“… I'm sure it's a bit of a shock. ”

Katien squeezes her temples with a complex expression.

“Lord Schilt...... No, I didn't think it was the Horsemen...”

“... I'm not sure yet. ”

Armada carefully corrects her words.

“There's a good chance.”

However, Armada's expression was as complicated as Katie's.

Perhaps‘ First Continent 'is the goal of many wizards, and it shouldn't be too hard to be shocked that the wizard who will remain in that history was actually a Horseman.

“... so what are you going to do? ”

Saehan opened his mouth, alternately looking at the two who were sighing deeply.

Now, the reason why the three wizards gathered was because of the "SHIELD DE ENONE" on the list of doubts, of course.

“Phew... I don't know. Not at all. And if the S.H.I.E.L.D. is right... I wonder what the three of us can do...”

Katien frowns and says, looking frustrated.

Top Continental Shield. Her main specialty is destructive magic.

There are only two Class S enchantments. It's just that much known to the outside world, but what kind of power is the magic hidden in it?

It is unclear, but most wizards would be insubordinate and fast saving.

“Once a wizard, of course you can win. ”

But that is when the opponent is a wizard, not a mercy.

Sahan smiled deeply and expressed his confidence.

“.. What the...?"

Katien nods, noticing something, trying to rebuke her for a moment.

The spell. It is a great magic that makes Mana disappear within a certain range, preventing any wizard from becoming available.

The reason for such magic is enough to be called a 'Wizard's Enemy.' You're a wizard. You're a wizard's natural enemy. It's not funny, but...

However, no matter how powerful the shield is, she is also just a wizard.

So if you can cast the dispel, you may be able to defeat her with ease.

“So I'm going to visit S.H.I.E.L.D. on my own. because it's still suspicious. ”

“…… Alone? ”

According to Sahan, Armada has reacted. He looks very worried.

Katien glances at her meaningfully and opens her mouth.

“…… I think that would be best. So, how do you want to meet? ”

“... the best? ”

Armada frowns and stares at Katien.

“.. Yes? Ah... It's better than all of us going together... and together we can live with suspicion. If you have a good reason, you should go alone...”

“I think it's true. Then you can escape with the scrolls. ”

In a joint attack between Katien and Zahan, Armada smashes my head and sighs.

“But, oh, what if there's a barrier? The result usually invalidates the scroll...”

“I can nullify the outcome. Dispello.”

Sahan said decisively.

Armada scratches the table with her fingernails, however reluctant.

“... The spell called the Dispel, it seemed like too much magic to cast... And then... I get it. Well... if you want to. ”

“.. you don't have to worry about it. engraved on this robe. It's a magical group that is deadly to the Horses. ”

Sahan said, showing Rob's pattern.

Katien looks at it with an interesting eye.

“Wow... Is that what this is for? I just thought it was supposed to look cool.”

“Tell me when to go instead. ”

However, Armada does not pay any attention to it, but merely makes eye contact and expressions of concern.

“Yes. ”

* * *

“…… wow. ”

After a long time coming back to Katolina's nest, Sadhan was amazed to see the older white dragons.

I remember building a pretty spacious nest... It's already gotten too small.

But even when she grows up like that, she still loves Katolina.

“.. too big. ”

The depressed voice of Katolina with an intrusive expression echoes through her ears.

Even that was cute, so she smiled and put her hands on her head.

“Why don't you try some magic? ”

“… Huh? ”

Katolina's eyes widen as if she didn't understand.

“Maybe magic can make your body smaller? ”

Sahan added an explanation.

But Katolina shakes her head.

“.. I don't know such magic. ”

Still sagging voice without force.

Sahan squeezes his knees and looks at her face.

Even though White Dragon grew up like that, his face was unchanged.

“I know. You can make it. You can do it. In a way, it's like drawing. ”

According to Katolina, when she uses any magic, the arrays of mana that are suitable for it come to ‘what shape'.

So if you fill it up like a Mana, you cast magic.

“ … ”

Katolina stares blankly at the gentle eye contact.

Then, you nod slightly, as if you can see.

“... yes. ”

With that little but obvious reaction. Zahan got up and pulled a doll out of Rob's arms.

It is an animal that does not exist in this world, a ‘tiger-shaped' doll.

A sewing doll the right size for her to hold in her arms, made of alchemy.

“It's a gift.”

Sahan hands her the doll, and Katolina looks at it and then slips the doll into her arms.

He seems to be quite fond of looking at the doll with a slightly red face.

“.. I should have made it a while ago. ”

He smiles with a proud smile.

* * *

A quiet morning breakfast.

“... what? ”

Saehan dropped his handkerchief.

“... And so it was. ”

Serzin doesn't even get a good look at him, and he scratches his cheeks.

I feel sorry for deciding without saying anything to him in advance.

“… suddenly why? Joint Operations is far beyond what we originally set out to do. And why didn't you tell me suddenly...”

And he opened his eyes as if he didn't understand Serzin's words, "I'm joining the Alliance."

“Still, I think we should continue our father's upkeep. Esteban's never missed a move like this. ”

She looks sorry, but she doesn't give up.

“La, Raman? If the lord suddenly disappears..."

As soon as she spoke, she realized it wouldn't be much of a reason.

Just looking at Eden's example right now...

“Most of the work is handled by the... administrative officials... and you're here. ”

Ser Jinn asked you to hang her hands on the desk. There's nowhere else to go.

