it. ”

Ghost, who was hiding behind Lee Soo-yeon's back, pushed my head and shouted.

“• • • I don't agree. ”

“Do you want to know the truth? ”

Fire is one step forward.

It was impossible for her to force Lee Soo-yeon into her mind as she imagined, but it was simple enough to pass on her memories if she accepted them.

But Choi Soo-yeon's choice has not changed.

“No, I don't need to know, so I'm wiping my neck. ”


A stunning bird slashes the throat of an angry kite.

“Oh, I'm sorry. ”

The flame stroked my throat and muttered.

Even if it was just one of the innumerable bodies, the sense of strangulation was not as pleasant.

“Hoo • • • • • •

The complex flame sighed in his head for a moment.

This twist was all because of his mistakes.

Although the problem could not be solved as originally planned without having a daily conversation, the daily variables borrowed Piskeeper's power during the conversation were too large.

When something big happened and stood in front of him, he hesitated to retaliate for a while, and many of the implications that he had left on his feet were released.

And it took too much time to manipulate their accidents again, and it was too much time until this was over.

Of course, that didn't mean that the situation was just as bad.

I failed to convince Lee Su-yeon to talk, but I didn't expect it in the first place, and it didn't matter.

Rather, I was able to devote enough time to one body, and after this, I was going to visit each of the senior awakeners and put the implication in my head and convey the memories.

At that time, without ambiguity,

Everything was going to be set.

“The takeover is over. ”

A man with a blood stain on one cheek said he was carrying a backpack.

Although it was a nuclear facility that only knew there was a thorough preparedness, the occupation was so easy in the hands of Eclipse that the system took over with all its employees dead.

There were six Evolvers of Eclipse in a white coat, including him, who were standing in a hallway filled with the bodies of their employees and the organizers who used them to occupy the facility.

Once you have fulfilled your role

Dragon horses.

“Let's clean up the garbage first. ”


The flame bounced his finger.

Eclipse's Awakeners, who had drawn their swords, began to kill defenseless members of the organization unwittingly.


“Th... save me! ”

Although the implications were released and the lately sober organizers came to grips, they could not resist in the presence of the senior Awakeners.

Get the gun out for the last baloney.

Whether he came in or ran away, the Bureau was ultimately slaughtered by Awakeners.

The flame only looked at the sight unreservedly.

And the man in the green mask, Yellow Iron, approached.

“How are you? ”

“One's already been taken outside. I think it'll take a little longer to crack the other two. They killed all the janitors they were coming in from outside. ”

“There is no element that can disturb us, so there is nothing urgent...

Suddenly, a flame stops talking and turns its head.

“What's going on? ”

“Someone else came into the facility. Can I ask you a favor?”

“Ugh, why am I here...

Gwen, a fishing vessel inside a bloody facility, makes a sound of suffering.

“Hang in there a little bit. I can't help it because you're so tough.

It's gonna be okay. ”

Jonam Seok greeted her and said,

He touched the only lock he had ever opened to the concealed Il-hyun twice, and wherever he was headed, he heard Gwen and I were always sticking together.

And since it was all a nuclear facility here, we had to come together to follow Yin Hyun's plan.

However, no matter how unconscious he was, it seemed like he was on the verge of suicide.

Just believe what I'm saying and walk in here.

I just got in.

When I first contacted Il-hyun, it was Jo Nam-Sook who disobeyed his instructions, but I couldn't believe what he said until the second awakening as an awakener.

“But what are we going to do about stealing nuclear weapons? ”

“That's almost it. What are they going to do with weapons of mass destruction? We must stop them unconditionally. ”

Jonam Seok said decisively.

But suddenly, I grabbed Gwen in a furious aura that I felt beside me, and I snuck back.

Then a man in a white coat appeared as the left wall was crushed by a car of hair.

In the dust, the man took off the green mask he was wearing, and Jo Nam-Sook and Gwen, who knew his face, were at the same time frightened.

One of the legends of the past, there was no way to recognize the bare face of Yellow Iron.

“Me, against him? ”

“Umm, I didn't hear this either...

SSS Summoning Ability