“… sigh. ”

Zahan sighs.

To be honest, I didn't want to. I just wanted to see her every day, not just because I was worried that she might get hurt.

It was also because I was slightly shaken, and when I saw her every day, I became stronger.

It's because I can hold my heart while looking at her.

“Even if I told you not to go, you'd go, right? ”

He squeezes Ser Jinn's hand. It means I want you to be here.

And Ser Jinn held his hand tightly.

But that was different from forgiveness, and Ser Jinn nodded, smiling faintly.

“… Got it. But don't get hurt.”

He smiled helplessly.

“Thank you. I'll come back unharmed. I am yours.”

Ser Jinn, who stood up from his chair and said something quite embarrassing, hugged him deeply.


“How's life here? Are you okay?"

Sahan has been visiting his previous home for quite some time.

“Yeah, it's great. ”

That's where Pocalor moved.

“There's a pond, there's a lot of good people around... I like it. ”

She smiled brightly.

“... even though Arene knocks too often. ”

“…… Haha..”

Sahan sits on his couch for a long time, and Pocalor sits next to him.

“But what happened? ”

Her face and voice are completely devoid of the old witch venom.

It's so human that no one can see it. "

“... I want to give you something. ”

Of course, Pocalor hasn't abandoned the notion that he's on the Maw's side yet... but it's clear that she has feelings for the humans.

Perhaps there are many internal conflicts in a time when there is a lot of thought about the inner self and just before going to sleep.

No, I'm sure you will. She lived with humans when she was the most important child in the formation of the mind.

“... what? ”

Sahan just smiled and got up.

Then head to the kitchen with a small enclosure aimed at seclusion.

“… Huh? ”

As Zahan lifted the veil, a passageway was revealed.

“Follow me.”

What he wants to give Pocalor. It was the Destiny.

It would have been much easier to give to Pocalor than it would have been to save the Mage's heart anyway, and not be able to use it even if it had a heart.

Pocalor defected from the Horses and returned to the side of Humankind because he heard that the assassins sent by the Horses were targeted, and that if there were no defense mechanisms, he would soon die.

Of course, she hasn't completely turned to the human side yet... but the emotion she felt in her heart felt like she was returning to it as a child, and she saw that view as clear optimism.

“... What? ”

Pocalor follows a mysterious but forgiving path down the staircase in the basement.

“Wow? ”

When he arrived underground, Pocalor expressed his admiration in a spacious space.

“But why here? ”

“ … ”

Sahan says nothing, and heads to the corner of the wall of the training ground where Desknight is buried.

Penetrates a blocked wall of alchemy and lifts the ‘giant coffin’ to the ground.

“What, what? ”

Pocalor takes a slight step back, frightened by the shape of the giant ‘coffin’.

“Don't be surprised. This is what happened when I met the Horsemen in the past. ”

Due to Serzin's precedent, she quickly started explaining without opening the coffin.

I stumbled across the Horse and Desknight at the Antarctic Horse Tower, and one of them caught my attention.

“... Then why are you telling me about it? ”

“.. because I need it for a gift. ”

He said so, and pulled out the door of the coffin.

The huge door covering the tube lands on the ground with a bittersweet sound, and the dust echoes.

“ … ”

Pocalor stares at it dazed.

Stuck inside the coffin, the rigid appearance of Desknight.

“I hear the Maw are capable of wielding the Night of Destiny. So you can use it well. ”

“ … ”

Pocalor gradually approaches Desknight.

Desknight instinctively sensed that she was her new master, and lowered her head to the ground, exhausting all of Margie's remaining tail.

Now that Mahi has been infused with forgiveness, the owner of the new Magi will become the owner of the Black Knight.

“… aren't you a little confused? ”

But Pocalor doesn't push Margie to Desknight, he narrows his eyes and stares at her.

“I'm a Mage. Now I have no choice but to live here with Humans...”

“I know.”

“... I know what you're doing! ”

“... I told you. It's a gift.”

“.. you are now! ”

“It's your birthday. ”

Saehan smiled and said without a reason.

On the community site in the past, I remembered the person who posted with the cake to celebrate Pocalor's birthday.

I thought he was a bit strange at the time, but thanks to him, Pocalor's birthday was imprinted.

The dates were easy to remember. February 2nd.

“... Well, what are you talking about...”

“Didn't I tell you about your birthday after all these generations? I don't know my birthday, but I know yours. And February 2nd is so easy to remember, right? ”

He said so with a bright smile.

Pocalor's face starts to turn red as he stares at his bright smile with dazed eyes.

“Oh, by the way, I have another gift for you. You know the writer who writes" I miss the rain, "right? My friend told me how much she loved that painting. ”

After Shahan spoke, Pocalor, who was frozen, opened his mouth slightly as if even his soul had escaped.

The voice came out as if it were scattered through the opening of my lips.

“… a friend? ”

“Yeah. Anyway, so I thought I'd give you a nice painting. But it's gonna be a little late. It's a hassle, but it takes all the authenticity out of it. ”

“ … ”

And at the end of his remarks, she relaxes to her legs.

There are tears in my eyes. I can't tell you how moved I am.

How good is the painting, she thought.

“… ugh. ”

Looking at her like that, she licked her lips with her tongue.

It is a tongue tease that only feels dirty in the current situation.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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